
metal general

Other urls found in this thread:


Gloryhammer sucks

metal is pretty good

black metal is wonderful

Deathcore and Djent Sucks



5x5 charts?

pls no bully

no one cares

people that don't listen to metal exclusively should never post charts.
fuck off false

August Burns Red is actually good.

Great album OP.

Very much bully. You have fucking awful taste.

Why are you even in this thread?

>thy art is murder

choose one

Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Burzum - Filosofem
Death - Symbolic
Edge of Sanity - Crimson
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Mercyful Fate - Melissa
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime

can i get some reccs based on my favorite albums?

No. No you can't. Fuck off.

they're just fun lad

okay papa

great thread


How am I supposed to recommend to you? This is entry level as fuck.

Violet Cold's discography

fuck you

great response

blackgaze sucks

idk man

You're spread across multiple genres and styles and all of it is the kind of stuff you'd find in the Sup Forums essentials chart metal section.

So go check the rest of that out, pleb.


who /satan/ here?

Fear Factory



I have the autismus




this thread finally reached rock bottom with feels posting, the only way to go now is up.


DSBM in general.

Woods of Ypres

>being with a woman

fuck off nu-male atmocuck

There's always more bottom.

wew lad
using up all your buzzwords that early must take a toll on you


wouldnt that make it even easier?

Sleep - Dopesmoker
Summoning - Oath Bound
Enslaved - any album
Pentagram - First Album
Windir - Arntor

And of course, literally all of Motorhead + Pic related

I love you too. And hey, if anything it's better than Deafheaven, and Liturgy. But seriously I keep hearing people saying "Atmoshit" and it's variants when referring to Atmospheric Black Metal, so why don't you like it?


It's a meme


It doesn't make it easier. I've no idea what your actual taste is, what you like. All I could do is through up a bunch of random albums from various genres. I already gave you my advice.

And those are also still very entry level things.

I'm a fan of dopesmoker & enslaved, and don't really dig windir

I'll def check out motorhead & pentagram again i didn't really give them a fair chance

thanks a bunch!

Cool, I love tha meems.

great thread

I'm in a black metal mood right now.
What are all the bm classic albums?

ty guys

>get blocked for asking for music on Sup Forums


Start with the Darkthrone Trilogy and Bathory - Bathory and then go from there

stop feigning ignorance, user

All right, I'll bite.

- Carnifex, that horrible Katatonia album, August Burns Red

+ Mgla, Death, Altars of plagues

"X for this feel" is an excuse to post irrelevant off-topic garbage, nothing more

The production on this album is fucking perfect. It sounds so raucous and lively.

Burning of Sodom is the GOAT thrash song

You got blocked for whining like a bitch

>Burning of Sodom is the GOAT thrash song
there are other stellar thrash songs that come to mind, so I can't call it the GOAT, but it's definitely one of the 20 best thrash songs ever.

+ Altar Of Plagues
+Black Fast

- everything else

That's what you plus? Seriously?

fuckin kek

in his defense, it's not like there are better things to plus

is there even any metal on that?

Shoulda ignored it then

weekend nachos is borderline, otherwise I don't see any

its my opinion bro chill lol

Literally all I have listened to lately is the new Inquisition and You're Dead by FlyLo.

Not really, but I always lurk here. Sometimes there's someone that puts a great black, death or heavy metal. So, meh

I know it's your opinion, I gave mine back

there's no aggression here

what album got you into metal?

mine was Cult Of Luna - Somewhere Along The Highway

++ False Light
+ Brainbombs, Weekend Nachos

almost none of the metal albums i listen to are long enough to show up on my 5x5

What's some essential/entry Sludge?
Listened most of Melvins stuff, all of Weedeater, some High On Fire and some Eyehategod.



mine was Rammstein - Reise Reise

I still secretly love Rammstein and I'm super hyped for the new album


Judas Priest - Painkiller.
Cant think anything that's wrong with it as well.

try some of the harsh stuff
dystopia - human = garbage
meth drinker - s/t
toadliquor - feel my hate the power is weight



Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

not even meme'ing

I know i'm gonna get shit for this but, I just listened to this album for the first time and holy shit it's great. I'll take some recommended albums that are similar. I am also new to metal.

this is gonna sound dadrock as fuck, but it was AC/DC. some live album from the Razor's Edge tour. opener was Thunderstruck, and it blew me away.
nowadays I don't even listen AC/DC, I can barely stand them anymore, but I'd be lying if I answered anything else.

>I am also new to metal.

You can't sit with us

Why would you get shit for this? Everyone loves None So Vile.

im embarrassed about this but it was brain drill - apocalyptic feasting. before that it was a bunch of nu-metal/buttrock/post grunge

+ Insect Warfare, Brujeria, Napalm Death, Slayer

Can anyone find this album ? I serioussly fucking give up

Soulseek my nigga

Because it was my first time listening to it.

You got it?

how much do you venture outside of /metal/?

I can't say I do much, this is the only place here I feel welcome

Go to Dark-World you lazy fuck

this is the only Sup Forums thread I go on

i use /metal/ memes outside of /metal/