ITT: bands that anyone can write a song for in 15 minutes

ITT: bands that anyone can write a song for in 15 minutes

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ok took me 20 minutes but still applies

i am incredibly uncomfortable
as you might be able to see with your large brown eyes
i washed my hands with soap
in the first floor hallway bathroom
i still felt dirty but
i rode my bike to your house and propped it up against the tree
on your front lawn

and i thought about
what you would look like if you cut of all of your hair
i was nervous
and tried my best not to stare but i couldnt not stare
tell me lauren is it wrong that im imagining you and me skinny dipping in the lake behind my uncle’s lake house

she told me “brian, you need to stop with the self-deprectaing jokes”
i told her that i couldnt stop because if i stopped then i might choke
on the saliva that i wanted so desperately to mix with hers
i watched her lips quiver like an earthquake of magnitude 9 a tsunami was forming in the area beneath her nose

and i thought about
what you would look like if you cut of all of your hair
i was nervous
and tried my best not to stare but i couldnt not stare
tell me lauren is it wrong that im imagining you and me skinny dipping in the lake behind my uncle’s lake house

you and me and all of our best friends
standing here in this moment
just the other day i was playing with hornets
but now ive learned not to mess with the bees nest(x2)

and i thought about
what you would look like if you cut of all of your hair
i was nervous
and tried my best not to stare but i couldnt not stare
tell me lauren is it wrong that im imagining you and me skinny dipping in the lake behind my uncle’s lake house

>this family


pretty accurate
are you retarded

I've written 3 front bottoms-esque songs in the past. It's not super hard, but before the Front Bottoms did what they do, no one had done it.

Sounds more like Modern Baseball, but mostly because of your voice

This is actually pretty decent but you've done a mccafferty's and just rehashed what you infer to be the basic poetic references of Stevens writing, so you couldn't even be originally unoriginal!

There can be charm in simplicity & deliverance. Stephen blessed got it right.

these faggots

Beats being cringy
At least it's catchy

Do you have a sound cloud?

Naw man it was sick

ahaha this is great!

>Front bottoms on suicide watch

and on 8/15 the front bottoms were revealed as shills

Fucking moron

this is the greatest fucking thing i've ever seen on Sup Forums

wow well done buddy

i unironically enjoy front bottoms, but fuck that was painfully accurate

Love the front bottoms but that was great.

I fucking hate the front bottoms so much


me too
because they're garbage

please leave Sup Forums if you actually listen to this band

reddit might be a good place for you!

fuckin got em



SOAD because they either have thoughtful political lyrics or funny but stupid nonsense. I could write one of the latter songs for them in like 2 minutes

fuckin rad

>stop liking things i dont like

blink 182
just write a sappy fast tempo love song with left handed drums

Check out the internet marshal

I hope they gave you a badge.


stalin, stalin,
you are dead
and so your comrades


USSR is tearing apart
we are all USSR


Any and all Eurobeat.

*drum machine fades in*
mmmmmmmm my corvette baaaaaBY!


it's an american car
it's an american caaaahaaaaar
(repeat 8x)

cowboy in the city wants a smooth ride AHHHH!!!
*drum machine intensifies*

>cowboy in the city wants a smooth ride AHHHH!!!

my fucking kek nice

LMAO I didn't realize the Front Bottoms visited mu

all you have to do is replace the acoustic guitar with shitty drum pad beats, sing it in will toledo whiny raspy voice and this could easily be a CSH song


do it bitch

Have you ever listened to CSH? Twin Fantasy has some fantastic lyrics.

yea ok

Cardiacs no fucking doubt

Fukin saved

Holy shit is that pic a joke

i don't think you've ever listened to csh

jesus fucking christ man

im actually a big CSH fan but sometimes the lyrics are just banal

>cause what I got is mumble mumble
> how are you doing?
>Why’s the door locked? I’ll be out in a minute

>second, ooh these are good lyrics,

>I should charge a dollar per thought

even will knows his lyrics are shit sometimes


damn son

> Apple Music
> FoB
> Foo Fighters
> Literally every fugazi album
> Demon Days
What the fuck user
