/amelia/ - Amelia Fletcher General

This one is for the queen of indie pop. Discuss your favorite songs from Talulah Gosh, Heavenly, Marine Research, Tender Trap, and anything else featuring Fletcher.

>when you first heard amelia
>your favorite of her bands
>your top 5 amelia songs

>expanded version of c86 had talulah gosh's "i told you so"
>talulah gosh
>talulah gosh, shallow, bringing up baby, starshy, our love is heavenly

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just found live footage of our love is heavenly
4:10 or so

essential amelia backing vocals
george best is probably their best album and it's no coincidence that amelia sings on it

this is pretty gay dude

sorry that i want to share my favorite musician with people

a favorite musician you first heard on the c86 reissue, what, two weeks ago? fickle kids, i was doing distro for t-gosh imports and helped put on heavenly's first us show in sherman oaks way back when

come next thursday you'll be calling drake or swans or katie dey or some shit your "favorite musicians"
fuck outta here son

Hey again buddy. Did you like Operation Heavenly?

>first heard on the c86 reissue
actually yes
although it was a mediocre indie pop compilation that had talulah gosh that made me actually listen to her in earnest

i honestly only listened to space manatee and it didn't impress me that much
i'll get around to it after i listen to decline and fall, though

>helped put on heavenly's first us show in sherman oaks way back when
Remember anything interesting from this?

Is three star compartment the best Heavenly song? Srs question

they are the kings of c86, end of discussion.

this literally isn't c86

i prefer sperm meets egg if we're only talking about decline and fall
if not then it's shallow or starshy, depending on my mood

>c86 comp
Pick one dude

Probably either this or C is the Heavenly Option

Man it's been awhile since I listened to Heavenly. They were so great. Fave songs are prob Three Star Compartment, Hearts and Crosses, and C is the Heavenly Answer.

no c86 is really good
it was a different, almost entirely mediocre compilation that sparked my love for talulah gosh

*option, sheeeit

>Hearts & Crosses
Shit, I forgot about that EP. I think I need to change my favorite pick to Atta Girl.

c is the heavenly option is the reason i gave beat happening a chance even after hearing indian summer

no its punk girl

can we all agree that talulah gosh is the best song released by any of amelia's bands

I think you need to listen to the P.U.N.K. Girl EP and Operation Heavenly before you make that call bro

i've heard the punk girl ep
hearts and crosses is the best song i'd never let a cute girl know i enjoyed
really though those guitar fills in the pre-chorus are my favorite moment in any song

>guitar fills in the pre-chorus
of talulah gosh, i mean
sorry i didn't make that clear

Hearts & Crosses is amazing but Atta Girl edges it out slightly in my mind.

i dunno? kathleen hanna is an asshole, calvin johnson is a closet fascist and, from my one geniune brush with fame, pre-mtv kurt cobain was a sweetheart

that whole twee/indie/punk/intl pop underground thing blends together for me, it's all a blur. there was an article on p4k like ten years ago that summed it up

>Another problem came, oddly enough, from the friendly, supportive nature of the scene: the last thing you'd ever hear a popkid say was that she "hated" an indie pop band. This makes for nice atmosphere, but pretty poor quality control.

i've heard way too much shitty twee pop in my days. i can still give talulah gosh a spin or two, but other than that i head for the nearest exit whenever there's a jangly guitar and some stunted 25-year old starts singing about flowers or her cats or whatever. it took ten years of dub/techno/breakbeat to wash that shit out

is amelia as nice in person as i want to believe she is

now i'm no feminist and as "redpilled" as the next guy but i've always loved this kind of twee music

and i don't give a fuck. it's well written pop music pham

yes user i'm not here to shatter your dreams

she is (or was, at least) indeed very nice

shut the hell up

who /trans/ here

I wish the Catenary Wires had had a performance when I was in England last month.

>tfw you will probably never see Amelia live
Music for this feel, lads?

I think Heavenly vs Satan is the only album of theirs I haven't seen mentioned on Sup Forums before. What's up with that? It's a pretty good album


i'm so happy we got a good amelia general today and i doubt that it will ever happen again
i want the good vibes to keep going

>tfw Amy and Rob are much too busy to travel to America

tbqh i don't really dig their catenary wires stuff, but i'd totally go see them live

maybe i should get married to some random person and ask them to perform at my wedding
would they do it?

>tfw you'd have a better chance of seeing amelia if she wasn't so good at everything she did