/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Shitload of strings edition

>Post gear
>Post desired gear
>How long have you been playing?
>Fav guitars?
>Fav guitarists?
>Talk about and play music
>General guitar and bass discussion

Beginner information and FAQ:

Music Theory:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for what the fuck is that thing

This is how everyone sees you when you show up at jazz band practice with an Ibanez.

3rd. Da fuck?

What guitar should one use at jazz band practice then
No, I don't play at those

>This is how everyone sees you when you own an Ibanez


>I own an ESP and a fedora

I'm so sorry

Something classy to match your fedora. A hollowbody maybe

>$2899 boutique amp


Are they a meme /gg/?

>make something experimental and really weird
>still use a traditional and retarded neck pocket design
I just fucking hate guitars and luthiers at this point.

>milkman sound creamer

Yeah, that's a fucking meme. And I didn't even need to watch the video.

I'm pretty sure in real life no one cares what you play. Unless you roll up to jazz practice with a warlock, you'll be fine.

The name makes sense though. They're mostly built by one guy who comes from a milkman family. 4 generations

>I'm pretty sure in real life no one cares what you play.

You don't know how petty people are....

It's pretty pathetic. My fix for that is to get a 24 fret bass so the positions I play up to (17th-20th fret) are easily accessible. Fuck those ancient guitar/bass designs, seriously.

I mean, unless it was a guitar I thought was interesting, I just wouldn't say anything at all.

you're right only on /gg/ will people judge your playing based on your guitar


He didn't say that at all.


are you stupid or something?

Why the fuck is there a GPS navigator in that guitar?

Leads you to the right tones

Shit. Why doesn't digitech put on/off switches on their pedals? I just realized I left a couple pedals on all fucking night cause I forgot to unplug them. That can't be good, right?

ruh roh

Post gear

is this pasta or am I having an actual deja-vu
anyway it's not a big deal

Oh. Tbqhfam, I could actually use one of those.

Only for the batteries, if you use them.

Not pasta, but I'm sure I'm not the first on /gg/ to do this.


Which is best choice
>Buy guitar now by mail from store I don't know
>Buy guitar in 3 weeks in person from a reputable store

>mfw my rig gets posted
>mfw no face
So, is it interesting? You thought it was an RG550 too, user?

I think it's better to test the guitar by yourself b4 buying it. just my opinion.

But it depends - if the model you really want is only possible to get through mail, maybe you should go for that

Btw, notice the Context Reverb is blue with sparkles on it just like my guitar, and that both of the effect pedals have the theme of circles drawn on them ~

I already tried it from said store but they sold that model and will call me when it's back in stock, I'm just not sure I have the patience after I've already waited this long

Liked your setup, so I saved it fellow ibanez bro. What model is it?

no some nutjob here saves all of them and pretends its his stuff

3 weeks is not too long. wait it

been playing for over half a year now and i'm looking into interval ear training and i just realized that it's the "aural training" justinguitar had on the lessons that i always skipped over. so much wasted time


Check this out $1,800 for a copy of a 50s amp. At least he's smart by cashing in on the Blues Lawyer market, he sells three and can feed his kids for a year.



what's the root in this? which string?

It is an RG331M
Supposedly an Asian only model, it found its way into mexican stores.
Pretty good for a low end Ibanez, mostly due to the fixed bridge vs a shitty tremolo

>endorsed by Orange


is that slagtits on the right?

Hey /gg/,I asked this last thread but didn't get much responses so I'm gonna ask again:I'm kinda a newbie with Guitars and bought a 200$ Squire Affinity Telecaster from my local store and a standard 100 dollar amp. While the guitar so far is fine I feel I could do better as there was a 400$ White Squire Telecaster Custom. Should I trade in my current Tele and buy the other?

I'd roll up to Jazz practice with my Explorer if I actually could play jazz.

Haters gonna hate.

>typical Orange user

Fuck's sake, I thought you'd decamped to Sup Forums?

A with augmented 7th?

>Squire Affinity
I feel so sorry for your loss.

Squire fag reporting in, how long have you been playing? are you in a band?

If the answer is greater than a year and yes then get a new guitar, otherwise you're fine, just focus on learning to play

Nice guitar btw

what guitar is this?


That's A minor. The root is A, played on the D string.

Electric I think

wait isn't is A E G# C
so maj7 with min 3rd?

It's just an A minor played as a D minor shape barre.

Firebird of sorts of something bordering on lawsuit territory.

Oh. Then would you mind decamping to Sup Forums? I would really appreciate it.

I chuckled.

That might be the ugliest headstock I've ever seen

thanks for clarifying

Gibson RD.
Apparently and original old one.

>Firebird bordering lawsuit
>Both made by Gibson
user, pls

Ahh fuck, that was meant for

1977 Gibson RD Standard

Shows what I know, headstock logo looked more like Epi than Gibson.

This took way too long

>tfw having to save as .jpg because the .png version's file size is too large

oh duh, thats an A not G#.

what are some easy songs to transcribe?

some of the ones i try are too hard and make me give up too easily

Lowest note = root note, then look at the chord shape.

It really is that simple.

Im hurt user

I'm ine of the dumb fags from the last thread who literally just started playing guitar.

The softcase I got turns out to have tiny white patches of what looks like mold inside.

A.) wtf
B.) Is it worth cleaning or will it be a recurring problem and I should just get a new bag?
C.) What would be best to kill the mold with?
D.) Any tips on how to prevent it from coming back in the future (other than the obvious)?


Get a new bag and burn that fucker. Also check the humidity where you live.

Get a hard case and keep the humidity under control in there if the guitar is worth it.

>Lowest note = root note

I know its shitty quality but could you guys give me some feedback on this song idea I have? vocaroo.com/i/s1zJrsDEYLQv

nope lowest notes is not always the root, don't forget about inversions/slash chords etc.

In your example your played Emin7/B the Root is E not the B on the lowest string.

Give up playing.


Alright thanks guys, do either of you want to buy my Strat?

How do you like the lofi machine?

No thanks.

Emin7? isn't that just Em?

It's completely useless from a musical standpoint. That said, I think it's pretty neat.

are you retarded?

Yes my mistake (misread as 779787(Emin7/B))
779987 is Emin/B

no because it has minor 7th which is D.

Oh nvm. You are talking about his example and not in general.

Soft cases are kinda pointless anyway. If you actually play gigs and/or need to travel with your guitar, save up and get a hard case.

>nope lowest notes is not always the root, don't forget about inversions/slash chords etc.

>In your example your played Emin7/B the Root is E not the B on the lowest string.

i wonder, it's almost like i quoted the someone saying lowest note = root note using the quote function (what you may know as meme arrows) and then posted a counterexample

You're probably right. I was thinking of getting one but I'll probably hold off and put that money towards a strymon mobius since it already has a great bitcrusher and other more practical effects.

Hey Ethan.

Sup dude, hows it going?

A purely aesthetic question, I'm getting a matte blueburst P bass with a maple fretboard, which looks stunning IMO, built to my specs. Should I get binding on the neck? What materials? What inlays would you like on a maple neck (I'm thinking ebony dots)?
The pickguard will be maple as well.

Pretty good. Just a heads up, I think Rhett is moving out to travel with me on the road


not my listing but i know there's some mustangfags here who really want the competition orange one and i ran across this. it qualifies for the 15% off sale today.

spider inlays

No thanks bro, I've already got an Ibanez