Endtroducing is better than Since I Left You

Endtroducing is better than Since I Left You.


We all know that, but thanks for reminding us the obvious.



What's there to discuss? It's an objective fact.

You're right


no shit

Endtroducing is a snoozefest desu

you're a snoozefest

I agree. Musically, it does very little for me.

I remember a thread were we compare which two album were better.
And Since I Left You won by a landslide over Endtroducing.
And now you guys are going to act like End is objectively better?
>Inb4: Sup Forums is one person


I really like both, but Endtroducing is on another level.

because this thread is on a weekday before all the retarded normies come home from school and shit up Sup Forums with their shit taste

I remember that thread and I stood behind Endtroducing... and always will

endtroducing is MYSTIC
since i left you is a great album

DJ Shadow's best release

Very true, but they are both excellent. Also, a little apples to oranges, don't you think?

This is better than both.

This, they're completely different in terms of mood and flow, they only share genre.

No. They're both really comparable. You fucking retards.

not really

Yes. Are you this retarded? Both are sample based hip hop albums.

avalanches are clearly not hip hop by having a few hip hop samples here and there

They still count as Hip Hop.

definitely an underrated album but you're kidding yourself if you think it's better than endtroducing


Endtroducing and Since I Left You are under Plunderphonics

some will debate that in a strictly academic sense, but this

That's what i said. Same fucking genre, doesn't mean they sound alike at all.

>implying "What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 2)" isn't the greatest song of all time

>mfw people still don't know the superior DJ Shadow album


Plunderphonics describes the technique, but not the style at all

Fucking The Prodigy could fall under plunderphonics too if we're being technical, but we don't as it's a pretty worthless umbrella term


You're not funny.

Donuts > Since I left You > Entroducing....

Of course not, this is serious business.

Plunderphonics is not a genre, it's a style/technique.

Endtroducing is a lot better

Pff pff

ladies and gentlemen, a person with no taste in music has just posted.

>plunderphonics is a genre

Donuts is better than Endtroducing...