ITT: post your favorite album, people guess your personality


Dramatic at times, intimate with close friends. Passionate, romantic with your love interests.

Introvert, acts edgy but really is sensitive


You're very funny but your jokes often accidentally hurt people

How can you be so right

Ice in the veins, never discuss emotions.
Good guy though, but pride makes life more uncomfortable.

Pretty wacky, but in a good way.

is fairly social but is very lazy

can work for a long time without being distracted, doesn't like talking about his feelings

oops heres my album

Also true

Humoristic, very non-serious

damn tooting you are spot on


Nice to hear

there's just something about live rock albums that attracts people with nice humor
>can work for a long time without being distracted, doesn't like talking about his feelings
damn popfriend you're very wrong



>They're taking her children away
>Because they said she is not a good mother
You enjoy letting your emotions go when listening to music

likes to party

masturbated to furry porn twice

You're entire life is a meme.
Either that, or a party.


Introvert, yet intelligent

Here's my another top 5 album

in either case he's probably way happier than most people here

feels most isolated when surrounded by people

avid coffee consumer

doesn't fall in love easily, but won't recover easily when he does

enjoys period dresses

pretty good actor

>doesn't fall in love easily, but won't recover easily when he does
Nigga how can you be so right? I'm 19 and I haven't had any relationship. I'm in love with my mom of course but not with strangers


Not too shabby.

Nostalgic for the good old days, outwardly bubbly and optimistic but inwardly reflective and mildly depressed

Appeals to the artsy crowd, well liked if not a bit pretentious

Angered by the shallowness of your peers, you're kind of a loner who embraces his lot in life and doesn't visibly let others get under his skin


Wrong! I use shower once in a week

you like to shoot heroin
youre depressed
you are quiet,but you are popular



You are a quiet, chill person. But if someone pissed you off, you would totally fuck him up
The only thing you could do your entire life is sitting by the ocean with friends.
You're pretty sensitive to what people say.
Whole summer spent at home.
You wear short sleeve shirts and too big denim shorts.
You were always cheating in classes.
You would be a nice parent. Caring.
Small group of friends.

>The only thing you could do your entire life is sitting by the ocean with friends.
Sounds fun



Underage, considers wrong music as experimental




18/19. discovered it just over a month ago.

semi-normie, and your next favourite album is something like a piece of strange cunninlynguists.

or you are french.

semi-normie, and your next favourite album is something like a piece of strange by cunninlynguists.

or you are french.

you are bald, have an opinion for everything, vegan, review music for a living



THAT guy






a real cool dude




You've been 'quitting' cigarettes for about 3 years

You seem like a sensitive but cool person


you're a cute dark-haired guy with glasses?!

you think you're too old for this board, and you think you'll quit posting here in few months.

you love someone who doesn't know you're exist (and you want to murder everybody else)

it was already one of your father's favorite album, amirite?

you're becoming obese but you don't care.

you really should stop drinking that much: the few people who love you are really worried.

you're a girl with short hair.

you miss your high school days.

you play bass but you still don't have a band

Has many opinions that rub people the wrong way, but is a kind and genuine person at heart.

Introvert prone to suicidal thoughts.

Likes to wear those hipster derby hats.



no girlfriend*