/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /that rude american/

nostalgia edition

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3D women are NOT important.

only important post in this itt

do you think i still have a chance?

Yes, just ask again

tinder is useless for men since males are extremely overrepresented on that platform and girl's expectations and standarts go through the roof

Fuck sake, you had a chance, but ruined it by saying "päevad w". YOU HAD A CHANCE!

Did you just make a bad joke?

sounds greate babe ;)

You mean like real life?

what's it say?

Post maps of imaginary countries

>can i fuck your tits?
>you're a sick person :D
>i'll remember your face
>are you on your period?

This shouldn't exist.


don't know what you're saying but there's 54% females in lithuania
also in real life girls have much less males approaching them so they remain realistic about their own looks and chances


she wants it

>just noticed i was included in subject
wow, thank


I was working in the office and my African workmate came over and started playing with something on my desk. I put on a silly American cowboy accent and said "get your cotton-picking hands of that".
Half an hour later I realised how racist that was. I'm still waiting to find out if a complaint was made.

I am so scared.

it's just eastern Sweden anyway.

i knew this was your dream

Nordic+Baltic = Weirdo federation

>tfw Skokolinskas

gonna beat the one on the far left into the dirt



I just counted my tinder matches, I have over 90

Have i made it?

>it's Poles discover that they're actually polonized Lithuanians episode

''H-Hello Mr. Estonia!''
>am I smiling wide enough?
>what do I do when he touches my hand?
>why isn't he doing anything?
>my feet hurt


the guy in the back
>he knows!
>act cool
>I'm hungry

Reminder that women bleed out of their private parts 28% of the time and are bound to become even bigger bitches then.

It keeps getting funnier every time I read it and the fact that something similar actually happened.

just logged on to balt+ausnz lads

what did i miss?

you missed the one (1) and only chance to lose youre virginity lmao

What do /balts/ do for Christmas?

>54% females

across all age groups? i'm curious to know that percentage in 18-38 year olds

>tfw no eesti whore to fuck
>tfw turbovirginius

don't know where you live but in vilnius there's legit like 2 girls for every boy

Get fucking depressed.
I hate Christmas so much.

FTV Girls makes pretty good videos

How you all feel about this jap technology. 20 more years and there'll be realistic robots or direct vr connection augmentations

That's rough. What's on your mind?

Tfw permavirgin

Atleast my real name isn't Virginijus

which baltic grils are cutest?

Tbh like most video games, I'll be impressed with the technology for about 15 minutes and then spend the rest of the time trying to break it and trick her into dropping a toaster in the bath or walk off a cliff or something

Just go a fuck a chick?
Its not that hard lol.
Like go out and meet a chick then fuck them. EZ-PZ.

does she do anal?

Eesti girls

hello our ones

They're all cute


No idea. Just being around family, doing the same thing every single year, them thinking I'm successful just because I live in the city and they live in a backwards ass little village while actually I'm a lonely nobody and they're slowly realizing it with every moment I'm around.
When they try to talk to me it's like they're attempting to communicate with another life form from a much more developed planet.

The whole ordeal just leaves a fake taste in my mouth. Sick of christmas songs and meals and decorations and traditions. So why even pretend to be jolly. The idea of sitting at that table with the smell of sauerkraut forcing its way into my sinuses and putting on a fake smile just to fit in makes me wish I could live in a tropical country and just chill on a beach with no idea that christmas is anything else than another day.


Nothing is free in this world

lel did you know new zealand has penguins?

>original latin -Verginius
>meanings: girly, pure, virgin, youthful
Well fuck...

Iktf, I've had Christmases like that, and ones where you cop the "wasted potential" lecture from uncles and stuff.

Is it religious there? Do people get really drunk?

yes, some places in australia and south africa do too.

Is that your name?

found you on facebook
you're fucking ugly dude

Australia too!

There's no religious aspect to it whatsoever nor do I know anyone who has religious christmases but since most people use it as a chance to be with family they don't want to get drunk around them.
I'd imagine if you were just celebrating with a group of friends you would just swap gifts and get damn wasted though.
I've yet to have the chance.

I don't have any particular girl to post. I just based this on personal experiences and pic related.

it's ok i did my own Google searches.

[spoiler]the dubs were right[/secretboardspoiler]

i'm a qt grill
send $ and i will send you nude pictures

it's ok I'll just go into the Lithuanian category on pornhub

oh..there isn't one

really makes me think :^)

I meant future development. At this phase they're just experimenting and learning to do stuff in vr

that a boy or a girl?

The Lithunian flag really don't fit in among the others, please change it.

No, why would you imply that?
>Having facebook

No and kindly erase yourself from the world, thanks.



accept the friend request faggot

Our family stopped having any religion since the old generation died out, we're all fedoramasters now.

But usually someone gets blind drunk and has a meltdown and we get a fresh set of family dramas for the year. 3/10 experience

9/10 if there's tonnes of kids around though. I love seeing how happy kids are on Christmas

that's because they get gifts
fucking superficial pieces of shit

gonna punch you so hard youre mom feels it in her pussy your talk any more shit on my bro Lithuania

We're truly living at the end times, lads.

My nephews spent last year whining all night because a couple of the 15 new toys they got weren't the exact ones they wanted.
Can't wait to see them get jaded and unimpressed with everything life has to offer them in the future in that little creepy community.

Or they haven't been fucking stomped out by real life yet, so a small victory is XDDDD for hours

So sorry, as I've missed you ~~~


its easier when you let go let go

Me on the right.

But I wanted to experience VR...

But even Lithunians agree their flag sucks. Please change.

Your mum sucks (my dick) L M A O

Well, when you just think about all the events that have occurred since 2015, it's not normal exactly.

what are your thoughts on (Me)koto

It makes them more inviting for enrichment by having an African tier flag

lads, there are guests coming in a few hours from now, should i just make up a reason to get out of the house so I can avoid them? I could probably go visit grandma or something

I just don't want to expierence all that awkwardness and "look who came out of his cave"

me hiding under the table

that's it, im gonna beat on you till you can't feel anymore. but you'll probably thank me cuz you won't be able to feel the pounding Ahmed is gonna give your boipucci next

2016 is the year of the memes, it will go over soon

You can be alright when you're being human, but literally insufferable when you're shitposting.

Pretty much how all of Sup Forums views Australians

One poster to rule them all


It's lordS KEK biddings. The ride's just starting
~Hair, I was whipping round~


Don't really care that much about you and usually just start filtering you when you decide it's time to spam up the thread. Typical no-life depressed loser otherwise.

*walks into youre favorite mart*
*sharts all over the door*
