Name a better album from this year. Pro-tip: You can't

Name a better album from this year. Pro-tip: You can't.

Better an pro tip
>This year, you can't.


Next year?

easy, I assume you haven't heard this yet?

enjoy your AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'll be enjoying pic related


not a real album

random boring glitches. fantano hasn't even reviewed it. discarded




>fantano hasn't even reviewed it.
you must be memeing

My personal favorite so far. It has some cringy lyrics so I would never listen to it in public, but I love it so much.

The Impossible Kid

derivative psych



i was going to post something, but
>fantano hasn't even reviewed it
ahahahahahahaha oh my god, enjoy your shit taste my man

Swans - The Glowing Man

no senpai sorry

how can someone be this retarded


New Mala

obviously a joke post about the fantano thing i laughed

Pinegrove - Cardinal

this or TLOP

are you seriously discarding an album because a reviewer HASN"T listened to it. That's so fucking stupid you dont know good or bad its one thing if he reviewed and said it was bad but unbelievable your not gonna listen to it because no opinion has been formed. Really fucking great philosophy you utter drone

What a disappointing album. Sounds like a hollowed-out version of the first.


Why are we ignoring the album of the decade?

I feel like you're joking but I unironically agree

>wrote memewie thinking it was clever or funny

This made me cringe

I thought everyone agreed on this

No really. It took me a while but it's really my AOTD. It's a beautiful mess





give it two days and you wont be saying this

That album art is pretty neat but the guy on the cover looks like a massive fag. What kind of music is it?

Also pic related is AOTY with Blackstar as a close second.

It's heavily pop influenced white boy rap basically. The melodies are SO good though.



shit tier shitposting f a m