Why is she so boring?

Why is she so boring?

Because grimes is a rat faced meth user with no talent

Fuck off Bob Dylan you old codger faggot please knock on heaven's door a little faster

Lol. Bob Dylan is a legend. Bjork is a hack.
Please don't. Stop. Please. Just do it. Right now. Please.

They both suck, music shouldn't have lyrics.


gee dude, you gotta stop with this trolling. it's just TOO MUCH


Lyrics are for emos and basic girls

Thanks for the bump!

more like björing

Dylan's fucking boring

Nah. Bjork is. Not Dylan

>this damage control

lol you little bob dylan whiny baby still mad at best gurl calling you out

Tbh. I never even knew there was a Bjork thread.
Don't care if you call me a liar.

Because Grimes is more interesting by comparison....


>Bob Dylan
>Not considered a hack

She's Bjork, you retarded Grimes hater. Fuck you.

Lil no

She isn't.
Go back to your corner with your Bob Dylan shit.

Bob Dylan > Bjork
Objective fact.

Wrong. Dylan is a bore. Without his lyrics he would be nothing. Boring music.

Doesn't change fact Dylan song are more interesting and smart.


His music is pretty top-tier garage/blues-rock. Not any more boring than anything an the Nuggets comp