ITT: Post top 10s, have others guess things about you

ITT: Post top 10s, have others guess things about you.

You're a prick




a gentle giant
feels like he doesn't fit in with his group of friends


22, not quite a pseud, but yearn for a more artistic experience. Probs could be said for everyone on this board

Live in some shithole in England, UK anyway, nice fella, probably doesn't get out enough because no one ever wants to do anything that interests you

You have numerous lists of "All time greatest X"


loves RYM
loves pitchfork

you have a vivid imagination

you wear checked shirts

you have been depressed

You'e very sad but you don't like to bother people with it.

Class clown who uses humour to deflect from his insecurities

You're me from either a past life or a future life

You have trouble motivating yourself.

>loves RYM
hearty kek

shit taste comin thru

You smoke a lot of weed.

You're engaged to a beautiful girl.

You're a guitarist in a band.

you recently started seeing a girl

is trying to be less lazy

plays bass

>You're a guitarist in a band.
I wish I had that kind of discipline.

>you recently started seeing a girl
Am an unattached faggot.

I'm single and lean towards men sadly

pink chart guy

Had a good relationship with their mother.

Hates the ideas of rules or limitations.

Lives in Canada, frequents local coffee shops.

Former chain-smoker, but still smokes occasionally.

Are you sure about that?

you must be new


Gets along well with normies.

Was emo/scene in high school.

Takes too many drugs.

Wasted their childhood and feels terrible about it.

Most likely a projecting prick.

Bashful and scared of rejection

You've been listening to your favorite albums through most of your life

Bullied a lot in school, parents divorced when they were in middle school.

>nara leao
>nuno canavarro
>songs: ohia
i really like you and you are a cool person

>Live in some shithole in England, UK anyway,
True minus that part

>You're me from either a past life or a future life
Can neither confirm or deny. I haven't listened to any of your albums so maybe you're one step ahead of me.

Is terrified of a mundane 9-5 life.

Liberal arts student at college.

I'm a disgusting pleb so any recommendations would be great!

Digable Planets - Blowout Comb
The Fall - Slates
The Stooges - Fun House
Freestyle Fellowship - Innercity Griots

Thanks user

pleb here

my nigga

yooo nice fave album i haven't seen anyone with that in their charts besides me on here before

I wouldn't say it's my #1 but it's definitely one of my favourites, Edith and The Kingpin is such a great track


have you heard Hejira? iirc it was the album she released before HSL and it's really really good esp if you liked the jazzier bits on hsl


big fat juicy dicc

I recognise 3/10 of your albums
All of them are pretty good
Would share my weed with you, m8ey
Def an introvert


dude bro

dad bro


lurk moa

something else kinda guy

easy going boi


neurotic tho



hates himself but doesnt want to commit suicide


you think outside the boxe

you like drugs a lot

pothead - uses psychedelics way too much

down to earth funny dude


self absorbed kinda guy

dude weed lmao

you overthink every single thing in your life

boring guy. low enegry, cant even get sexts
likes to wear shirts
eats cigaretts
wore a hat once
never been on a plane. lives in nebraska actually

Yep, that's probably my second favourite Joni album

You're sad and lonely

First from the right on the bottom, what is it?



Guided By Voices - Same Place the Fly Got Smashed


I'm pretty fun at parties

You constantly predict how each thing you do will turn out, although still do things you know will end up being bad.
You try really hard to be optimistic.



you haven't left your room in the past month
you are a painter
you try to do the right thing but always fuck it up somehow. nice seven idiots btw
you're pretty fun at parties
you used to be good at juggling

kinda close writer not painter good enough/10

you've always got a project you're working on
4.0 gpa
thinks he's fun at parties
you long for your optimistic junior high lifestyle

probably 19, has been 'planning to read infinite jest'



Is thread dead

american teenager, pretty cool

mellow and confident

thoughtful and reflective

smart, unpopular though

pretty fun at parties

should explore things on your own accord

like coffee

likes interesting real world instrumentals

I'm 23, though

Pretty much, you like psychedelics.

i posted the wrong chart like an idiot


Pretty fun at parties but gets drunk too quickly, you're a fun drunk at least.

i do get drunk fast~

incoherent taste

to be kind and aphex and americanfootball on the same list? sure

rec me jazz



ryo fukui - scenery

anarcho punk user here. feel like we would get along. i rec ornette coleman's early stuff.

You must find something great about being depressed

You are a lifter, enjoy good music without it being TOO important for you

You find beauty in pain

I know, plebeian taste, blabla whatever, I love these albums.
Also I really am looking for albums with an unique ambiance that catch you in their unique mood, in my list I find BoC, YHF, Loveless, Kid A, F#A# to be close to that description.
But send me recs anyway, I'll be glad.


You like quiet days inside on a rainy day.

you find that melancholy is a pretty good feeling

mingus :O

20 years old

from the midwest

Midnight Marauders is GOAT
I think we could be friends
I predict that you really like ween

You seem chill

You seem like a cool person, milo is great

Great taste, you must be a smart person

Feel free to rec me something

folks i'd hang out with

nigrish bump


Crippling depression/anxiety
Has a close relationship with their mother
Has tried cocaine but isn't an addict

listen to Noothgrush - Erode the Person
Classical Curves is so good. can't really find anything similar except maybe Emptyset's debut, and of course PC music.


