/prod/ retarded edition

Previous thread Remember to use clyp.it and don't spam your soundcloud here, you will be ignored.

Other urls found in this thread:


this thread will have a lot of success. it will go off like a ufo on a sunny day.

Is anyone even tryin when creating these threads? No lunga and no pastebin. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but you've probably tired your hand out from doing it all day long.

By the way guys, I play the most epic piano of all time, I just never record it. Recording music is for no talent posers.

For those who work "in the box", what are your all time favorite VSTs/effects?

I'm loving Soundtoys 5. It puts any other effects that I've ever used to shame.

The pastebin is shit.
I waited a good 20 minutes or so after bump limit and nobody else made a thread so this is what you got.

I record all my midi, but i just use mono, so it's fine

valhalla reverbs

>I record all my midi
with a microphone right?

>what are your all time favorite VSTs/effects?
Everything in Reason is top tier for me.

Don't you get loopback when using mono midi?

>You guys have an IQ of >80 or are psychotic. This is the fucking internet, Sup Forums. you can't judge anything you have never seen, heard or anything. Just take your meds and you'll be fine.
>I hope you're just pretending, because if you had followed the ongoing of the conversation you could have understood that there is nothing wrong with the things I have stated and there is no point to write such things as you do, you poor, ugly talentless losers.
So we can't judge anything we've ever seen or heard, but you're sure we're all ugly talented losers? Nah man, your music is just gay/10.
>There is no loophole, I'm right, you're wrong and I've got nothing to explain or prove because you're just stupid, le fin.
back to plebbit newfriend
>Thank you for reminding me why I hate America so much and all of you descendants of outcasts and losers. Kill yourself.
I'm not american fucktard.

i record it in stereo and then convert it to mono midi

> >80

I think he was complimenting everyone.

You know exactly what i wanted to say, shut up

You never heard me playing though. Didn't I state, that the music I've posted is "garbage"? I've recorded this shit some days after buying my very own keyboard and that's a good piece of time ago. You blind, nigga.

Do you see now how wrong your behavior is?

It's like he just can't stop being a lolcow.

>You never heard me playing though. Didn't I state, that the music I've posted is "garbage"?
If I didn't hear you playing, what was the music you posted?

Post clyp of you playing.

I love epic piano user.

Didnt we all agree there would be no more lunga like 5 /prod/s ago?

which sane person would post that recording? it was literally nothing.

Someone who doesn't have an >80 IQ is the answer.


Do you really think that everyone on this fucking planet is taking the internet seriously like you do?

>"Aww yeah it's a webpage he's gotta be like me giving his best and not fucking around at all, in hope to get famous by uploading some files to a server! LE RETARDED WHITEY FACE"

Your attempt to pretend a certain attitude is laughable at best.

In order to record myself playing the piano I had to carry my fucking computer about an eight of a mile, two levels of stairs up and down each.

Last time I'll post this, but got this for $150 a couple days ago. How did I do?

I haven't played a synthesizer in years and I'm still working it out, but it sounds pretty cool so far.

Wondering if anyone here has experience with eurorack modules that'd really expand on this? Ideally I'd like something to overdrive it a little further, and something I can blend in to make the pads a little more ethereal.

>In order to record myself playing the piano I had to carry my fucking computer about an eight of a mile, two levels of stairs up and down each.
>i don't have a phone

>Wondering if anyone here has experience with eurorack modules that'd really expand on this? Ideally I'd like something to overdrive it a little further, and something I can blend in to make the pads a little more ethereal.
Use guitar pedals: overdrive and delay/reverb

>Do you really think that everyone on this fucking planet is taking the internet seriously like you do?
Listen nig, I've been laughing my bollocks off at you for hours now, this is far from serious as it gets. You've just fallen foul of the golden /prod/ rule. Talk shit, post clyp.
The only thing you posted was exactly what we expected from a shit talker.

>Your attempt to pretend a certain attitude is laughable at best.

Your attempts at verbosity are laughable. Look up some grammar rules.

>In order to record myself playing the piano I had to carry my fucking computer about an eight of a mile, two levels of stairs up and down each.

And? So fucking what? If I hear a song recorded badly and then the guy says "but I had to lug my piano upstairs" guess what? I don't care. It's a terrible excuse and means fuck all.
You did good user.

You do really think, that everyone is just like you, aren't you?

You can't get the king out of the corner.

>Autism deathmatch

That's how I'm doing it at the moment. Using some guitar rack equipment. You can hear it mainly in that third clip.

I was wondering if eurorack stuff could offer a ton more control though.

>You did good user.
Thanks. I was going to get an MS-20 but a guy at a swapmeet wanted to get rid of his Minibrute. Friend of mine got a 32-key Arturia MIDI controller for $20 as well.

It took like 20 shitposts to get him to post music last time. I'm hoping if I keep it up he'll post more.

You're a waste of time and space but at least you have entertained me for a while. Godspeed, user! :^)

How is it to be poor?

>How is it to be poor?
In all honesty, it's not that bad.
I know every woman I've ever known has been into me for my amazing personality and huge penis, and not my non-existant money.
So swings and roundabouts.

>Friend of mine got a 32-key Arturia MIDI controller for $20 as well.
Fucking sweet, I need to start cruising for cheap gear like that.

What if I told you, that world isn't binary?

>So swings and roundabouts

What did he mean by this?

It's an English saying that sorta means "Every cloud has a silver lining".

Highly recommend swap meets. You get a lot of people who are afraid of the internet and don't know what things are actually worth.

I'm usually at them looking for more MIJ HM-2s to add to the collection.

I still plan to grab an MS-20 as well. I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't owned a synth since I sold my KORG Karma awhile back.

>Every cloud has a silver lining

What did he mean by this?

It means that the CIA are using cloud seeding technology (spraying colloidal silver into clouds) to harness and control the weather. This is how hurricane Katrina was started.

"Hey you're a cripple but at least your penis is small" or something like that.

>I know every woman I've ever known has been into me for my amazing personality and huge penis
still you can't record your piano with your phone

Dude I'm not the illiterate nig, I'm the guy who's been taking the piss out of him.

post your clyps then


nothing special. can you play piano?

Wasn't really my post but it really accords to me. At least the phrase you've cited.

The thing is: The internet is just an autistic kind of a computer game for me, I don't see any real persons here. It's just typing and having lulz. I don't have the time for bullshit like this, I'm more of a spontaneous guy.

I'm mainly a guitarist, but yeah I play keys a bit.
Nothing I would call "epic" though user ;/

>I'm more of a spontaneous guy.
Spontaneously record and post a clyp then.

Dear god, for non-native english speakers "epic" is just a term for "good", "great" or "awesome".

The only thing I carry around is my house key you smartphone-pedestrian.

No it's not.
There are only two things that are really epic. Greek mythology, and oceans.

Everything else labelled as epic is just wrong.

Lol what. No it isn't

sorry clyp isn't working

shameless rip of HS3, how is it sounding regardless though? i'll probably use a different TTS voice since this one is too similar

Comprehension skills = 0. (

>owning a smartphone
Fuck that noise, the NSA are gonna have to try harder to record me.

And you're not shitposting on /prod/ with your midi keyboard and equipment in front of you? What are you doing?

Fuck off and learn how to play an instrument.

Dude do you really think that care about your shit language I'm just imitating your syntax

Sounds a bit general midi (if anyone even remembers general midi sounds).
A bit flat.
Needs some EQ love and a few FX on it.

>Dude do you really think that care about your shit language
Can we get a translator in here please? Which African dialect is this?


try harder

Some people are operating on levels you'd never understand, kiddo. A pre-schooler trying to apply his measurements on a graduee, hold me.

Fake superficiency while facing own demise is embarassing. Don't do that in public.

Post clyp of you playing an instrument.

I like epic piano if you can play that.

Your poor attempts at sesquipedalian language are shit tier m8.

Are you suffering from Alzheimer, nerd?

I'm suffering from clyp deficiency.

lol fuck off

Altiverb 7

Kontakt (95% of my songs content)

Fabfilter Pro Q 2 (general purpose eq)

Stillwell Audio Event Horizon (bad ass clipper / saturator, feed drums to it)

uhe satin (comprehensive tape emulation)

Virtual Sound Stage 2 (think of it as an advanced panning tool- use it to spatially place dry instruments before they hit the reverb to build a realistic sound stage- the different summing mic options like virtual decca tree are cool)

uhe presswerk, great compressor

waves metafilter, great analog-ish filter with modulation and drive.

waves' new abbey road plates reverb plug is bad ass. Finally a competent model of a plate verb that doesn't require sampled IRs.

...and for you glitch / experimental folks... look into GRM tools. They are super left field out there experimental plugins. I barely ever heard anyone talk about them, they are really well made.

IDK theres only two octaves

but for real thats a good score for $150, nice buy user

Let me go already you beta

I don't have got any kind of a stative to place the phone on it and, repeatedly: I don't carry such garbage around me, do you understand? I have got better things to do than setting up a grand theatre because of a buttmad nerd wanting to hear me play. Piss off

b-but user, i love generic midi... thats why im trying to be james ferraro

>Let me go already you beta
You're free to fuck off (back to Africa perhaps) whenever you feel like it.
>I don't have got any kind of a stative to place the phone on it and, repeatedly:
Look up what the word stative means. Then realise why you're an idiot for using it.
Secondly, so you have a phone but nothing to put it on? Just lay it on the top of the piano you fuckwit.
>I don't carry such garbage around me, do you understand? I have got better things to do than setting up a grand theatre because of a buttmad nerd wanting to hear me play. Piss off
Oh, so you don't carry a phone around with you? Well as soon as you've stolen one, feel free to record something so that next time you're here you have something to post.

If it's what you like, that's all that matters really. All taste is subjective.

If you want it to be more accessible to others though, that's different.

How funny, I actually decided to go to ethiopia some days ago.

I don't carry a phone around me because I don't want any of you faggots to call me

>I don't have got any kind of a stative
just put your phone on a chair

>I don't carry a phone around me because I don't want any of you faggots to call me
then just put your number in the field, i use a fake one lol

I can't because some people think that I'm important and get alarmed and paranoid if there is a Hint of me activelly making contacting me harder so I just let the phone at home and say that I forgot it there or some shit like that

Is this the next evolution of Soundcloud Kid?

Valhalla vintage verb
N.I Replika XT, VC 160, RC 24 & 48, Molekular.
Waves J37 tape delay, meta flange, HLS channel strip.
Fabfilter pro Q 2

I wish he had a soundcloud. I bet it's straight fire yo.

I have soundcloud and it's even confirming your laughable attempt to be funny tarnished as a hyperbolic imitation of lower-class sociolects.

Internet=Serious Business.

>setting up a grand theatre

>I have soundcloud
Please, please, please, please post it.

I don't know if this is really the place to ask this, but I figured this is the closest thread I could find.

Can some of you guys enlighten me as to where I can start learning/experimenting/utilizing recording technology in the way of actual sound design for things like foley art in cinema and game design, and actually creating sounds from scratch? Not really music, but I'm sure the same principles and hardware apply.

Are there any good free/paid resources for me to learn about this sort of thing? I would imagine for recording sounds, you would need a microphone, audio interface, and a DAW, right? Would you need a mixer, also? What about field recording microphones? I see guys sometimes record shit using boom, shotgun microphones, those little handheld ones, and they usually feed into some sort of bag and they wear head phones. What is that?

Can someone suggest to me some entry level equipment to get me started?

Any input would be highly appreciated, as I would imagine someone on here is wondering this as well.

Just start recording things.
Practice is the best. Also it's a must to have good ears. Check what you recorded, see if it sounds good, if not...try and figure out how to make it better.
Like everything in life, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

Can't help you with gear suggestions, but I'm sure someone can.


Here you go

As you see, I do not regret anything.

I own an 88-key and a 49-key MIDI controller. Works with both of them. Tuning goes a little sharp if you play real high, but I just see it as an analog quirk.

Alright dude, I've been ripping on you, I'll give you an honest critique.
>Hardtechno Winter Outdoor-Festival Bootleg mp3-rip 64kbps (legit)
Laughable, poorly produced, boring rhythms and melody, exactly what I expected to hear.
> Blarran Mussic mall
OK, I actually really enjoyed this. It felt meandering at the start a little but was more interesting to me later on. I listened all the way through and enjoyed it, unlike the first track, which I had to turn off.
>3. Bouwwer naullit neallis bouter karr
I didn't think it was possible for something to be worse than the first track, but you did it! This is just a load of bleeps and bloops, I've heard modem sounds that sound more like music.
>1. Das Leben ist Schön (1. Life is nice)
21 minutes, are you kidding me? Well I'm 50 seconds in so far and it's inoffensive enough, I'll keep listening and see if it goes anywhere.


. Das Leben ist Schön (1. Life is nice)
>21 minutes, are you kidding me? Well I'm 50 seconds in so far and it's inoffensive enough, I'll keep listening and see if it goes anywhere.
OK, I skipped around a bit. It's the kinda thing that would be OK as spooky music in a film, background stuff. It's more atmosphere than music. The ending from 13 minutes onwards sounds a bit like the drop in Floyd's Echos.
But for what it is, I feel it's a little too long. Eh, that just depends on the situation it's heard in though.
I did like it though.

Not bad.
I feel it could use a lead synth to play a hook melody somewhere though.

It's just fucking around though, m8.

Last track was made one day after buying the midi-piece and I just had a giggle listening to it while being high (not on meth) or getting high by listening to it on full volume and no lights on. Also walking through the city at night while listening to it was EPIC.

I'd tell you to do more of the piano pieces and less of the ambient drone.

I made two full albums of "ambient drone noise" to troll the /noise/ generals with. It's not difficult, and there's a million pualstretched tunes out there that sound the same.

Ambient drone tracks are like farts. Everyone loves their own.

Just bought Soundtoys 5 recently. Everything does sound very high quality, much better than most of my other plugins. I'm not even sure exactly why it sounds so good.

>I'm not even sure exactly why it sounds so good.
People value things they pay for more.

hey question , how would one do a DIY live recording in say a beach or in the middle of the woods? going to """attempt """"" to record a live album in the woods soonish

First thing you need is a petrol generator to power stuff with.
After that, pretty much all problems are solved, just take what you would normally use.

but user what about the noise from the generator?

What are you going to be recording?

That's a very good point.
Maybe try rigging something up with a car battery?