Math rock

>math rock
>no songs about algebra, calculus, the list goes on..

Other urls found in this thread:

>wait a minute honey i'm gonna add it up

>sludge metal
>no albums about mud, oil, sea ice, the list goes on

>skin metal
>no songs about acne, goosebumps, the list goes on

>no songs about jumping

>no songs about looking at shoes

>post rock
>no songs about FedEx, UPS, the list goes on..

>Drone metal
>No songs about air strikes

>slime metal
>no songs about slugs, snails, the list goes on

hey hey hey

>no songs about hot dog condiments and pickled side dishes

>no songs about the adult life of the standart teenager punk who is growning up to reality

>Electronic Music
>Not every song is about consumer electronics.

>Indie Rock
>They're not in the rock.

>Midwest Emo
>No songs about someone called Mo who's popular on the internet and is from the north-central part of the US

what the fuck

Public Image Ltd tho

Are you retarded?

Actually, that's basically the core thing defining post-punk.

>They're not in the rock.

>sea ice

>indie rock
>they're not in the rock

>not about the plights of an African American homosexual

>new wave
>no songs about the old wave
wtf i hate government man now

>no songs about mist, fog, steam, etc.

> rapping
> no songs about wrapping stuff