What is her fucking problem?

What is her fucking problem?

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Thanks a lot mate now I need to have a wank

Taylor Swift

She's not bouncing on my dick

man if taylor did some squats and got a little bit thicker she would be so fappable

kys chubby chaser



This is one of her biggest problems actually, she hops on every pecker she sees.

How many peckers do we know she's jumped on at this point? Has anyone here actually counted?

pretty shure she needs a vagina lifting at this point

there's a lot of room between twigmode and chubby m8
a lot

nah she prolly use her butthole for the big dicks

Quite literally sold out and became a sterile pop singer.

I mean I was no fan of her early country shit but at least she had her own niche and integrity back then.


excuse me i like squishy grills

She's five years too old to keep doing the same shit she did ten years ago, but it's the only thing she has to offer because she's vapid and uninteresting, so she keeps doing it despite being fed up and maybe even feels caught in that persona, because she likes the money and the fame.

She's white and white people need to die off

Why's that?

Because otherwise people don't take the bait.

she likes to fuck

dem pits

She's 26 lol. What exactly is she supposed to be doing huh?

She was the underdog due to her country/pop style breaking into mainstream media.

She went full pop, and her shit is catchy, and she became like a white Beyonce and teenage girls idolize her, so she is now too mainstream which is why it is cool to hate on her.

As an artist, I think she is stagnant; much of her music sounds the same and the subject matter of her songs has yet to evolve.

You'd think by now she would write about something other than cock or a silly pop song.

She's worth 250 million. You don't have to be interesting or unique when you are filthy rich. I personally don't have a problem with her, let her be a total cunt. Makes your life interesting I see, posting on a Japanese whale hunting image board about her.

She's a massive slut that can't write lyrics and relies on pop-song producers to come up with marketable music. She pretends to be deep and act like she puts a lot of work into writing music but that isn't the case at all and 99% of her songs involve her getting dicked.

shit tier armpits senpai

She's a fucking bitch

she already became absolute spirit no more funny dialect

All these haters. I hope Taylor BTFO you in her next album.

She looks hotter than usual here. What gives? Is it just the bobbed haircut?

>gives money to charity
>issues press release about it

good pit

she lost her virginity to jake when she was 24 so I would guess about 3-4 peckers

just bounce a broomstick on your lap it should feel the same
*rattle rattle*

shit pit



Who care is she does it for publicity? I doubt the people getting the money give a shit. Same with the sick kids she visits.

She's getting exposed atm, which in my opinion way too late.

That fucking ungrateful Jewish fuckboy.

She has not united the Germanic peoples under one flag

> implying she's not gonna be able to come back from this

What happened, exposed for what? I missed it..

yeah because that turned out so well in the 30's

Her problem is that a lot of people who don't actually care about her music like to hate on her because they think it makes them cooler.

She's not GOAT, but her songwriting is actually pretty solid and interesting when it's just her without co-writers. People take issue with her recycling the same subject matter for her entire career, but 99% of pop artists do that, even outside of the mainstream. More to the point, that's nothing new, it's been happening since the beginning of pop music.

It's just all manufactured backlash against her (manufactured) goody-goody underdog persona. John Lennon beat his wife - it turns out that popular musicians are flawed people who do bad things just like the rest of us

>mfw this thread is just 16 yo men fapping to taylor swift
kys swiftfag

Why is there always an idiot who takes memeposts seriously

Fucking hell I hate her music but she sure does something to my dick every time I see pics of her.

> implying Taylor won't do a better job than Hitler

She managed to become the biggest pop star on the planet she will do just fine as führer.

t. Katyfag

Embrace her music user. Do it for your dick.

if this dumbass becomes our leader i'm taking my life.

katy is fucking garbage. the ONLY good popular female artists are Melanie Martinez and Nicki Minaj

Yeah how dare her donate 1 million dollars to the flood victims in Louisiana! Fucking selfish cunt

brad pit

i've never been attracted to taytay, but her coming out as a huge conniving cunt changed my mind. now that's hot.

> Nicki Minaj
> good

Top kek.

what the fuck is wrong with male anons
yeah she's totally shit
except shes not

You must one of those anons that prefer this woman to Taylor.

>male anons

you're definitively a tranny

who is that. i don't know her but i'm supposing shes better than Taylor.

Find that nude photo of her then.

fem user here
my soggy kness Xddddd

You're forgetting Carly Rae Jepsen!

post it bitch

>16 yo
nah don't overestimate nominal adults


>my soggy kness Xddddd

aww poor thing went full retard!

That song is good I'll grant you that but 1989 is as a whole better that The Pink Print and so is Red.

shes... okay to say the least.
then again i'm a fobfag so i can't talk

I want to "fuck her in her pussy" if you know what I mean

>ha ha, i was being ironic - special meme fresh



If she was a rapper she'd be bones

>what the fuck is wrong with male anons
I dunno you tell me

Just type in "i've got taylor swift nudes" on google and click the second link.

>exclamation mark

Why would I kiss you? Faggot.

special meme fresh on facebook. he is meme man

you ok? post armpits



i think that's called the male sex drive or something hahah

white people lol



Taylor is the Chaos route.
She starts off being kind of cool and you might agree with some of her opinions, but then she gets a taste of power and just goes nuts wanting to kill God to purge humanity for a new world.



Not be making the same fucking breakup songs about the fake boyfriends she presents to the gossip columns for the sake of justifying her next breakup song. She was a young vapid inexperienced woman once but damn if she's gonna stay young and inexperienced for so long. Bitch probably hates that she can't change her career or persona without losing her fans.

But how the fuck does the small fish get its mass?


Nice trips dummy

Why do they always suck in their gut just get fit you fat fucks


>she lost her virginity to jake when she was 24
[citation needed]

u might be on to something.

i want to FUCK her slutty pit pussy

i dont please explain in detail user

it's weird, she makes me want to walk, but not over her