Frank Ocean - Nikes check out the video and say what you think

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nikes more like yikes

First listen impressions = different but bretty gud

download link?

hes a faggot so who cares


>this fucking video
>chad is getting olympic pussy while you stuck sorting feels into playlists
i want to be chad guys i want off the ride

I love it.

The video was one hell of a ride.

bretty good

i think the first half is amazing but he kind of sounds like he is biting an atlanta trap flow on the second half. the outro is amazing though. im still hyped for the album


>I got two versions. I got two versions. I got twoooo versions.

Fuck off frank. This payoff better be worth it.

>those glitter booties

everything i never knew i always wanted

wish he didnt alter his voice

something, I guess.

really not into the high pitched voice

Without the video the song would be shit.

thats why he released it as a video and not as a song you shit

Trayvon looks nothing like you Frank.

The video is shit. This kinda glitzy, "ultra-cool" debauchery thing is played out.

video is amazing

song is shit

i got the quads to show i speak the truth

What the fuck are you talking about? What would be different if he released it as a song? It would just be the same Apple Music player just not a video.

I think it's phenomenal. It's disjointed but beautiful. Definitely an amazing feel to be bombarded with so many images after all the build up.

>i may be younger but i look after youuuuuu~
wtf i have feels now


he released it as a video and not as a song because the song works better as the video

im guessing kanye will never collaborate with frank ever again

I like it. The pitch shifting on his voice provides almost a psychedelic effect


Pitch shift it to 75% of the original and it sounds like normal Frank.

throwing it in FL studio now. will provide a vocaroo or zippy link soon

On Apple Music he changed his photo teasin his next song

Also, if you pitch shift it to 125% of the original you can hear the other deep voice. It's definitely not Frank but I can't tell who it is.

I was pretty afraid that after 4 years of not hearing from him that he wouldn't live up to the hype but so far this and Endless are fucking fantastic, I really hope the actual album is too.

like it second verse is fantastic


I like it

It would be in the album. It's not a conventional song.

why is his flow similar to future though?

1:46 is so fucking off-key it annoys the fuck out of me.

i can't stop replaying it

aoty incoming

so what's with this "I got twooo versions" thing? seems pretty interesting


1:45 what the fuck Frank


the video was cool until the chihuahua started rapping


Dude what the hell how is this so great

my thoughts exactly.
he doesn't deserve my apologies.
but somehow he's earned it.

So, is the album coming today?

we don't talk much when we talking about something...

this surpassed all my expectations. he precisely took what i liked about his music prior and turned it up to 100, this kind of decadent neo-romanticism.

Oh wow true

his post to in june 2015 said 'i got two versions. i got twoooooooo versions.' which is probably referencing this track since this track was in the works since last year sometime, but also referencing that he wanted to release the album in 'JULY2015' along with a magazine so of course he would have two versions. this time around, he may be talking about the magazine and an album but he is probably referencing Endless, how he has two versions of albums, i guess.


Workout and reap the benefits.

what the fuck this is really cool

yeah i really like the pitch shift as well



I'm in my fucking feelings

lots of rappers have been releasing videos with the track being very different to it's final version on the album. if this is how it appears on the album i'm guessing it'll be some sort of intro/outro/interlude between songs more 'single-y'. although good on him for releasing this first, it's bringing the hype and the vibes. i dig it.

nah if you look that up it's an old thing that must have glitched in there.

It would be great if it wasn't for the stupid fucking pitch shift. What the fuck was he thinking?

Leave this place

Thanks senpai


out of all the lines in this song and out of all the visuals presented in the video is this really the thing you chose to post about

kill yourself

>RIP Trayvon
Couldn't listen past that part. I'm all for black lives matter and believe that police misconduct is a huge and unadressed issue within the US police force, but fuck Trayvon, honestly.

its kevin gates you faggot

anyone know the names of the 2 asian girls?

[you're a virgin] and [you will never meet them]

but im not a virgin :(

you still won't meet them

told u faggots endless wasn't the album
fuck you,honestly

What did I do?
What'd I doooooooo?


Wtf is up with the vocals being coated in autotune

He has a great voice without any extra processing, idk why he feels the need to pitch shift and use autotune

Why the fuck isn't this on Tidal

You just know it's just going to happen more and more right? Shit sucks but it is what it is

to evoke a different emotion is his voice can't produce organically


>meet grill at house party
>bond over loving frankk ocean
>"hey user I like you can we make out"
>proceed to talk every day, she's busy often but you meet up and a bar date turns into a bar date then house party date then stay the night at yours and skip work in the morning date
>one of a handful of times in 21 years where someone has actually liked you and things have actually gone well with a chick

>few weeks later
>can't meet up because going on holiday, meet up when we're back
>"sure user but by the way I don't think we should make out or shit any more I've actually been infatuated with a guy for months and I'm feeling very emotionally confused we can still be friends though!!"

>don't talk for weeks whilst on holiday
>decide to message her in lieu of frank ocean news and send her the endless mp3 album
>instant reply and talking like normal
>"I'm not him, but I mean something to you."

Go to the gym, eat clean, go and meet new people, seriously dude. Not that hard

Based user

Influence from ASAP and Pimp C, I dig it

it'll be alright buddy

This kid goes to my school and thinks he is the best rapper ever LOL. He fought like 6 people in 1 school year and he is just so crazy. All his shit on his channel is just indescribable.

Fuck man I'm sorry, I know how this feels. Hope you're doing alright family

talk to more girls idiot. don't be the cuck waiting for her while she talks to 10 different guys

Is this a joke?

thank u I'm not doing too bad actually because our thing was so brief that I didn't get a chance to get srs feels

but she was extremely chill and we had a lot of interest overlap and was rly qt and is still being v nice so still hurts gonna try and talk to her about it like "well has anything changed" when she gets back

yeah man you're right, I did a DJ set last night and met 2 qts I was kinda into, too busy stressing with uni work retake deadlines right now to do anything but I might try and contact them after exams

one of them described some crazy feminist punk music she writes and went on about kathleen kenedy when I replied "so you like bikini kill" so she'll be fun lol

This whole ride has been like a relationship
Great sex and feels in the beginning then out of nowhere she breaks up with you,
For the next four years she leads you on and you keep buying it because that love you felt was so strong when you were together.
You're mad that she keeps teasing you then fucks around with other dudes but if there's even a chance that you could be together again you will take it without question.
Finally she breaks and you guys get back together
You have every right to be angry
You have every right to ask her how she could be such a cunt
You deserve answers..
But you don't care, because she's here now, and everything's all right.

For your mental health man, you've gotta stop talking to her. I've been there. Just trust me on this senpai, you can only go deeper from here

The chinks did always have weird names...

Frank got signed for a timed exclusive with Apple, like Chance did

he says i got two virgins

I think he says both

The RIP Trayvon was cringe but the rest was phenomenal