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Karma's a bitch

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yes i can see how the next samefag shitposts are going to be

yoonamanlet is samefagging again

>thinking this will affect anything
It's ok, you keep making it a big deal

Article: "The smile that melted China" Jessica, the ice princess shows unexpected aegyo

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+222, -15] Hul... her face doesn't even look human anymore, she looks like she's wearing a rubber mask over her head...

2. [+184, -13] Wow, I couldn't even tell it was her from the side in the second picture

3. [+153, -15] Until when is she going to milk that ice princess title ㅋㅋㅋ She's about to get laugh lines from how much she's been smiling lately

4. [+20, -8] Look at her forehead sticking out;;; why is she out promoting when her swelling isn't even down?

5. [+12, -5] Her face looks like a dish now ㅡㅡㅋ

6. [+10, -6] Doesn't look like Jessica anymore

7. [+8, -4] She's starting to hit a wall with her styling now that SM isn't managing her

8. [+8, -4] Doesn't even look human

lisa imo

Dropping in to ask if anybody knows where I can cop these glasses?

why the fuck did sm schedule a japanese concert on national liberation day in the first place

more like BYEFANY LMAO

>its just one guy

>4. [+41, -5] She deserves more hate than Seolhyun and Jimin, is she serious right now?

Now that the dust has settled, is Jessica the new SNSD?

He is partying to Boombayah right now according to Instagram.
Rosé and Jennie seem so nice till they bully you. Their accents killed me.
Based confused GD user.

>can't dance
Please be good at singing and have a good personality. I'll cheer for your debut.

2. [+1,099, -31] On the night of the 14th, she posted a Japanese flag with a heart emoticon ----> her followers informed her it's national liberation day tomorrow and told her to delete it ---> she then uploaded another picture of the confederate flag ----> fire erupts

fuck her

turn the cringe level down, guys

desu I've been thinking about getting a similar pait but I like my current glasses

forgot your taedorent
let me post it for you

soshitters on suicide watch

whats that song that has oppa in it

I didn't see anything, but Doyoung and Yeri were MCs together once and it was really cute. Also Yeri is younger than Taeyong who's probably Joy's age. They should be friends.
I want Superdope because I listened and I know it's good and catchy. This new song, nobody knows. It might be a disaster. I wonder if GD is going to get featured on the album one day. Probably not since it could backfire.
Oh.. Chendy is perfect though.

>he doesn't know it's literally just one gaypop shitter forcing nigger pink

Who's the cute girl on the left?

SM is packed.
It was now or never for their Japanese tour.
Next week is EXO comeback and the week after that is Hawaii.

I have contact lenses so I'm just looking for some fake glasses to wear

knetz accept apologies right?

Threads are always cringy after 2pm gmt


never mind tiffany, let's talk about something important
>The Korean Business Research Institute revealed their data and ranking for girl group brand power for August (from July 12 to August 13). The research institute gathered 45,077,765 pieces of data, from participation, communication, community, and reputation indexes.
>GFRIEND came in first place with 1,150,500 for participation, 2,982,966 for communication, and 1,851,053 for community, resulting in a total score of 5,984,519 for their brand reputation.
>Following GFRIEND for second place was TWICE with 2,557,900 for participation, 2,555,388 for communication, 224,169 for community for a total of 5,337,457. In third place was I.O.I with 2,741,300 for participation, 1,665,477 for communication, and 193,139 for community for a total of 4,599.916.
>Other girl groups who made the rankings for August include: Wonder Girls, Lovelyz, Oh My Girl, gugudan, Girls Day, AOA, A Pink, Rainbow, Nine Muses, Red Velvet, Girls’ Generation, SISTAR, MAMAMOO, T-ara, EXID, Fiestar, and Secret.
>Data was collected from consumers’ online habits and the influence of brand on consumption. Brand power rankings were determined by positive negative assessments, level of media interest as well as the interest and communication traffic from consumers.

That's not a good thing

OH isn't even down, why are they here

>she's actually this delusional

so it literally wasnt even the same day like they claimed

gangnam style

>She's trending #1 on Naver and the news article has over 3900 replies as of now. It was in the 2500 range a few minutes ago. Those of you saying that this isn't a big deal or don't see any problem... please, if you don't known jack shit about Korean history, please keep those comments to yourself. It seriously makes my blood boil when I read those extremely stupid, uneducated comments. The fact that this happened on Korean national liberation day is the worst that could have happened. Trust me, this is gonna be way bigger issue than AOA's controversy and maybe even bigger than Tzuyu's flag controversy. SNSD is gonna face what AOA faced, but probably even worse than what they faced.

Top fucking kek.

>"Americans were a mistake."

Straight up does anyone have any webms of Momo dancing to I'm gonna be a star?
The performance where she wore the green shorts in particular.

>Here's a Sana in advance

>I have contact lenses so I'm just looking for some fake glasses to wear
man this is the dumbest thing i've heard today

if you're gonna wear glasses, might as well wear real ones to give your eyes a break from contacts

>Fany fucking up

are we ready for RV's comeback?

Again? GD's partying hard lately. So many pics on Weibo and Instagram. Everybody needs a break.
Til they join me to bully people... What a dream. But Rosé is a nice girl. Jennie probably too now. Whatever happened is in the past.
Also see the Tiffany thing? Heh. I don't want to say anything...

>it literally was an OH poster getting butthurt last thread

fuck koreans for being such children

When did gooks become so nationalistic?
Wew lad, they need a nuke like the japs to calm down.

>if you don't known jack shit about Korean history, please keep those comments to yourself.

This part is right though, people who are saying this doesn't matter are idiots and don't really grasp the social climate at all.

Sure you can argue that its an overreaction and I'll probably agree but that doesn't change things

tiffany did nothing wrong

it's just WG fans who are projecting at snsd because they flopped



we're always here

lel what are you even doing here then. shoo already

3rd best SES member desu

it's probably for fashion purposes, no big deal
I want those glasses as well

lmao remember that retard trying to say that red flopped was bigger than gfriend?

young money brick squad

tiffany looking to run away from SM after how hard her solo flopped

I have real ones and contacts

I just want some screw around glasses just for fashion, I guess. Korean fashion is so cool desu

word fuck people trying to tell them how stupid they are being and to look at the whole picture, just let them be irrationally angry

Yoochun, Jessica, Tiffany...they've been nothing but trouble for him

Asians really do all hate each other.

aiiiyahhh -_-x ANOThEr CRAPPy DAy x[ argHs -_-x errrr.. yeaHh wenT tO regaLs met uPp w/ my faGgaT frienDs x] CHOPST1Ck omG -_-x u dumbfuck xD we gOt fuckinGg kiCked out of regaLs cause of ur SK1NNy ASS B1TCH -_-x arGHsSs n’ then ii was happy 2 see ray oh yea.. jun too ^^; ernnnn anyways… yeapP drank some wcz 8) mwoaahhahaa =D n’ ii gotta pedicure cause ii was so pissed off at that regaLs bitchH guy omGg he was ONE SON OF A B1TCHHhHhH~ argHs its alright my food + pedicure made uPp for it .. =] n’ lets see oh yayee~!!! ii saw my lyl dee nelOx ii was happy too see him ^_^ ii didnt get too see jason guhguh though x[ ii miss him =D roflz ii never miss him btw xÞ hrmmm its cold *bRrRRrRrrRr* n’ my tummiez hurting -_-x *yawn* aiisHhH… ii dont wanna be home -_-x LALALA ii gotta smile it off though :) >=l ima go nowz

- stepho’ -

>being surprised she did something dumb

korean isis when?

As a sone I don't want to ask this but like
... Is Fany retarded?

let's talk about R Kelly

YO I frickin love Wendy ok?!


Will she be kicked off Unnies Slam Dunk?

every time

fuck off samefagging gaypopper

Koreans are in the right here, honestly.

Fany fucked up worse than AOA and T-ara imo.

i thoroughly enjoyed reading her old blogs desu

Remember when SNSD threw those signed Wonder Girls albums in the trash? good times

the big wan.....


t. aoa and t-arashitter

Now it's payback time

I didn't finish the Lee Soo Man presentation in Stanford but I'm sure this is what he said.

He is partying it up before Hawaii.
>Whatever happened in the past
Yugyeom deserved it whatever it was.
Jennie and Jisoo did nothing wrong.
I'm just chuckling. You'd expect her to remember Korean Independence day but she's absentminded at times. She'll be fine...
Now that Shinee and Red Velvet are coming back I know we will be saved after EXO disappoints us.


God I kinda miss the early 2000s

You really don't get it if you think a bunch of international fans being confused are going to get them to suddenly be okay about Japanese imperialism.

its not like WG will start selling over 10k because of this lol

Is Secret disbanded pretty much

You know what would be funny? If NK attacked SK and Japan is the first one to go in there and save their asses before the US got there.

was this a misquote?

I love how she looks in dark green

did their last album also sell less than 10k? that's literally worse than wjsn

Japan can't do shit
They are pussies now

Starting to think nobody in kpg knows any history that predates 2007

where you when tiffany saved aoa



where you during english class

Someone should go and spam that picture on korean forums.

I hope they kick her out of the country.

>where you when

i think the picture is from ilbe

in you mom boobies lmao


Yeah. Word.

She can come live me in the States.

Japan literally is not allowed to have an internationally mobilized military, its part of their constitution after America nuked them.

they are only allowed to use their army for domestic means.

unless the U.Sgave them the ok they couldn't do shit.

GD going to Hawaii. It's all an excuse for him to spend a couple of days with Taeyeon. I knew it.
Nayeon, Jisoo and Jennie bullying Yugi. What a dream.
Oh Tiffany, poor thing. She has a lot of things to think about I'm sure. I'm laughing at anons posting Jessica. Did you see her partying with Seungri? How can they be so based.

>koreans hate japs
>allow twice to have 3 of them in their group

While it would be a fucking terrible war with huge losses SK does have a conscripted Military force
Also the US constantly has military stationed in SK, I actually have a friend there right now

fuck off faggot

tiffany is going to make korea great again

down with the anti japanese imperialism