Im the only one who made it with no middleman

>im the only one who made it with no middleman

what did he mean by this?



get out

that's Sup Forumssic

>"we discuss music, but only some music"

Pink Guy 2 when

>trying to analyse Pink Guy lyrics

I know OP is bait, but really, despite youtube fame, he's still kind of an outsider musician. He doesn't collaborate with other rappers or producers, thus he doesn't rely on guesting on other people's tracks or whatever for views/attention.

He got to where he is (such as it is) based primarily on his own antics and charisma (such as it is), as well as those of his nobody youtube friends.

He got to where we was by pandering to the lowest common denominator of the youtube community (tweens and idiots) by using tired and weak joke routines (racism, shock, LOL LOOK AT HOW LOUD I'M SCREAMING AREN'T I HILARIOUS?!)

And now he not only makes money off of it, but has a bunch of people interested in his non-comedic stuff.

Also, I don't think you can dismiss all of his material as only being enjoyed by "tweens and idiots." People like Eric Andre have pretty large adult audiences despite having a seemingly juvenile comedy style.

Which one do like more?

>And now he not only makes money off of it
That doesn't matter. Any dipshit can make a complete fool out of themselves and make money off of it. That's exactly what pandering is.
>but has a bunch of people interested in his non-comedic stuff.
Lol not really.
>People like Eric Andre have pretty large adult audiences despite having a seemingly juvenile comedy style.
The fact that you're comparing him to Eric Andre shows you don't know what you're talking about.

I just listen to "Medicine" on repeat while contemplating my own inability to realize any kind of lasting adult success in life.

Is the joji album out yet or is it just those two songs?

>"Which one do you like more?"
>one isn't even out yet

>The fact that you're comparing him to Eric Andre shows you don't know what you're talking about.

Can you elaborate.

Andre has a loud, over-the-top persona. Many of his jokes are self-deprecating, or rely on making those around him uncomfortable. He does skits in public that play on the awkward reactions to his stunts.

"Filthy Frank" has a loud, over-the-top persona. Many of his jokes are self-deprecating, or rely on making those around him uncomfortable. He does skits in public that play on the awkward reactions to his stunts.

The real difference is Andre frames his comedy as a late-night talk show host, while Miller has constructed this weird narrative without much internal logic or consistency beyond its own ridiculous, almost child-like style.

>The fact that you're comparing him to Eric Andre shows you don't know what you're talking about.

Not the one you are replying to, but what the fuck are you talking about? Eric Andre skits are literally him making an ass of himself in public. Filthy Frank does that too as well as racism and shock humor, which to many people outside of the teenage audience find funny. Just because they aren't blatant copycats doesn't mean they aren't one in the same.

that's not what an outsider musician is you dingus, that's just independent

I meant to write >Who do you like more?


I like all of those except that Leafy guy. He just seems like a mean person.

I like Ethan, but I agree.

I read that in filthy franks voice

vinyl when

Ethan's terrible lately tho

At least post the updated version

This is unironically correct.
All of them are garbage. If oyu like any of them your opinion on anything is invalid.

>doesn't collaborate with other rappers or producers


i wouldn't say terrible, but i can forgive him, he's in the process of being sued right now so he's got a lot on his plate. i usually can get a laugh or two out of his videos still

what did they mean by this?

He collabed with cal chuchesta

>Any dipshit can make a complete fool out of themselves and make money off of it.
not true, by the way