Is Frank Ocean Doing a Scott Walker?

It's undoubted that Blonde is more experimental than Channel Orange and Nostalgia Ultra.
Possibly alienating a lot of his core mainstream fanbase. Is Frank Ocean on the path to doing a Scott Walker / Talk Talk?

P.S: do you guys know any other artists who "sold out in reverse" besides Scott Walker & Talk Talk?

>hurr it's a little bit weird therefore it's EXPERIMENTAL
Holy fucking shit why can't you fucking retarded hipsters stop using the word "experimental" for slightly weird pop music


>Frank goddamn Ocean


This is literally experimental.

Until Frank Ocean starts singing about punching donkeys and wormy anuses I think he'll retain his core audience.

No it isn't you fucking negroid

>wormy anuses

Oh, I think Frank Ocean is quite familiar with those.

It factually is. Not going to argue with you about it because there is no argument. I'm right. You're wrong. End of discussion.

Experimental music should rethink boundaries and truly push forward the form in places no one ever brought it before.
Weird sounds aren't "experimental". Most music you retards call "experimental" is actually very conventionally weird.

You are literally a total fucking moron you nerd go get stuffed in a locker or something
>listening to a literal shit pusher sing about sucking cock
What an absolute fucking faggot.

"blonde is MORE experimental than channel orange and nostalgia ultra"

He never said blonde is outright an experimental album.

you guys are fucking idiots, learn to read.

You're homophobic in this day an age?
What a cliche.
I'm guessing you live in the south with the rest of the uncivilized folk?

>You're homophobic in [the current year]?


>Artist changes his sound
I guess if you start putting cheese on your burger its an experimental meal right dumbass?

its called progression not experimental

I really hope he keeps getting more and more experimentak

>not eating experimental burgers


>a lot of his core mainstream fanbase.

What. His fanbase besides the losers and nerds here are all the people shown in that Nikes video. He'll be fine for sure.

Ever heard of relativity?,

leave the thread already m8


Why's no one answering OP's P.S Question?

A lot of metal bands were selling out in reverse before selling out like normal like Gorguts, Revenge, etc.

What do you mean?