What is the worst soundcloud song you've heard?

What is the worst soundcloud song you've heard?

This is by far the worst song I've heard let alone soundcloud soundcloud.com/bruisedrecords/pullup

Other urls found in this thread:


This is typical soundcloud thread, am I right?

>go on usual soundcloud thread
>check out usual 'recs' people put
>most of it is boring, low fi indie shit with awful sound design
>occasionally, good soundcloud comes up

>go on mu
>surprising amounts of OCD

Lobo da g
Nuff said

your music is shit too though

not what your mum said last night

Yeah but that's because it costs money to get music mixed and have a sound engineer actually look at it. I don't have the $1000 it would cost for them to mix 4 songs of mine. That's the only reason I don't have an Demo by now.

Bullshit. Mixing your music is completely free, you just have to put some time and effort into becoming somewhat proficient at it. Coming with these kinda excuses for not wanting to put any work in will ensure you never get anywhere. Learning mixing yourself will also be hugely beneficial to the music since you will be in full control of everything about it.

Mixing with fucking what? I don't have any of the hardware or software to mix with. How in God's name could it be completely free? You want me to mic everything in audacity?

>just pirate it lol

thats a very overblown price. you can find many competent engineers who would do it for way less. i myself being one of them.

nah bro without monitors and good software and mics and set up and acoustic treatment and an attention to detail that can often run counter to a creative-types strengths you won't get anywhere mixing your own shit. A professional who is committed solely to sound design will ALWAYS do better. Better off spending your time getting some money together to pay one of those motherfuckers.

There are only 5 audio engineers around me. (Granted I live in mississippi)

I got a price of 75 per musician, 100 per song, and 50 an hour from the only guy who would do it without me having a record label here.

There are lots of free VSTs to mix with, and yeah, just pirate it. You can pay for it later if you actually start releasing real stuff and earn some money with your music (lol).

See, you're just coming up with excuses and not even trying to find alternatives and bettering yourself. You will NEVER make it.

thats fuckin nuts. charging by hour + per song + per musician?? that guy can go fuck himself.
your best bet would be to get the equipment to record yourselves, then send it to an engineer to mix.


>lofi beats
>Hip Hop

I know right? I've got enough to record bedroom demos but that's about it. I've got a couple of things I've been able to throw together but it is literally me mixing with the limited equipment I have in audacity.

You can come a long way with a pair of headphones for like 150$. Just make sure to check your mix on different speakers and setups while mixing. I'm not saying he'll have a really pro mix but achieving listenable mixes is not hard with some practice.

>can't mix in audacity

kill yourself faggot

I didn't say I can't. I do. But that doesn't mean I like it.

so what are you complaining about?

>you want your shit mixed, but you don't want to pay
>you can mix it yourself, but you don't like doing it?

you're all 'mixed' up ;)

You're missing the part where mixing in audacity is shit and limited.


literally just torrent it.

Thanks man.

so torrent a better program?

I have to agree with you're just looking for excuses at this point lol

ok but why are you complaining that a free barebones software has limited mixing potential???? like are you expecting more out of it?

No I'm saying I'm doing my best with what I can without pirating something.

to everyone complaining.

Just fucking do it. Take the time out to create the fart you want. It wont come easy. Itll probably take months or years to get it right. But when you do, the sound will be amazing.

>psychedelic, experimental, ambient

>Take the time out to create the fart you want
LOL wut

>spent 100 dollars on software
>made 60+ songs
>short of a recording microphone (which I now have) I can do anything I want

>musical talent

this guy's shit: www.soundcloud.com/juntaro97/


>sample based hip hop beats
>music to pet your dog to

wrong thread, oops

>worst soundcloud
nah you're in the right thread

moar cringe please.



noise is not music.

We know it's you posting it.


It's ok.
I like that weezer song.

lofi hip hop and vaporwave, plunderphonics

lol forgot link kms

i like this a lot. great samples, great atmosphere

pretty good i like the warm, simple production. do you use a 4 track?

lenovo thinkpad t61 > $12 microphone > audacity

i'm just starting to use better sounding equalizers and better methods of mastering



Local meme

das good lofi shit. i recommend using the same recording shit but torrenting a better daw like ableton for eq and mastering

i'll try
audacity is very barebones which is what i like and am used to