Kpop general

yenni edition

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protect Pyo at all costs

>yerin thread

at least it's not early i guess

I want to believe the ahjussis lusting after Somi are just memeing but it's hard to tell with how pathetic some people become here on the daily

nice edition

post some sexy chengy

Is CL the first BLACKED Kpop?

what if they are 18yo? is this really that bad if they want to f*** Somi? isn't it natural?


She is so fucking sexy.

Is it me or is knowing bros just a boring show? It feels like I'm watching old farts try to flirt with idols

>they're making fun of sinb's nose
i can't stand for this

i have cute chengy if thats fine

me on the left


no all of t-ara was first

why did you reply to me with those nugus?

Personally I wasn't really into fifteen year olds when I was 18 but that's just me

>all of T-ara was in T-ara N4

more like 35

I'm literally twice her age. Stop me faggot.


hah so you admit it

i want to stick something inside that boob window

you're boring m8
I like it a lot and there aren't even that many idol episodes


You're still doing it. What the fuck did I ever do to you to deserve this?

naaah son

Noona tho

I just heard the new CL song
It was shit and the lyrics are so dumb...

1. [+2,290, -382] Still don't like her. She's never said she loved Seoul before, why's she saying it now..


ever since yeunjung joined it hasnt been the same

Where is this from? A showcase or something?
We have fancams?

Hyuna noooooo!

what are some must see girls day varieties?

I hate you.
Don't ever reply to me again.

I don't really care if you fap to kids I'm just calling you out on being a loser. I doubt I'd have to do anything to keep you from actually getting near a vagina irl.

I'm not a t-arashitter but saying that whole groups was in a subunit is pretty retarded

one fine day

can you make webms of other members?

>lyrics are so dumb

Don't make fun of Method Man pls

you were probably into dudes were you?

Based af

Pretty much every American girl has been blacked.


[B00ty not found]

is that Min?

Is CL american? How come she speaks english?

Nah. I thought I was bi for a bit but I was only really intro androgynous guys and didn't like doing stuff as much as I did with girls.



She is Korean. She studied in Japan and France.
Just a good English teacher probably and its much easier to just memorise lyrics and pronounce them correctly after lots of reciting.

Im not american and I can speak english

i honestly didn't know it was a subunit, i don't follow nugus that well




Says the guy who frequents Sup Forums

But that's an extremely cute and loveable Chengy, not a sexy one.


is this better?

It's 2016, this place is no longer entirely filled with /r9k/ types. You're a relic of a long past time old degen kfapper.


15 year old korean girls need love too


Where is the cute kid?


how can crackers even compare?


ayy lmao

probably that one hater is just fat jealous girl



Sam and Hani?

Nevermind there she is.
Cute kid.

You just KNOW

T-ara's korean photographers are fucking jews
I'm glad they have SEA and Chinese photographers now

how does it feel your fav iodl being plowed by other men and yet you still love them

It's easier for westerns than asians

I wonder who's behind these posts


my waifu is a lesbian

Why would I care, it's not like I was going to fuck them and I don't think my waifu would get distressed while I'm dating other girls

LMAO'ing at this triggered virgin crackerass cracker

I'm okay with being a cuck.

you will never know, user

I love Momo too

I do not love them like I would a lover. I don't even know them.

Is it not very mean and rude not to like a girl if she likes you, even if she's young?

Don't want to hurt her feelings, obviously.

Why do you want to make Somi sad, user?

>dating other girls
cmon user, lets be honest here, you aint gettin shit

Who else here is hyped to be a back up dancer for Jisoos American debut?

What's wrong user?

Surprise, surprise.
The kfappers are also Sup Forumsacks. Lmao

this is my fetish

thank you

That makes sense but she's pretty fluent dude, she probably lived in the US

>Oh I see the earth has made 3 more arbitrary rotations around the sun, now I may legally place my penis inside you