$uicideBoy$ is Sup Forums core now

I'll start spamming this shit like it's Jason Aldean until it's relevant in here.


Other urls found in this thread:


it's 21 pilots core


>it's 21 pilots core
kys. there's no retards allowed in this thread. No exceptions

Then why are you still here?

than delete it and go away

>Then why are you still here? Holy shit. I didn't think you could have said anything more autistic than derrr "erts twanty wan pylits corps! der her herrdeee derf"

welp this thread is already fucked. Thanks cancer faggots for ruining it before it even started

That post wasn't me silly user. You're confusing people out of anger

>welp this thread is already fucked. Thanks cancer faggots for ruining it before it even started
Nobody wants another 21 pilots clone to get spammed.

suicideboys are alright
bones is better for edgy white kid rap tho

this is pretty much the equivalent of 21 pilots.
I'm pretty sure the kids that listen to this stuff think it's edgy af and comepletly different from any other band just like 21 pilots fans do

>Nobody wants another 21 pilots clone to get spammed.
Do everyone a favor: go eat some shit; grab a hand full of pills out of your moms purse, cram them into your shit covered face; wash em down with some bleach; cut your wrists length-wise, hang yourself while simultaneously shooting yourself in the face - just maxamise the chances of you dying is all

kek how old are you? mods

I only listened to the Da$H features, Da$H is better than anything they put out

>this is pretty much the equivalent of 21 pilots.
>I'm pretty sure the kids that listen to this stuff think it's edgy af and comepletly different from any other band just like 21 pilots fans do
you'd have to listen to enough 21 pilots to even make the comparison you mongoloid. I've literally heard 1 21 pilots song in my life and they're not even the same genre.

he said:
>this is pretty much the equivalent of 21 pilots.
not that it sounds like 21 pilots

>kek how old are you? mods
I'm old enough to fuck (this faggot's) mother

>listens to 21 pilots core
>I'm old enough to fuck someone's mother
well, I dont believe you

>well, I dont believe you
age is a meaningless and arbitrary number. this thread is fucking derailed beyond my understanding anyway so I'm probably going to just delete this shit. I'd fucking decimate your mothers beef-hole btw with little resistance on her part, record it and tag you in it on facebook.


It's even more edgy than bones

>He listens to 21 pilots rip offs
Oh god I'm cringing