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Fuck this year

Fuck this has got me sad all day
RIP Tom Searle

And I should care why?

literally who

>le edgy b8
One of the few good composers and lyricists from the metalcoreish world.
Developed a singular sound in a generic and overexploited genre which progressed in subsequent albums, pushing the boundries of the whole metal community
Huge influence, great guy and, most relevant to this board, a great musician

I came here to cry with my bros. Fuck that facebook post was the saddest things I've read in years.


>28 years old
This is a bummer. Pretty good band too.

three years man. three years and he still toured, and wrote, and recorded, and basically kept it a secret

People shouldn't live past 25 anyway.

The music lives on

This is the worst meme

It's true, user.

No it's fucking not it's not cool to die young this isn't the 70s. It's just sad and unfortunate.




That's way too young of an age to die.

Not really. If anything, he overstayed his welcome.

Bumping for Tom

Well fuck architects were one of the few bands in that genre I liked

Well there's still Acksin Alexandria... sort of... for what it's worth



Unbelievably bummed out by this. By far one of the best songwriters in metalcore today. Way too young

Absolutely. I'm surprisingly effected by this today. I don't know but I'm really upset.

>28 is young now
What is this new meme. He lived a decent life, made some music and died at an appropriate age. RIP, but is is not a tragedy.

Literally who?


kek, nvm no big loss

Also he should have killed himself a year earlier to get into the 27club

literally who

Do you have Downs or something? In an average lifespan of 75 years, 28 is extremely young. The first 10 years of your life you don't do jack shit. The next 10 years you spend figuring out how life works. 28 is not "living a decent life" and it sure as hell isn't "dying at an appropriate age."

You shouldn't. Metal is pleb garbage. Guitars are built to play g phrygian/d minor. Surprise surprise 99% of metal niggers just happen to be obsessed with g phrygian/d minor. Here's a 300 year old song every metal guitarist as shamelessly ripped off, Itself an imitation of over 200 years of guitar playing. youtube.com/watch?v=fhqiy7KNGHU

This. Living to 28 is pathetic.

everyone just shut the fuck up about this age thing and other bait bullshit. smells like Sup Forums in here. can't we have ONE thread where the posters don't have to make it all about themselves??

Too bad the 26 AND 28 Club are better.

>The first 10 years of your life you don't do jack shit.
>The next 10 years you spend figuring out how life works.
I'm sorry, user, but I think that you are retarded. If you haven't left a mark on this world by the time you are 25, then you must accept the fact that you are a loser. When you are 28 you are way past your physical and intellectual prime. Cancer is a shitty way to go, but a way to go nonetheless.

Imagine actually thinking this way

Lmao no

D minor I'll give you that as pretty much every metal band who plays mainly in Drop D use it

But G phrygian? I'm honestly curious as to where you managed to pull that from, especially in relation to D minor

u wot m8? a properly tuned guitar fits g phrygian perfectly

ßump for Tom

Lol ok kiddo keep being a model human being posting from Sup Forums

Let's try and keep the thread bumped :'[

He was such a qt ;_;


He's a twin to which must be hard for them

Damn, that is brutal. I knew some twins and when one died in the hospital due to complications from an operation the other just spiraled into depression. It was really sad to witness.

>there was a time when Ali Dino's brief departure was the worst thing that happened to the band

Fuck man. Did anybody else used to watch the videos they'd make before they were big? Studio and tour life etc.


By those standards, you should be close to ending your life too user.


the only relevant metalcore act is still doing okay at least


One less fagcore musician.

A truly sad loss

i used to listen to this in 2008 XD. lmfaooo @ anyone actually keeping up with this trendy shit & actually knowing "core" music peoples names & shit enough to even know that this boy has died.



The letter Dan wrote on facebook was truly heartbreaking. I love their first three records but I've always felt like they've been struggling with their identity after The Here and Now. They tried post-hardcore and the fan backlash was too much, so with Daybreaker they went back to being heavy but lost the magic from the earlier days. Since then, they've made the same album three times now with slight variations here and there while only making half of each album worthwhile. That said, Tom was a great guitarist and he was a great writer too.

>pushing the boundries of the whole metal community

Don't get carried away.

Listening back on AOGHAU and I fucking see it now, I can see how the lyrics were written, it's so fucking obvious holy shit. The fact he still powered through his dark times and went out and played for his fans while still putting on one of the most energetic live performance I've ever seen.

R.I.P dude, I know so many musicians in the Australian hardcore/metal community that were super influenced by him and hold some of those albums close to their heart. I really wish I was going to see them live in a few weeks.

I really didn't mind THaN, at least they didn't try making Hollow Crown 2.0 and did something stylistically different.

>there are people here who haven't heard of their first album Nightmares

It's a strong debut, shame it doesn't get discussed as much, probably because Sam wasn't in the band yet but even then Ruin isn't as big as Hollow Crown or LF//LT.

ETID is one of the reasons why they signed to Epitaph Records along with Converge because both were their favorite bands. They also did a tour together.

Not so sound like a lameass but I've been listening to AOGHAU all day and it's making me cry. It's just fucking sad man and in the context of the album it's momumentally heartbreaking

Me too man, me too.

Gone with the wind hits me hard now. I didn't like the album at first, but realizing what was going on behind the scenes this whole time has made me appreciate it so much more.

l i t e r a l l y w h o ?

Someone from a band who's never been covered by Pitchfork.

Don't cut yourself on those edges user