Terrible band names

My gf just asked me what kinda band name is "brand new" but she likes 21 pilots..

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What's the problem? Just approach them with confidence they love that shit and have a good sense of humor

The story of their band nsme is actually pretty good, though. M

And what's the story? Google didn't help

did you just fucking put an M as a signature on your post

21 pilots or brand new?

I think he did. -user

tell her its Art she wouldn't get it

Perhaps I did. What does it matter to you what I do on here? I've been browsing for 2 months now and want to be known. M

shut up loser

>2 months
Oh boy, $100 says he was talking about 21 pilots name



Ignore him, M. Do your thing, jellybean! -user

me and my friends used to play a game where we would make up indie band names and see if they were real
sometimes we'd end up naming things that exist on bandcamp

He was probably on mobile. Double tapping the spacebar adds a full stop, and I often accidentally "sign" my posts/messages with an M without realising.

god i fucking hate Sup Forums - K

same -A

Tyler Joseph came up with the band's name while studying “All My Sons” by Arthur Miller. It's a play about a man who must decide what is best for his family after causing the death of twenty-one pilots during World War II because he knowingly sent them faulty parts for the good of his business. Tyler has explained that this story of moral dilemma was the inspiration for the name of the band. I personally think their band name has a deeper and stronger meaning than most others.

And yes, the M was due to a mobile mishap. But I like the idea of a douchebag signature. M

Samearino- ?

And yet another good band name is wasted on a horrendously terrible band

I have a moral dilemma every time I listen to twenty one pilots because of how shit they are-O

wasn't me

But they really aren't THAT bad - J

thats the faggiest thing i've ever heard

i hope this turn into a meme on this trash board - q

Have you actually sat down and listened through "Regional At Best"? It's a phenomenal album. S

This is now officially the worst thread in the history of Sup Forums

They're both trash m8. S

Don't force it, q


How old are you?

Always force it. M

Old enough ;)

Ok. N

Fuck all of you. This is shit. H

There used to be a shitty band that played around Indianapolis called Baby Birds Don't Drink Milk. I thought it was pretty horrendous.

top apologists get out

- L

Fuck YOU, asshole H. We can make signatures if we wanna. T

We don't apologize for what we like - J

Lol don't pretend to be me faggot, I actually enjoy them to an extent big L
- J aka OP

I think M likes them too, J. B

I do, actually. M

dont let it die agh -C

More likely they'll just think of you as a creep

lmao betas actually think this, how do you ever expect to get a girl with that mentality? if she seems uncomfortable just back off a little. It's a science but it just takes practice

This. B

So do I. D

and me dont tell people on here though theyre assholes - c

ey don't worry about it i was just pulling a meme-ruse on you we're all friends here enjoy what you like

- L

You got it C. D

Awww. You two are cute af. J

If dubs, C posts asshole. D

Check em. R

Hey L, C, and D, can you please tell me what the best soundsystem is to buy these days? Thanks. A


bur - P

Go fuck yourself. M

sony srs-x11 is best out their - c

If you're a creep, yes. Otherwise, no.

But I see creeps getting gfs all the time. Some girls have different standards, either because they're creeps themselves or because their mind works in a way that I'm not even close to understand.

Thanks, just picked one up. It has the sound of silver for sure, I give it an A. A

The fuck? Those portable Sony shits suck ass.

Sorry, who are you? I don't see your signature. B


Lol why big L?

bump bump. J

I want a signature too. 8=D~


t. M

Master Musicians of Bukkake.


as much as I like the band, brand new it's a meme tier name. Another bad name like that I would say "pretty little flower", I mean, the joke is too obvious.

I think 21 Pilots are at least a contender for the best rock band of this decade. You have to at least admit this. M

no and kill yourself. Z

So many individuals are claiming to be M. This is unacceptable. M

this meme sucks. FAG

But I am M, IRL too, M. M