
metal general

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I need to know the edition or I'm paralyzed.

7th for Jesus

Jesse edition.


"Fuck the edition" edition.

Okay /meta/ what are the best releases of the year so far that aren't Vektor?

People like you are making me consider leaving and never coming back here

I'm all for meme stupidity but holy fucking shit dude

The Astonishing

Keep your shitposting out of this general!

That's fine, you probably contribute nothing but deathcore, "proge", and nu-death metal. We'd be better for it.

"Editions" are the cancer killing /metal/


also, more like this pls (slower, bassy black metal)

No you wouldn't. You guys live for nu-death and progeposting.

This general is all shitposting. That's what it's for.


We'd be better for it, trust me. Is this where I switch from religious theory autism, to metal autism? I feel it happening in my flesh as we speak.

whats the sauce

>We'd be better for it, trust me
You'd be exactly the same. And if you're gonna discuss metal, do it with someone else. I'm not getting anywhere near an autist like you

Heads up autismo

What's the best Bathory album and why is it pic related?

I barely "discuss" metal. All I do is recommend people things, because I already know everything.

Head's up slowmo
I replied before you even finished that post. Pick it up, slick.

>I already know everything.
Autism speaks, everybody.

Is that new Skellywich EP as bad as the 2013 album

>mfw we are reaching the singularity of shitposting

Rec me some doom/thrash with female vocals

Back atcha

Without looking at anything, from memory I can name 10 bands you've probably never heard of, and I can guarantee that you've never listened to them.

Witty reply < BTFO by facts

god fucking dammit I was all excited for a full length

its a new singer so I assume its different



Sup Forums's use of the word autism has no sting. It's a toothless insult. Might as well chew my arm with your gums.

So what you're saying is that you're autistic.

Ah ah ah. Time limits up. You lost, autismo

>Sup Forums's use of the word autism has no sting.
And yet you are clearly butthurt. This is obvious to everyone, just like it's obvious that your interpretations of the bible are retarded.

But this is entry-level, user

compared to?

>telling the guy with his arms up in a big grin breaking the finish-line that he's losing

The only obvious thing is your desperation to get a vehement response out of me.

Well he is autistic. Apparently just not the "smart in some way" type of autism

Post yfw people actually believe that Cascadian black metal is a thing

I'm not desperate because I am getting those responses, and getting them by the bucketful.

Ok so it's not surface level, but Holy Moses toured with Warlock and had generous MTV exposure

reminder that hipsters do NOT like national ""socialism " black metal or power metal


are you even replying to the right person?

Not that you're losing, that you lost. You didn't post in time. Too bad, so sad.

It is though you mong.

It's not really a scene but there's a ton of bands that play roughly the same style of metal with similar themes coming out of the Cascadian region.

A lot of it is kinda shit, but it does exist.


although I think its still a funny post to make

>mfw reading this

There is no good doom/thrash with female vocals, so you get male vocals instead.


The other two albums are mostly just thrash, but they're still better than what anyone else would have linked you as a response. Like I enjoy giving them as much as you enjoy getting them, but you're getting them for a different reason that normal. Is that still okay? Can you settle for this instead? Or does my content make up for the lack of ferocity?

it's a "micro genre" with bands who have a vaguely similar sound, although the people claiming it exists can't agree on the scope of it

You can deny that you're butthurt all you want, autismo. I know you are, and I think, deep down, so do you.

It'll have to do
Thanks senpai

here's the other two because my scatter-brainedness is back.


You will never hear modern thrash as good as this.

>Ok so it's not surface level
damn fuckin straight

There's nothing to be butthurt over though, all you did is contradict me and call me an autist. That's a little too basic. I'm trying to make you better at this, user.

>all you did is contradict me and call me an autist
And it has you triggered as fuck. I clearly do not need to be better at it, because it's working.

And we confirmed your autism. You admitted it. Remember that.

holy fucking cop out


Anything that was on MTV is IMMEDIATELY surface level

Dicks out for tesseract

go read the mtv biography you fucking queer bait

I have zero fucking interest discussing it

>claims to have aspergers-tier knowledge of metal
>fucking this excuse
You are not a very good autist

>still contradicting hoping for a reaction
I mean it, you're going to have to try something else. If you do though, I'll see it coming. If you just contradict me again and call me an autist again, then you reveal you have no more ammunition (you already did desu, but let's keep going with this for the sake of experimenting)

Hype as fuck to see them live with Gojira in october. I heard they are amazing and put on a good show ive just never haf a chance to see them.

>being this BTFO

So what about crown of asteria, or ulver for that matter. It's all just repetitious tree worship music, but it's not from the Pacific north west. Are they not in on the secret club even though the sound is exactly the same??

>cop out
I'm sorry but really, show me the good thrash/doom bands with female vocals. I'd be thrilled to be proven wrong.

>wanting to discuss mtv this bad

Why would I try something else? Your autism forces you to respond. I don't need more ammunition; I'm hitting my mark every time.

If you wanted to try and force me to change my approach, you should just stop replying. But of course that means I win.

I just did. Holy Moses and Scrotum Grinder are fucking solid.

either way it was still a retarded cop out

>queer bait

it's like it's 2004 all over again
brings a tear to my eye

Does anyone know if Boris is playing the full 18 minute version of Just Abandoned Myself in concert?

All I'm saying is, you were all "I can name 10 metal bands you'd never heard off or listened to" (something you did not do) and then the first challenge you get you completely fail.

never forget

Here you can go ahead and win, I need to tell this retard something.

Explain how it's a cop out. You asked for a recommendation, and I don't recommend any thrash/doom with female vocals. I do not recommend them. There are no bands worth recommending with that specific description.

>You asked for a recommendation, and I don't recommend any thrash/doom with female vocals.
ie a cop out

Now try explaining the logic behind how you reached that conclusion.

protip: there isn't any

Yay, I win. Finally we agree on something, eh Autismo?

Do you not understand what cop out means?

Either way your recommendation was appreciated by someone so whatever

You told us of an encyclopedic knowledge of obscure metal. We make a request. Instead of proving your knowledge, you give us one band and then say there's nothing else. This is a cop out

a cop out is an excuse, made to avoid having to fulfill one's own end of a bargain.
It wasn't a cop out.


MTV was a supreme cultural force in hard rock/heavy metal and many bands got their start from exposure from it, thus any band listed in their database CANNOT and SHOULD NOT have kvlt status

You did make an excuse. You said there was no good metal of that description and offered male vocals. This is an excuse.

I was requested to recommend groups, not list all the bands in that category that I can think of. I was asked to give bands based on whether I think they are worth listening to. That's what a recommendation is.

And you copped out.

This, this right here, what you're saying? Also an excuse. A cop out.

Hella fucking obscure bro

Nope, I fulfilled my end of the bargain, and answered the question legitimately.

sick screenshot bro

No you didn't. You copped out. You answered partially and then gave an excuse.

I was only asked for a recommendation. I fulfilled it 100%.

Does anyone here have a battle vest? If so, what are your main patches? +for pictures

Having fun yet, Autismo?

Meanwhile Scrotum Grinder is kicking my ass

I'm about to go get fucking ripped from the bong of Christ, read the Bible while doing yoga, listening to Luciferion

I'm having fun now, but the funs are about to increase 10x

You were asked to recommend "some" doom/thrash with female vox. You recommended one thing, then gave an excuse. You did not display the advertised Asperger's-tier knowledge, and you left unsatisfied clients. I'd give this a 40% at best.

>I'm about to go
Stopped reading right there. Seems like you're not having fun at all, Autismo. Seems like we've upset you so now you're leaving.

Also, seems like I keep getting replies from you without changing my approach.

So are Rotting Christ good or are they just a meme.

Man, a good alternative to female vocals (not including kyuss) is sticking your head into a room with 100 million chihuahuas collectively baying at the fucking moon.

A semi-clever ploy - make fun of me for leaving, and then claim I can't stop replying. Why, it's absolutely foolproof! How will YOU reply though, when the only thing I do is analyze your attack and explain it back to you? We have nothing to argue about anymore.

Go listen to them and form a fucking opinion shit fer brains.