Post albums that feel like a city late at night

Post albums that feel like a city late at night

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but it's different now that i'm poor and aging



What's this all about?

That's such a good album, OP.

>post albums that feel like what people from the suburbs think city life is like


Post your example then, hotshot.

enlighten us, then

You're gonna get a lot of the same, OP.

specifically new york (though i've never been)

kind of blue by miles davis specifically blue in green


Quick! Someone post Interpol!

Pic related

No argument here

A lot of people I know like to rip on the Arctic Monkeys but I think they're really good.


city lights n shit



Despite the ups and downs of later releases, this is still a classic.

Contrarian hipsters, I'm telling you.

Sucks that The Weeknd will start to lean more on churning out hits like Can't Feel My Face

The best hip hop funk album out there

Yea, but in another sense, good for him.

I think what made HoB great, and the other two mixtapes to a lesser extent, was a sense of DIY production and songwriting with pure professional polish, plus a commanding and consistent mood. Abel and friends nailed exactly what they were going for first time out, in my opinion, and nothing else he's released has really come close in terms of a similar aesthetic.

So, in my mind, I never expect another Weeknd album, or even another song really. I'm happy that The Weeknd released an amazing album, and if Abel now wants to team up with Max Martin and make hand over fist while releasing really fucking catchy pop songs, I'm not going to complain too much.

this is like a beach city at 4pm on a saturday

My friend has said that you listen to the new albums during the party, HoB after the party

I will miss the HoB vibe, and it doesn't help that literally everyone is ripping off the aesthetic. Especially the ones at OVO

This would actually be more suitable for late evening/dusk but oh well

>My friend has said that you listen to the new albums during the party, HoB after the party
Oh yea, especially the last three tracks, The Knowing was my go-to 5 AM comedown song. However, I've lost my fucking mind when House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls is played on the right soundsystem at the right time in the right place. The way the celebration and optimism of the first half is totally undercut by the immediate switch up to complete evil of the second half is incredible.

ive been a day one hater of this album since it's leak and i always disregarded it in my mind as trash but I gotta say over the summer I found myself homeless in portland and put AM on while I wandered around aimlessly after the buses stopped running and the album clicked so beautifully with me I found a new appreciation for it

worst album of all time



come on guys, should have been first post

Jesus, looks like Summer is here to stay

Rainy day for me.


Actually, I've been browsing Sup Forums for a few years now. Not really a summerfag.

Still a new fag though

>says the summerfag

You guys are fucking idiots, it's like talking to little kids.

Despite the cover, the sounds that transition from one song to the next are very city like.
Also the album is best appreciated at night, I feel.

>b-but I want to be an old fag >:(

No, you can't.


Says the underage summerfag

I never said I was an oldfag, now did I? You fuckin mook. All I said was that I browsed Sup Forums for a while now, just not in the summer. Actually hang yourself, bitch.

more lurking less bitching newfag

especially this

Only a newfag would push back so hard at being called a newfag



i second this

Virgins, and tryhards

your goddam right im gonna go through each of these.

pic related; best i can do

specifically track 4

>mfw reel human bean

Does this count?

i dont know this feel



boring, bland prog rock desu. title track is by far the best and its the only one that breaks the format


people actually listened to this album?

>tfw driving home from work on a rainy night
It was a nice drive home.

Loud City Song

And not just because Midnight City is on it.

fucking gay and an iggy and black sabbath
ripoff as expected but its a fun album

Roadrunner by Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers

it's not nyc either

Is that a knee or a butt?

Oh Fuck off, AM has no city aesthetic in the slightest. It's just about girls and stuff, fucking tinder core.

Pic related is literally a city late at night, because it's a night out in sheffield.

I've heard it's meant to look like a butt but it's actually her knee

funny thing is, it still got banned in the US




Basically this and Channel Orange.

That's not how human anatomy works.


this always sounded like summer music to me, morning or hazy afternoon.


This is midday rush hour
Definitely city, but to me it sounds like it's taking place over the course of a full day -- the tired morning of "Is This It" into some wake up and go tracks 2 & 3, a summery afternoon of "Barely Legal and "Sometime," followed by fuck it you get the point.
Sure, but is the better album.
Nah. This album is too much of a good time -- it's an all day party
If you're only going off "Midnight City" yes, but the rest sounds like bright 80's nostalgia and fairytales with only the occasional sunset
I see it -- props on posting the superior Talk Talk album
Sounds like a rooftop in Brooklyn at one in the morning, watching the lights flash in Manhattan - nice pick
I always got more of a dusk vibe (the title track is some bittersweet sunset kinda shit) but yeah I feel you
A hard maybe on this one
Still up at 4am after a party depression hour core
A city night with some seriously sinister undertones
Correct as fuck

I'll say Burial's Untrue hits the spot perfectly for me.




do you guys think this is a late night city album? sorta feels like one to me

I feel like I'm in Mars with that one




last track from laughing stock has a very late night in an empty alley feel idk how to put it but it's fucking gorgeous



This album senpai, it's a damn kicker.

Mfw Sup Forums know all your favorite bands but one

Step reminds me of riding a train into the city on a cloudy day

I love this album so much.

resonance is a meme but I love it so much