What's a good album for when I fail my exams

What's a good album for when I fail my exams

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based beaner-core

GCSE results tomorrow or soemthin?

Underage UK scum



yeah, no I'm not underage

seriously do any research at all

It's a-level results tomorrow, that's for people aged 18, not op btw

Its probably AS results for him.


And even if it was. I could still be 18

not if op was born between 18 august - 30 august
>And even if it was. I could still be 18
unlikely, unless you are retaking

year between HS and college

I'd tell you if I knew but I don't because I did really well in mine so I only listened to victory music, sorry friend

>year between HS and college
who the fuck does that?

that's ok pal. well done

me does that. year of work experience before college

The Wall by Pink Floyd.

I'm waiting on ucas tomorrow too fuck

A Level fag reporting in

I did ok I think but the examiners love to mug you off

>examiners love to mug you off
>tfw 2 marks off the grades i needed
what subjects are you taking?

I thought I failed all of mine last year and got A*AB
you'll be fine lads
uni is shit though forget it

Aphex Twin - Richard D James, it'll just lift you away from it. Always hypnotises me