Um guys?

Um guys?

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God fucking dammit

more like Endless LIES
he will never release his album fuck him

>endless watch

that faggot is reffering to us watching his stream waiting for anything to drop

Hahahaha I drink your tears

Who cares about this talentless faggot

It's gonna be shit anyways

bumping for the rip guys

Nostalgia Ultra was pretty good and Channel Orange was shit, why is this guy so over hyped? Is there something I'm missing here? Is it just the mysterious artist gimmick?

>Channel Orange was shit

i cant even work out how to watch it
wtf is apple music

Anybody else think Frank's lyrics are cheesy as fuck

It was boring as shit in comparison to Nostalgia Ultra.

nah senpai I think he has amazing lyrics. they match his voice too - not perfect, but raw and honest.


jenny death when

I heard there was a new billy ocean album coming out soon here it is


Let me know when the torrent is up.

I'm not an uncultured waste of space like most Frank Ocean fans.

Heres an audio rip of the stream

Dat nigga gay


this isn't MC Ride
