Bands that are literally impossible to dislike

Who could hate dreamy warm dream pop?

I love Beach House but a lot of their music sounds the same which attracts a lot of dislikers.

Anyway, I choose Can and Neu!

King crimson

Not a band, but still.

prog rock xD
literally no haters

Neu! I could understand people disliking

Never met anyone who dislikes Can though, even my mum likes them

>rich white guy that sat around all day smoking weed
Pretty boring desu

I can't stand Yes

>prog rock

ok sorry """"""""krautrock"""""""" or whatever you want to call it :))


How could you hate Daniel Johnston?

His songs are adorable.

krautrock is literally german prog with funny noises desu


There are a lot of people who hate Weird Al, user.

yeah and post rock is prog with cresendos
and doom is prog with le metal instruments

pretty much every song that's longer than 3 minutes is prog.

There's not a single artist in the world that someone doesn't hate.

I'm just thinking of nice people that are difficult to actually dislike that much.

>yeah and post rock is prog with cresendos
but that's true

You either love him or are indifferent. You cannot hate daniel

Fair enough.

i dislike can
all their music i've heard sounds flat and soulless or boring
