Varg Vikernes explains why everyone on Sup Forums is single

Varg Vikernes explains why everyone on Sup Forums is single

He aged like shit

Reply to this post "Thank you Uncle Varg" or you will die a single virgin

Wow he looks terrible

>tfw neither single nor virgin

Thank you Uncle Varg

thank you uncle varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

someone needs to stop you

thank you uncle Varg sempai

>tfw you will never commit the satanic sins of sodomy with young vikernes

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

lol that was how Euronymous used to do it at Hellvete. He would tell the weakest links that would hang around the store "You know what would be super satanic? Anal sex with me in the basement."


Is his RPG out?

thank you uncle varg

I still laugh at the idea of an OG from the norwegian black metal scene, who fucking murdered a guy, now makes rpgs and posts videos like this on youtube.

Damn son his facial hair's gone full survivalist

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

I prefer old but not so old Varg

I was about to reply and say that he didn't because I thought he would have been in his late 50's by now but he's 43

Thank you uncle varg

thank you Uncle Varg

Thank You Uncle Varg

Never even realized that son of a bitch had a somewhat sizable fan-base until I started dipping my toes into these parts of the internet.

And I really can't wrap my head around it. You would think an actual killer and literal destroyer of ancient Norwegian culture would be despised by even the edgiest of alt-righters, but it's the opposite way around. It's a really fascinating phenomenon. In Norway, this guy is a nobody. The very few outside of the black metal scene who remember him mainly know him as "oh yeah that complete lunatic satanist guy, whatever happened to that sad fuck?"

Thank you Uncle Varg

Does anyone else think this picture of him looks like an old bearded Aaron Ellis?

he was in prison for like 16 years who cares


Thank you uncle varg

There's still some boyish features there, but yeah at a glance he looks much older than my parents who are in their 50s. The angle of the phone isn't helping.

I think the typical reply is that he killed out of self defense, but yeah he still harmed people and burned churches down and whatnot so he's still a cunt.

oh my god i knew it

Thank you Uncle Varg

Bad angle and beard make him look old as hell. He'd probably look just right for his age if it was a good pic.

Thank you Uncle Varg

thank you vikernes senpai

thank you uncle varg

>literal destroyer of ancient Norwegian culture
Fucking what

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Heill Odinn

Thank you uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

I don't feel like listening to that stupid faggot speak, can someone tl;dr the vid?

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

it's only two minutes darling

It's 2 minutes, you're a big kid, you can sit through it

Thank you comrade Uncle Varg.

fucking queers

Thank you Uncle Varg

i prefer being called a queen

he looks like dj aaron ellis in this picture

>neither but
Thank you Uncle Varg

>infantile inability to separate music from politics: the post

Thank you uncle varg

thank you uncle varg

thanks vargy

>whatever happened to that sad fuck?
he's living in some urban woody area with a wife and kids. If you watch his youtube videos he seems to be living quite a good life

Thank you Uncle Varg

thank you varg-san

Thank you Uncle Varg

Arigato Varg-chaaaaan~

Thank you uncle varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle varg


how many virgins hihi

Why is Varg so funny?

Look, a retard and Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you uncle varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

I'm not a virgin, but I can still give thanks to Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

>Thank you Uncle Varg

hes already made a 2nd edition and several expansions

did i walk into Sup Forums by accident

Thank you Uncle Varg

thank you uncle varg

Thank you Uncle Varg

Thank you Uncle Varg


Thank you Uncle Varg

thank you uncle varg