Invent a musical concept

Invent a musical concept

Let your inner John Cage flow. Music based on random number generators? Music based off non musical instruments? Music consisting of silence?


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A film score comprised entirely of samples from that film pre-score.

naked orchestra
think about that

Like that rap at the end of Bill and Ted? Still a good idea though.

Hyper language using nanosecond bits of thousands of people's voices merged to form melodies. Overall portraying the interconnectedness of humanity by the globalist agenda

Musique animal
Put a money in a rioom with several instruments until it creates something long enough to call it art or until it dies and then make bagpipes out if it's stomach

4 white guys with shaved heads, preferably with straight up skinhead style (Shermans, boots, braces, flight jackets...) doing rock covers of gangsta rap / trap songs, like that Geto Boys one that starts 'Going down to my local cemetery / Count up all the niggas I buried'

It'd be a good way to reinforce the fact that skinheads originally (and often still are) very into music from other cultures.

>I've been wanting to do this for years and literally would if I knew 3 other skins who could play

>It'd be a good way to reinforce the fact that skinheads originally (and often still are) very into music from other cultures.
>implying skinheads appreciate anything outside of their culture

Nazi punk fuck off

Not the person you replied to but ska. Nazi punks fuck off though

Algorithmic music already exists...

Educate yourself with some old school skinhead reggae:

what a boring idea

how delusional can one person be

I currently experimenting with van eck phreaking techniques to make a soundsource out of anything that emits electromagnetic waves.

You will be able to just point a bunch of antennas in the general direction of whatever you want to sample and pick up the noise.

Are you really so far on the spectrum you don't understand that some jokes need to be told with a completely straight face in order to be funny?

>full disclosure: I'm far enough on the spectrum to be put into a disproportionate rrage over these fucking 'storefront' captchas

The sound of something wet hitting something metallic

skinheads didn't start as nazis

Pop noir
Armenian primitivism
Post-impressionist chant
Polka funk
Space folk
Xylophonic crunk
Surrealist waltz
3rd trimester breakbeat
Impressionist no-wave
Free disco
Chamber trance
Orchestral techno (DJ Spooky's Ice Music might fit this)
Wizard romanticism
Expensive improvisation
Enslaved improvisation
Art EDM (any style)
UPPERCASE (not wall noise)
Freak funk

no but I'm so far into this board to assume that you are all actually retarded

I don't give a shit what they started out as, they're nazis now

Music involves the artist, and it's created based on past experiences with other musical elements, which are derived mostly from society.

So, musical instruments played by animals.

>educate yourself with skinhead reggae!
>posts ska

really makes you think

but edm already exists



I want to play pingpong with keayboards

i had an idea like this I probably wont do ever cause it's silly and racist kinda but take a sample from that wu tang album where he says Shame on a nigga run game on a nigga andloop it to say shame on a nigga over and over then write a song around it

music composed vocally whilst having sex

Laborwave. Industrial sounds underneath political speeches by communist, left-wing and union figures.

Some idiots are using the term Laborwave for their shit vapourwave.

that has been around since the 80s and it had a comeback in middle 00s

That sounds pretty sick, you'll have to post it for us to hear once it's completed