Kpop general

birthday edition

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Do you think Daesung gets nightmares about that motorcyclist

send purepop to Auschwitz


superior birthday coming through


I like blackpink and apink


gaypop btfo


i'd rather purepop over watching tiny korean girls act like black men

I like lovelyz and loveus

good taste


I love YeSis


this is like comparing SNSD sales with Teentop to make a point



Seohyun is still pure right?

>its a club song

is this real?

This kills the Arin.

you know loveus is no more?

>T-ara (pronounced "tiara")

based SM

>club song
this is a runway song user

wow Lotto is fucking garbage.

... but I can already tell its gonna grow on me. mvs shit tho

Post donks only a African American could appreciate.

Somi is 15, like just barely

she was corrupted at some point around 2013

most likely tiffany's fault



they left us too soon...

yes ;_;

well all know who it really was
the sponsored whore

is gaypop even trying

what kpop would get wet being the passenger, i say soyul and binnie tbqh

oh god yes



chinese > > > burgers

why do americans like bts so much?


BTS is fucking huge but not China huge
they should have used exo

>korean photographers

so ugly, old and plastic

LOL at IOI blowing the fuck out of BLACKFLOP

you know that being huge in US means having like 5k fans right?

that recent kcon opened my eyes at western fandom

When exactly do they usually announce the idol olympics?

which kpops fuck a lot?

wtf i love gaypop now

>gaypop btfo
You know that China has 1.4 billion people right?

They are huge tho.
Only EXO sold more than them

the ones you like


Link to this?

Do we like girls like Jisook here?



I wanna be her boytoy


Where are my exo posters @

I like that

and a superior taste in kpop

she is a mature woman

That's my point, no shit T-ara would beat BTS but that doens't really describe the typical relationship between girl and boy group support

exo lost to tvxq in the second round

ok i fapped 12 times to seohyun already

gonna go take a nap

we love them

I see another Miss A happening in BP, aka. Jisoo and the nugus.
Jisoo = Suzy
Rose = Fei
Jennie = Jia
Lisa = Min


may as well stuff watermelons in there next time, it's not like it'll be any less realistic

what did we think of cl's new mv?


Is it time?


*on the verge of doing it*

is this hyomin?


Article: 'Show Time' Sowon checks Yerin's bare face 'no embarrassment even in a close up'

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+244, -26] It's not like this group got popular for being pretty... it was a combination of having good songs + Yoojoo's singing skills... so let's put that bare face away...

2. [+157, -34] Even with full make up faces, they get called 'busted girlfriend' so what're they doing showing their bare face... or do they just not care anymore

3. [+152, -30] She already has an eyebrow tattoo, double eyelid surgery, nose surgery, and they're trying to call that a bare face to us....

4. [+21, -7] The members all have eyes and nose that look like Gangnam plastic monsters

5. [+16, -4] At that age, everyone looks good with a bare face... It's hilarious to me to see little girls talk about bare faces when it hasn't even been that long since our youth started wearing make up...

TVXQ is the biggest group in the history of kpop in any measure you want to use from revenue, album sales, to concert tickets sold.

Did you like lotto? not their best but still a banger desu

whats your point

yeah she's overdoing it lately



she's so progressive

I've just added that photographer on my list
he is just after hwadog

>tfw smug soshitters finally discover the true nature of netizens

put your trip back on

This. It's awful but I can't stop listening.

Make one for doyeon

Song is chill.
MV is eeh.

WAYLT (post what youre listening to)

wow I need to erase that image from my mind

did someone here fuck up the poll on akf?

post the pic from this series where she stands in the door pls

56 nights

so-so, but the album is banger

>She already has an eyebrow tattoo
what the fuck

Happy birthday to two great girls! Hwaiting!