Is this the logical conclusion to rock music?

Is this the logical conclusion to rock music?

Think about it, Sup Forums. They combined Shoegaze, Post-Rock, and Black Metal. Shoegaze pushes rock music into the extremes of what sonically can be achieved with rock instrumentation. Post-Rock pushes rock music into the extremes of what structurally and dynamically can be achieved with rock instrumentation. Black Metal pushes rock music into the extremes of what can be achieved abrasively with rock instrumentation.

With all three combined, you get the most extreme form of rock music possible that still at is core is "rock" music. Any other attempts either aren't extreme enough or deviate too much from rock music to even be "rock" anymore.

Sunbather is literally the logical conclusion to rock music.

Other urls found in this thread: metal&type=band_genre

baby doesn't know that sunbather is just a carbon copy of what was happening in the black metal scene 10-15 years ago.

so no.

what early 00's black metal sounds like this? Genuinely wondering

Holy shit you're kidding right?? hahahahahahah

back to /r/indieheads scrub

Alcest................................................the list goes on

but seriously there's less than 5.

>but seriously there's less than 5.
there's a fuckton of blackgaze bands that were already here before deafheaven though


well name a few then

Sunbather does have a unique sound to it though. Roads to Judah honestly is more blackgaze.

Nah, the few that did exist were pretty shitty. Alcest is really the only similar one, but they have a clean vocal delivery aside from a few songs.

Well, Darkspace and Wolves in the Throne Room kinda popularised the atmostpheric side of black metal. Drone-heavy atmosphere based post-rock influenced music with guitars you could hear as well as walls of noise. That was in like 2003.
Neige also popularised this style in France, having claimed to have not heard any shoegazing records. He started working with bands like Celesia, Peste Noire, and Amesoeurs. Although amesours kinda remained stagnant while he focused on Alcest (completely different direction), his impression and style had been left on the groups and artists he worked with - that lo-fi, droning, shoegazing sound; paired with the armostphere of post-rock; while keeping to his trve kvlt black metal roots.
Celestia as a project was around from 1999. Peste Noire 2000. Mortifera 2001.

You said a lot without actually saying anything. Burzum popularized atmospheric black metal, Darkspace is more dark ambient than anythiing. And again bands like Celesia, Peste Noir and Amesoeurs attacked shoegaze/atmospheric black metal completely wrong and sounded like garbage. And still this is less than 5 groups that completely submerged there sound in shoegaze while staying black metal. metal&type=band_genre
search for anything that came out before 2010 and here you go

see above

Every band has its own sound to some extent

> metal&type=band_genre

Post black metal =/= blackgaze

where did people get this idea?

You're missing the point. I could sit here for hours and sift through all the other music I have that is similar, but these spring to mind as having a sound that was worth listening to and have the same ideology.

OP basically made sweeping statements about something he doesn't know much about. And I'm not convinced you've done anything other than quickly google all those artists...

Blackgaze on metal archives is tagged as "post-black metal".

I've listened to all those artists extensively. Darkspace is one of my favorite groups.

I'm not saying Deafheaven is revolutionizing the sound of black metal or anything, because there are bands out there that have similar sounds. What I'm saying is Deafheaven executed the blackgaze sound perfectly on Sunbather.

Blackgaze and post-black metal are not interchangeable though.

Why does "the conclusion to rock music" have to be in an extreme way ? It could be as well in a complex way, and it that case albums like Selling England by the Pound or Fragile would be the "conclusion to rock music".
This makes no sense at all

>Blackgaze and post-black metal are not interchangeable though.
what part of "blackgaze and post-black metal are not interchangeable though." didn't you understand?
Because as far as i'm concerned Deafheaven isn't even that much shoegazy-sounding anyway.

I don't think so. The logical conclusion to any genre probably shouldn't suck balls.

>the logical conclusion of rock is black metal with a "safe" cover

>still being this triggered

But Sunbather is the genre breakthrough.

Prototypes are interesting from an historical point of view, but artistically, they're irrelevant.

no if anything liturgy ark work makes more sense for a logical conclusion to rock music

its cool that you like this album. but its deja-vu again when you guys pull a death grips and try to make the music sound larger than what it is

daily reminder

the only thing its a logical conclusion to is being a fucking piece of shit

idiot image because the whole appeal for them was being p4k indie kids who like drake and lil wayne but also make "trve kvlt" music

they would be just talked about in /metal/ general thats it

Sunbather wouldn't be made by people like that though.

>executed the blackgaze sound perfectly
There is no "blackgaze sound" to execute perfectly, and Sunbather certainly isn't the end all be all for it.

This is rather closed-minded thinking.

the only problem with your hypothesis is that its only evaluating one end of the spectrum of rock music.

it's hard to say what is the logical conclusion to a type of music because it's always constantly evolving, and the fact that you call sunbather rock music completely proves this.

the only way that music can conclude is when there is an album that completely removes the most common denominator between all types of music. only then can everything start again.

Art is not logical so it can't have a logical conclusion.


Sick of this meme phrase.

Sorry but pic related holds that title.

Stop with the meme jesus christ. it's an OK album, it didn't invent Blackgaze nor is it the most extreme instance of it. Hell even New Bermuda does more interesting stuff, it just doesn't have an artwork that looks as cool. There's a lot of modern BM that is way more forward thinking or avantgarde if you're into that, I recommend pic related if you're looking for "melodic driven" but still oneiric or surreal BM, that's not to say DSO does anything that bands like Ved Buens Ende hadn't already pioneered 20+ years ago, but at least they're pushing a lot more boundaries than DFHVN, and they've been doing this since 2000

forgot image

la dispute with blast beats and kitty cat vocals


Is OP the logical conclusion to faggotry?

Sister Ray is the logical conclusion to rock music man

why is this album so underrated

if anything TAW started its own thing that has yet to be concluded. it sounds too disjointed to conclude anything. well, Hunter's own thing, in the grand scheme of things it's just post-metal with some synths

It's damn boring. Even New Bermuda is much better