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Pretty good emo album

"I'm not Okay" was a big hit and very nostalgic to me.

Is the critical reappraisal of MCR underway???


the band didn't have any good ones when they made this album

Danger Days = The Black Parade > Three Cheers > [spoiler]i haven't actually listened to Bullets yet because i keep forgetting[/spoiler]

A classic

Yeah it's in full swing at this point I feel like

almost as good as the first

Speaking of MCR, there's going to be a 10th Anniversary re-release of The Black Parade coming out late September.

They put out what is supposedly an early version of 'Welcome to the Black Parade' a couple weeks ago on their YouTube channel.

It also comes with a bonus CD of rough cuts and demos called Living With Ghosts, I believe.

Switch Black Parade and Three Cheers and you'll be good, Black Parade is too melodramatic and there's a decent amount of filler.

my all time favorite punk album, maybe after Fresh Fruit

It was pretty great in middle school, but even then I only really liked maybe 3 songs, I only listened to the rest because I was too lazy to switch CDs often.

an MCR thread? in MY Sup Forums?
[spoiler]no but thank you for makin this thread mang it's been forever since i've seen an mcr thread.[/spoiler]


sweet may may man

Older sister-core

The Ghost of You is the best track

If you see someone with this on their shirt, keep far away from them.

fucking ass backwards d00d.

this is the only good mcr song

Great album. It's perfect to me.

full of nostalgia, i sometimes pop one of the songs

Emo lyrics and pop punk instrumentals. Probably the best pop punk album I've heard, though I'll admit I'm embarrassed to admit I like it in public.

This isn't pop punk. Man I hate when people say that about this album. It's too heavy for pop punk.

I dunno, I'd say it's pretty borderline but I feel like I would still classify it as pop punk. Maybe pop metal is more accurate though, I'm not a music scholar or anything. Any particular examples on the album you would point to to prove your point?


Like half of the tracks are too heavy, punky, the vocals are cut in and out of clean vocals. There are plenty of rough screechy vocals. If you compared this to something else like the story so far it's very easy to distinguish them apart from each other.

Heavier than pop punk. I ever implied it was metal.


simple plan>mcr

Helena's a great song I can't deny it

one of my favourite albums

pretty good. god tier mallcore band

Cemetery Drive is my favorite song of the album, probably just because it sounds so different from the rest.

Having listened to the album again I can see where you are coming from. I would place the album pretty firmly into pop metal, but I would say that the album still has pretty clear pop punk influences. Great album all the same, forgot how good it was.

>tfw midway through album suddenly emo

It's first concert nostalgia tier

ohhhhhhhhh sweet sweet beautifu

cool mee mee dude

Why would you post a shitty edit of the song?

its pretty good yeah

You guys need to listen to more music

You need to jump into a planes turbine.

I unironically believe The Black Parade comes together as an album better than a lot of critically acclaimed albums. The songs fit each other almost perfectly thematically in both music and lyrics, and the track ordering is excellent. Some of the individual songs are duds, but they flow into each other very well.