Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Bottomless Pit is good?

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Bottomless Pit is good?

no but 9GAG approves

It's pretty good but I've gotten bored of DG now.

not their best but pretty good still
not really AOTY or anything

i dont think many people think its not good. Certainly not their best.

I dont think they can ever top NOTM.

Excited to see them again next month tho :P

It's legitimately good, like everything they do, but I fell out of love with DG this year and barely listen to them, even though I like them still.

sorta the same.

I really just played them to hell lol

It's an alright album but it really only has a few good songs and then the rest kinda falls flat also it really is just tms 2.0

Haven't heard it yet, what's it like in comparison to other DG albums?

The Money Store 2: Electric Boogaloo

give me eh, spikes, 3 bedrooms, and ring a bell
everything else is whatever

What and are saying. I personally like it a fair amount since I loved The Money Store and it's probably their most entertaining album since then.

I like it a lot desu, it ,may be too accesible for some but that doesn't make it bad desu.

It's excellent.
Eh is SOTY 2016.
They couldn't make a bad album of they tried.

>They couldn't make a bad album if they tried
Fashion Week

Haha no

It's really good, but it's also their first album not to progress their sound.

Its just mediocre ableton loops

yeah this is me except i was done by the end of 2013

they couldn't even be bothered to give the songs real names

my 3d fav after TMS and Exmilitary

are there bands where the whole album is like the tracks Giving Bad People Good Ideas and Bottomless Pit ???

shit s dope and i dont need you to agree

>Eh is SOTY 2016.


if you think TMS is their best release you'll enjoy the fuck out of this. Spikes and Eh go hard af
wow, that's awesome!

From what Ive heard, this is how id put their albums.


GP is damn great but its not their best famalam

Scum with Boundaries was better imo

I'm gonna need their next album to be some truly unpredictable weird raw shit or I think I'm gonna lose interest.

The Bottomless Pit release wasn't even exciting, it came out and I listened to it and it was good but that's about it. I don't want their next release to be as heavily focused around hooks and being catchy. I'll admit that BP is a big success in that sense, it did what it set out to do. It just wasn't what I was looking for.

I hope to see some fucking challenging angry shit next time.

Nah, anyone who thinks Death Grips are that amazing are being pretentious that being said their original work was good.

>can we agree
>Bottomles Pit is good?

Their Poppiest and most straightforward release but still great. However it's their first album that really feels like it's lacking an overall fresh sound.

Until BP TMS was their "Poppy" album and to an extent this sounds like a sequel to TMS. Fortunately it's not a complete repeat. But hopefully their next album will be something more unique and original.