St. Vincent thread

so what's next for Annie Clark's album/career?

what's the best song to describe your summer so far, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

will she ever be normal again?

st. vincent lol quit embarrassing urselves

You have anything against StV, pal?

>what's the best song to describe your summer so far, Sup Forums?
Surgeon. I've been spending the summer on my back, although that's because I'm a lazy oversleeping piece of shit and not because I've been getting my rug munched.

I came here to say the same thing user. You're not alone.


just imagine her reaction if she read the story

stop the ride I'M GETTIN' OFF

She'd probably be amused at the fact that some of her fans are too beta to even fantasise about fucking her and instead fantasise about having her as their auntie.

I fantasize about facefucking her all the time. But then i just want her to cuddle me and hug me. Its a lot of mixed emotions.

>that dyke-face



She doesn't have a dyke face. What are you talking about?

Was that supposed to sound good?
Stop fucking around with the sound for fuck's sake.

St. Vincent took a nose dive when she discovered you can make your electric guitar go "WOOO".

>2014: "I still remember going to the CD World and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.”


>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”

Yes, she does. Don't fucking argue with me, I know dyke-face when I see it.

I used to work at a dyke bar (true story)

She's so naughty.

Welp. Guess I'm hard now.

(I think it's mostly because the majority of us realize she's lesbean af)

what is this paedo whispering to her daughterfu, Sup Forums?

This meme doesn't work anymore hater. Nobody gives a fuck

I guess she's still mentally on a level of a 16 year old with these stories desu.

Something Actor related
My song for the summer would be See No Evil by Television. I put that shit on repeat. Also where's my nigga who wrote his pt2 of the story? It's been awhile since I got on a Annie thread

Saw this on my tv. Her version was alright I guess and this is coming from an Annie fan

I thought she didn't identify as anything?

She's probably threatening her. Just look at Cara's face. Poor Cara.

Nah she's not that kind of person

Fuck me too. That first line always makes me feel like shit because it's so fucking true

She doesn't like labels, but for practicality's sake she's a typical lesbian. She has never shown or talked about any interest in men, like ever.

I think the whole Auntie/paedo thing is a good workaround for that. 'The story' gets you into a situation where she would plausibly want to fuck you and then has her do nothing, which is pretty gay tbqh.

But the story is pretty damn comfy when you don't really have any fucking desu

Every time I feel or see Annie being insecure or anxious. I just want to hug and reason with her to make her feel better

I wish she would just call herself dyke and get it over with it. The waifufaggtory for her is getting to autistic for me especially since she such a dyke

Why are you being so rude about her being a lesbian? Like it's not even a big deal

They definitely clam jammed later that night

Holy shit is she playing an actual SG here and not some piece of shit Japanese knock off/copy for once?

It ain't that bad

Homosexuals are abominations and should all be gassed.

Thanks for understanding, user.

So according to the lesbian forum I found out about last night, apparently Annie broke up with Cara? What is this blasphemy?

No prob. Are you the writer? If so I was the guy who you talked to about the perpetuated waifufagging a few days back

Damn dude why do all the lesbean always have the scoop on this important info

I'm the author of the story that is currently in the mommy thread on /hr/. I'm not the OP of the thread who wrote the original Annie story sometime ago.

But yeah, I do remember talking to you about that!!

I have no fucking idea. They stalk Annie and Cara like crazy and are better digging through the tabloids and shit and reading into their social media behavior it's crazy watching them work. I've read through like 30 pages worth of stuff this is some interesting stuff.

Stfu. They were the cutest couple.

No I agree. They are/were super cute. But looking through this forum! Idk if they're still together or not! ugh

What kind of album would she have to make to stop Sup Forums from making embarrassing threads about her all the time?

Her own OK Computer

>yfw when Annie's next album is another collaboration album

>with Taylor Swift


Annie's not that basic come on now. Love This Giant wasn't that great, but at least she did work with someone like David Byrne


Lmao when Annie's hair is long AF and she look like she trying to rock the Jewfro

Also is not weird as shit to anyone else that she recorded a commercial for the NFL?

Seems pretty damn out of her style.

I too thought that was pretty weird but you know, gotta make that $$$$$ when Cara isn't there anymore to pay for everything

Still looks pretty hot

I've always loved Annie's choice in cute shoes

Anyone follow Annie on Twitter? I feel like she's been rather quiet on there lately. Hopefully she's actually been working on new music

> implying Annie didn't secretly record Cara during one of her sessions to blackmail her for money when she dumps her

Knowing how crazy Annie is, this is most likely.

I never found Annie crazy in the slightest bit. She may be pretentious about her music or something else, she may be annoying, but she's definitely not crazy. I don't see her doing anything like that

I generally agree, but also feel like she hit a phase where she seemed drugged out of her fucking skull for a pretty solid handful of months there, in between the David Byrne record and her S/T.

I feel bad for her honestly. What could be stressing her out so much? Was she actually abusing something? When she was touring last year she looked like a fucking mess, and she looked extra pale on some days like:

> but she's definitely not crazy.

How do you explain her pathological lying about Kate Bush? Accept it user. Your waifu is fucking nuts. Pic very much related.

What's the background behind this pic?

Yeah I have no idea honestly, she looks like she's seen a lot of shit the past few years but I have no idea what'd it'd be about.

They're literally engaged. Like nothing is up in the air at this point.

From a video of her performing at a festival. The camera just zoomed in on her.

I feel like it might be a lot of things: Her sheer popularity that seems to have exploded since her self-titled. All the interviews and features she's been having to do. Putting up with the paparazzi following her around everywhere since being with Cara. And the pressure from everyone demanding she put out a new album soon...sigh*

Wait seriously

Good points, but it kinda seemed like something was up before s/t came out

Then again going straight from being the indie rock girl that made Strange Mercy to doing an album with David Byrne and touring that is also kind of a giant and sudden step in popularity as well

Well they've been dating for years, and Margot Robbie posted a pic of Cara with an engagement ring on. Like it's not some mystery that they've been dating for years though.

You know now that I think about it, I've watched a couple of interview videos she did with David and I guess I could see like this anxiousness about her. Like her expression and eyes were saying "I'm just so tired. I just want to go home and relax."

I remember specifically when they were on The Colbert Report she seemed uncharacteristically super awkward and nervous it seemed like, she definitely didn't seem comfortable when she was answering questions at all and she was kinda really quiet most of it in general.

The poor thing. I'm getting a little stressed just thinking about how out of it she probably was.

And guys on here were giving her so much shit for her apparently being such a bitch to an asshole blogger that she was being interviewed over the phone which was breaking up badly on her end, and was barely able to stay awake for.

This thread is starting to morph into the lesbian thread where they psychoanalyze everything Annie does and insist they know what is going on in her mind.

It's still way better that the shitfests that are Lavren/Charli/Taylor threads. Those are nightmares.

I thought you guys might like to see some good CRINGE. Poor Annie, all the stupid shit she's asked to do.

I'm glad Annie's acting career never took off

lmao did she ever actually try to act?

this song is so cool

I want her to do more stuff like this

she was in an episode(?) of Portlandia with her old jew-gf

Holy fuck I'm dying!! I never knew about this!!

Dude, yikes. That is painful to sit through.

Holy fuck I'm done. Y'all DID NOT TELL ME ABOUT THIS SHIT

She was in three episodes and she was sort of a main character in one of them.

>The perks of dating an actress

...damn dude, has Annie been leeching off her bitches all this time and I just never really noticed?

Don't worry bro I think I just realized it too since I just found out she was in Portlandia tonight. I mean but who doesn't take advantage of the perks your significant other brings with them?

she seems to be aging terribly. is it her ethnicity or is she heavily using drugs?

Probably mostly because she's white. But I have no idea if she does drugs or ever did at one point, because her personality seems to say that she's not into them, but then certain pictures will seem like she does do them.

She's just white, idk what ethnicity you'd think she is otherwise man lol

But yeah I didn't want to point that out specifically, but it does kind of seem like there's some drug use going on and its aging her a lot faster than she should've just over the last couple years.

She doesn't look...particularly healthy.

>"Jesus Christ, these teens are so annoying. They don't even know the words to the song. Why are there so many guys in their 20s here? The fuck? I just need to sniff some powder and I can get through the rest of this day."

Disheveled punk Annie is best Annie.

This thread reminds me, I definitely want to pick up one of the Anniecasters, whatever the hell Ernie Ball is calling them. Those things are slick AF.

I agree, Annie looks particularly delicious in this pic.

You mean one of these bad boys? Lowkey I would get one of these

Yeah man. Those things are cool as fuq, I would definitely play the shit out of it.

Idk if I'd say I'd make it my primary guitar because I'm pretty proud of my thinline Jag, but otherwise...nice ass guitar.

Lol her photo op for the making of the guitar is pretty cute

Is Annie a time traveler or not? How does she keep her youth? Does she sacrifices young women like Cara to her dark God?