I brush my teeth only 2 or 3 times a week

I brush my teeth only 2 or 3 times a week.

Why not everyday?Are you half Brit

why tho
you should do it more often

>tfw forget to brush my teeth all the time

At least I clean my ears every day

>Trusting the dental jew

>cleaning yourself = being a good goy
no wonder germans smell


it's true, tho.

I legitimately brush my teeth 2 times/year for the biannual dentist visit, and have been doing this for the last 5 years.

Never had any cavities or other problems.

Not even joking.

>sweden too quick

>be French
>being a savage

I brush twice a day

Floss once a day

Use mouthwash twice a day

I fell for the tooth jew

Brush twice a day and floss once desu

I have some question for your dentist.

>tfw last 2hrs or more with ease
Seems good.

Your breath must be rancid as hell


>France does not like Aquafresh
wtf I hate france now

>Too rough
Sorry your women can't handle the strength of my lovemaking



So, how many teeth left in your mouth?

>using floss

i expected nothing more

We brush our teeth every fucking time. Hell, during the lunch, workers go to the bathroom just to brush and floss their teeth, and I don't see people from other countries doing the same, at least at the same proportion.

Although we shower once a day, there are plenty of Brazilians that shower 2 or 3 times.

We're a third world shithole, but at the same time we're obsessed with hygiene. It's almost weird.

Is it true that the French don't take showers daily? My friend once told me that there were some stinky people in Paris. Well dressed, but stinky.