Do you ever feel like a fucking failure sometimes?

Do you ever feel like a fucking failure sometimes?

When Stevie Wonder was 21, in a five year period, he released a 5 album string of some of the most critically acclaimed soul albums of all time, and won 12 Grammys including 3 AOTY awards.

Like what the fuck am I even doing with ymself

He's blind and you're probably not though, so it's all swings and roundabouts really

its okay user, none of us are talented either

thats why we're here

Comparing yourself to a musician is a pretty stupid thing to do. You're pretty stupid.
The universe doesn't float around you, OP

>The universe doesn't float around you, OP
Prove it.

Get hurt.
Does anyone magically appears there, to look for you?


Pic or it didn't happen
Timestamp it

He had been recording since he was like 5. Not saying you don't suck, but this isn't the fairest comparison

I could've done better if I had had people putting money on me.

Not really since success in the music industry is merely a series of coincedences and other random factors

Yeah what are you doing with your life OP?

this tbqh

Yeah, but if you really want to feel bad. There's a 15 year old (born in 2000) Olympian who's ranked in the top 10 of her sport. Won a bronze just yesterday too.

yeah but I could beat her in a fight I bet

on the flipside, james murphy was like 33 when lcd soundsystem was created, so there's still hope you're not a fuck up

If you want to really feel like a failure, Lou Reed made and released the Velvet Underground & Nico, one of the greatest and most influential rock albums of all time, when he was 25.

Brian Wilson was 23 when Pet Sounds was released

>Kate Bush was 19 when she made A Kick Inside

this makes me feel slightly shitty

>Tubular Bells at the age of 20

Why live?

suffy was 28 when he put out michigan and was finally "on the map." there's still time guys.

You could probably beat Stevie wonder in a fight