Let's talk top-tier country albums

Let's talk top-tier country albums.

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I can guarantee that there's not going to be a discussion, since this is Sup Forums, but I'll post anyway. I feel as though this album encapsulates the country idealism of "freedom" and "originality" while straying from the traditional and moving into a little bit of the "artsy", drawing on his experience as an art teacher. As of now, this is my favorite alt-country album (if we don't include Angels of Light, whose How I Loved You will always have a special place in my heart), followed by Blaze Foley's Oval Room, which is a much more traditional one-man-with-a-guitar-singing-about-love-and-shit country album.


Yeah, I expect this thread to die silently.

Never heard of Terry Allen. Listening to Lubbock right now. Hopefully your singe contribution will justify my creating this thread. Cheers user.


I'm not too well-versed in traditional country, but I listen to some alt/outlaw country. I still wouldn't say I know too much about that, either, but I might be able to hold a little bit of a conversation. Most of my listening is psych/freak/free folk and American Primitivism. I do have this chart of trad country saved thanks to Devon (or Banjoman), though I never did go through it. Any reason you enjoy country music over some other genres?

I too browse rym.

Serious answer here. Not the user you're replying to but it's the music I was raised on (well, outlaw country, not so much alt or pop country) and when I imagine the type of music I'd personally like to produce, the sounds of progressive country are the closest to what's in my mind.

elite taste right here

Townes is easily the most popular artist in this thread after Willie.

this fucker right here

Last year's Warren Haynes record is a recent good'un.

prime clark right there. his voice was a bit off-putting for me at first but once i got past it i was in. instant coffee blues was the moment i realized he was a genius.

never really ever fell in love with RHS. it has it's moments but i prefer an album like Stardust which is less consistent but has emotional highs that resonate for light years. that's always been my main problem with Will. He never ever really truly seems like he means but he's singing. it can be a strength like when he's being coy on a song like "hello walls."

i really need to get into ry cooder. would you recommend that album as a good place to start?

can't go wrong with townes. too bad he's been discussed to death on this board.

no idea who this is. dl'ing tonight.

holy shit, saved. can't wait to dig into this chart. i had kinda hit a dead end with Country/Folk. Wasn't sure where else to go.

I need to listen to more Prine. The nasally voice is a struggle for me. At least Guy Clark's voice got gruffer as he aged.

tbf, outlaw country is the best country out there, from what little I've heard. It mixes just the right amount of atmosphere with traditional sensibilities and tinges it with a somewhat cynical lyricism. That said, pop country (I think it can also be called Nashville Sound?) is absolutely horrible and I hate it. It's just regular pop music with an acoustic guitar and a southern drawl, which is probably the single most grating combination I can think of. I do, however, wish that I was slightly more well-versed in the genre so I could have an actual conversation about the music instead of just talking a lot.

Oh, I also found Witchy's country chart, which I have also not gone through.

My recent obsession has been the collaboration between Chet Atkins and Doc Watson called Reflections. It's one of the most fun and comfortable albums I've ever heard, like they just put an afternoon jam session to record. Two of the best pickers ever.

>no idea who this is. dl'ing tonight.
This song pretty much sums up the album.


And, yeah, Devon was the most knowledgeable person on this board when it came to old-time folk and country. It's a shame that I didn't keep in contact with him when I left for a few years. Now he's gone and we'll never talk again.

Obvious classic but whatever

>(I think it can also be called Nashville Sound?)
It technically can be called Nashville Sound, but it usually isn't. Nashville Sound was a very specific movement in the 50s and 60s and while modern pop country is similar in many regards, it isn't really the same thing. Just like Frank Sinatra and Justin Bieber are both technically pop but don't sound that much alike on an aesthetic level.

Here's a video of the original "main" musicians of the Nashville Sound, it doesn't have much of anything in common with Jason Aldean or Taylor Swift.


His first album is my favorite, Bruised Orange is great and so is Sweet Revenge.
Some of the later albums get a bit more ridiculous in tone but that's part of the charm for me. You can go from lighthearted shit like Dear Abby to Sam Stone and he's great at both.
Brilliant songwriter.


I sincerely don't hear the country in this, even any alt-country. It's a good album though.

Goes to show how ignorant I am. I'm just glad that I'm learning something today.

I really disliked Wilco last I listened to them. That was about 5 or 6 years ago, though. I have no desire to revisit.

Oh yeah, the only song remotely alt-country is I'm The Man Who Loves You. However, Wilco is a hugely favorite band of mine that might just get me into something akin to alt-country. I did enjoy their early albums, such as Being There and A.M.

Each to his own. I personally love YHF to death, and their other albums are pretty great as well.

if anyone's looking for 2010's country i'd recommend anything from this chart except the Southern Soul album, which was ass. I binged them all this month and they all get a thumbs up from me, even the albums that are more folk than country like the tallest man on earth and essex green albums.

no idea who that is either lol.
i've that whole disappearing act a few times in my internet life.
it's shitty yeah.

i'll probably end up marathoning his whole discography like i did for guy clark. i hear he has some new shit coming out this year. so far i've only hear the debut so i can't offer any informed opinions on him except that he's definitely particular about songwriting and how it should be concise and to the point. admirable.

Anyone else disappointed by the first two singles from the upcoming Dolly Parton album? I was hoping for a more Bluegrass/'Acoustic Country direction from her.


Can we talk about how Johnny Cash is extremely overrated by virtue of being the only classic country artist who's hip to like?

But I've listened to Live at Folsom Prison, so I'm now a genius when it comes to country music.

is this country?

Roy's dipped in and out of Country a number of times during his career.
