What music do you listen to?

>what music do you listen to?
>oh i listen to everything

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They should say "nothing" instead.

its the answer a non-autistic person usually gives.

>what music do you listen to?
>oh i listen to everything. . . in the world

No, it's an answer a person with no taste or little musical knowledge would give. "I listen to everything" doesn't fucking mean anything, because you clearly don't. A better answer would be to actually name the shit you listen to.

Nah it's the answer given by someone too afraid to be judged based on their taste.

all normies have autism
prove me wrong

Every time I get such answer I simply ask them to name bands, singers, albums, songs, whatever. And if I've heard it, we can talk about that, or I could listen to it later.
Some people don't like that tho.
>I can't remember anything right now
>Well, fuck, let's change the topic.

>oh even fart noises?

>tfw you actually do listen to pretty much everything

It can go both ways, actually. It can either go from people who are into world music and genuinely appreciate every genre for what it is, to the "when are the lyrics coming up?" type.

Well at least in my country people only listen to top 20 radio crap, if i mention that i listen even something "popular" like The National or Local Natives, Massive Attack they wont know what the fuck i am talking about. So the answer i give is "i like a lot of different musics" because i lost the hope on finding someone with a minimal musical knowledge.

what's your favorite hnw album

>top 20

what teh fuc

It's either people who don't know shit about music and can't name anything specific or autists who actually listen to a shitton of genres.

The difference can be understood by what comes next. The former will change topic or try to skirt around the edges, the latter will actually name bands/genres he likes.

I usually say "all sorts" and say what I've been listening to recently if they ask for examples. It's better than to whittle on about the many, many genres of music I listen to.

Same here.

His country can't afford the other 20 songs

I say everything because everyone just wants to connect on some generic radio shit and as soon as they are around me enough and hear something that strays from the norm slightly, it's "this isn't music" or something.

When you say "everything" then play off your power level and don't make a big deal about what they say or like, it's just easier.

Radio plays even top 10 of the week

All country muisc sucks and the country music I do like I just file under blues or folk music even though thos descriptors are inaccurate because if i dont that means I have to admit to liking country music.

>Oh I listen to a lot of hip-hop, electronic, some experimental rock, and lately I've been getting into a lot of classical and jazz

I literally said that verbatim to a really cute girl yesterday and it turned into a pretty decent conversation, it didn't feel awkward, I mean I probably talked a little too much about music but she told me she thought it was great that I have something like that to be passionate about and she feels similarly.

(unfortunately she already has a boyfriend ;_;)


That's usually my answer actually. I want to know more about what the other person likes so that I know what kind of stuff to talk about if we're having a real discussion on music.

Oh wait I forgot to mention that it usually gets to me autistically talking about john fahey for five minutes.

My problem is I do actually listen to such a variety of genres I never know what to say and end up going with something like that. What should you say in this situation?

As Loud As Possible

I tell people I listen to everything to change the subject and avoid awkwardness. I hope you guys don't actually start listing your favourite onkyo albums when some random asks you what you like.

Genre, genre and genre are my favorite but I listen to a lot of other stuff as well is my go to

>oh shit why is the creep just sat next to me in silence, I better say something
>"so user what music do you like"
>oh god he name dropped death grips and radiohead what an autist I better tell him I have a bf then he might leave me alone

I do listen to a bunch of different genres because I'm not a complete autist but when asked I'll usually just tell them what I've been listening to recently.

I met her at work and I didn't say anything about DG or Radiohead and I knew she had a boyfriend before I talked to her you faggot.

I say this because I want to avoid conversations about music. If I actually started naming all the weird autistic artists and albums I like, the person would realize that I'm a weird autist. That's why I just say "everything" and then change the subject.



How the fuck would you name everything you listen to? You may as well say everything, because chances are most of the stuff you listen to won't even be recognized by the person you're speaking to. So you really do listen to "everything" to them.

Plus, why is it so hard to believe that someone could appreciate every single genre of music? I've never listened to a genre of music I didn't enjoy, from pop to harsh noise wall. If you don't really enjoy everything, then don't say it, but if you do, then do.

Such answer is perfectly fine, actually. I have listened to a shitload of different genres from my childhood till now, tastes always shifted, but I do listen to select songs/tracks from my older playlists occasionally. I guess it allows me to say that I listen to "everything". After all, each genre has at least some nice pieces to offer and can't be thrown off the shelf entirely without at least some digging into it done.

just name the stuff youve been enjoying lately

"i listen to lots of different kinds of music, lately ive been getting into disco inferno and stars of the lid, wbu?"

>tfw you actually listen to every single piece of music ever created played at the same time

People who genuinely listen to everything have no personal taste and just listen to albums for the RYM patrician points

Do you have no social awareness? Why would you talk to normies about something that you know they are unfamiliar with and would think is weird and unpleasant?

>what do you listen to?
>ooooh like black veil brides
How 2 avoid this?

oh well i was assuming youre talking to someone interested in music

if theyre not interested in music then why the fuck are you asking them what they listen to in the first place lmfao

I'm not, they are asking me for the purpose of small talk.

"Yeah thats one emo band but theres a lot of different types of bands in the genre, im not really a fan of black veil brides personally, im more into blah blah blah"

oh well you just gotta feel em out yknow, is this a certified patrician youre talking to or a total normiepleb right. just be like, "oh yeah i listen to lots of different stuff, pretty into this band called disco inferno lately." just changing the wording makes it a lot more palatable for someone who isnt interested in music.

but they must have at least soommme interest in music if theyre asking you thay question right?

No, it really does though. Yes, it's the cop out retard answer. But it's also the highest patrician answer.

I listen to Ethiopian jazz, Japanoise, Afrobeat, vaporwave, Memphis hip hop, Gucci Mane shit, Nirvana, field recordings, harsh noise, black metal, early country, folk punk, skramz, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, I could go on, so what, you expect me to autistically scramble to say that every time I'm asked?

no you fucking social retard faggot. you can just say 'I listen to hipster shit'.
of course, that's assuming you have any social skills at all ;)

>twinkle daddies
>considered a faggot

Could you have made your point without showing me Clarkson's hideous, doughey fucking face? I feel ill.

>literally rated "greatest musicians of all time" by mainstream magazines
>Gucci Mane / michael jackson / nirvana played on the radio daily
>somehow hipster

you have hipster taste, admit it

oh look it's an avant-teen poser

Okay I admit it, I'm a hipster. Now actually respond to what I said you lowercase faggot

>he fell for the patrician meme
>le list goes on
kill yourself

Fuck you, I dont want to be labeled for the first artist I mention that the other person doesnt like, when I listen everything that person listens and more.

when someone I know doesn't really listen to much music asks me what I listen to I usually go "man, I don't know where to start... what about you tell me what you listen to and I'll tell you if I listen to that as well." but if I get asked the same question by someone I know likes all sorts of genres, then I'll just name some of the artist I've been listening to recently or name some albums I love.

Everything but Country, Black Metal, or Noise

jesus christ you're fucking autistic

there's no way you've ever held a conversation with someone without them thinking you're somewhat retarded

samefag, just sad

I usually tell there's a difference between the stuff I listen and the stuff I like.
Then I proceed to tell them I like mostly folk and traditional music.
And conversations end like that.
But I can small talk about almost every genre because I listen to pretty much anything.

>mfw he shut him down

exactly, im a "lots of stuff" kind of guy too

wrongfag, how sad

'hipster shit' would still be the correct thing to say


"All sorts of stuff"
"I've been listening to X lately"
"I just saw X live"
"I've been getting into X lately"
"The new X album was pretty good, so stuff like that"

It's not that hard you soft-chinned gawking autistics

If they really want to know they'll ask follow up questions, this is just polite chatter, they don't give a fuck what you say

I listen to Oasis ! #ManchesterIsBlue

Lots of stuff but mostly lil b vaporwave and Florida Georgia line.

Just say you listen to a lot of different stuff but right now you are really into "_____".


You don't have to name every single band you listen to, you autistic retard. Just name your favorite band or some shit. It's not that fucking hard.

>why is it so hard to believe that someone could appreciate every single genre of music
That has nothing to do with what I said. There's a difference between appreciating what all genres can offer and listening to "everything".


I listen to everything except country, rap, and harsh noise.

who's your favorite bachata artist?

Who's your favourite tibetan throat singer?

me desu

tip top kek

How do you reply when someone asks what kind of music do you listen to? Do you start reciting genres? I try to avoid music discussion irl with people who doesn't know much about music. Therefore I reply with "I listen to all kinds of music"

Bathroom field recordings ye

>So you listen also some vaporwave? bebop?or shoegaze?
>what user?

>I listen to everything


this is easier baka


more like if a normie asks me what music i listen to, i'm not gonna regale them with all the specifics of genres they've never heard of. to the type of person who probably listens to only mainstream pop (not that there's anything wrong with that), "everything" is the best description of what music i listen to. if i'm really feeling up to it i'll ask them what they like and see if there's common ground.

>what music do you listen to?
>death grips

just ask them what metal music they like, that usually fucks them over

Theres tons here you've never heard of, you don't listen to everything

They're oblivious to my patrician tastes but I'm also oblivious to their normie tastes.

Talking to normies about music is a good way to stay updated on "what's cool" and shit.

Or just use Sup Forums, same shit

What country are you from cause I have the same experience

>shitting on people for liking a lot of music genres
>shitting on people for having a diversified music portfolio
I genuinely listen to everything except rap and country. Trap is the logical conclusion to rap. I'm slowly getting into country.
If anyone asks, I say:
>I listen to a lot of music, mostly (x).
x = what I want to talk about.

>what type of food do you like
>oh i like everything!


you all sound ridiculous

No, you don't

The correct question to avoid an autistic answer is 'what BANDS are your favorites?'

Aphex Twin, OPN, Grimes, they're all BANDS right?

Can't expect more of someone who likes grimes

Autism exposed RAW.
>I listen to everything = too many genres, bands, songs, albums to name
There. I just fixed your sperglord rage you degenerate dog.

You do not listen to everything though, stop talking bollocks. No one listens to music in every one of those genres.

>and keep an open mind about music, when I discover a new genre I listen to it

Case closed, thread closed, board is done.

By having not listened to every genre listed you have chosen that, therefore you have written off those genres and don't listen to them.

You seem to be genuinely autistic, let me break this down for you (figuratively):
If you're talking to someone who doesn't seem to put music as a high priority on their hobby list you can generally sidestep a pointless, one-sided conversation by saying "I listen to anything". (anything, so you don't get triggered, I care because you do.)
If you're talking to someone who enjoys quite a bit of music that's the time to start listing off your favorite avant-garde jazz records.
quite the sentence lad
I'm downloading artists from every genre on that list as we speak.
sage for aspergers.