Forever in our hearts.

Funny one

Rest in peace, my princess...

Wonder who killed her.

She won't be missed. Thanks based Charli for taking out the trash.

RIP Grimes

This is a shitty forced meme

she didn't even know her memes, no wonder she died

Couldn't Sup Forums revive her with meme magic?

she's next


>not being nice to grimes
fucking plebs

goblins get no respect

Anyone ever notice she kind of looks like Sabrina Suzuki in this photo? I thought I was clicking into a shemale thread.

Kill yourself.

I honestly could care less

Marina looks like a trap for quite a while now, probably the stereoids


what happpen

car crash orchestrated by charli
"vroom vroom" is actually her bragging about the murder, Sup Forums decoded the hidden meaning

wtf happend During Froot

Death threats from Charli

> implying Marina didn't have a feminine penis

She could've raped you for saying when she was alive you know.

It's true. Goodnight sweet princess