
>search for /cum/
>no results

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Once you are president you keep the title

Obama will always be called mr president and have secret service with him, just like bush

Sorry for derailing your thread with my autism

do some americans really think Trump is gonna make them look like a racist country?
Did these people honestly forget the world hated america before trump showed up?

guys i just came in my sleepand now my dick hurts like fuck and im also 20 years old

Should I move to another state just for legal recreational weed?

That shit isn't getting legalized anytime soon in bumfuck Louisiana aka the land of the mosquitos

Let me suck up the mess for you, bby.

thoughts on this fine meme?

I don't understand the following dialogue from Overwatch:

Lúcio: Winston, how's it hangin'?
Winston: Uhm, okay, I guess. We got this big mission coming up-- Oh, I get it.

So where's the joke here? What did Winston suddenly understand?

i'm hungry but it's not lunch time yet

>not lunchtime
fuck you faggot im going to go make some lunch right now

>living in EST

pomf pomf kimochi what's this sticky stuff on me~

Why is /cum/ so dead?

What happened?

you started posting in it

>thread up for 2 hours
>14 replies

I'm never gonna reveal it

Trump is controlled by the Jews

aaaaaaaaa wake up you glorious cunts

The other thread just went over bump limit, hard to tell it's even there though because an attention whore isn't making threads properly fucking everything up.

dubs speak the truth
>newt gingrich
>keeping obama care
>mitch mccnnnel
>no wall


latvia is a bad country

cant hear you over the wall

there are worse 2bh.
Every balkan country besides Croatia and Greece is absolute shit, just like romania, turkey the magreb states etc.
Latvia seems pretty good for an east european country.

its better than every spic shithole



sudacas and beaners are jealous, what else is new?

northern european thank you very much

>literally borders russia
>not eastern

just ate a whole bag of fried chicken

>bordering something makes it eastern
>literally more northern than denmark


why was your fried chicken in a bag?

why was your mums dick in my ass?

This one is more accurate than the Vietnam one.

Maybe you just like it. Men are hard wired to like it.

W-w arnt e-eastern europe. We are just as d-developed and first world as the rest. T-totally not slavs like all of our neighbors.

Post white-ish Mexican girls.

mexico is going to be better than usa in 3 years

What if I want to become criminal because I don't like people?

Itd be like an epic anime


Holla Holla.

i-is tru, trump is gonna do a bad job and we're going to benefit from that

Mexico is fucked either way at this point

how come?

are normies to blame for stealing memes from the nuclear meme reactor ("""Sup Forums""") and using them in the worlds first Meme Fusion Bomb?

>Trump does well
>fucks Mexico and builds wall

>Trump does poorly
>Mexico sinks with the US

and then what, after the wall is finished?

there will be a new President by then

Latvia is best jojo though

what is /cum/ listening to?

cum lol

heh, oh well. Myself and folks are citizens/ perm residents.

>US is Jotaro
>not Joseph



winston is an ape, and Lucio asks him how its hangin
hanging from trees are what monkeys do



listening to music is for cucks



nig nogs

I prefer the term whigger. I even listen to Limp Bizkit :^)

Someone put flags on this

and the french navy,




this are some nice songs, especailly Groove City

Give Germany an MG-42, France a white flag, and let Britain keep the sword and it'd be perfect.

>be Horsey
>make this cartoon
>Trump causes Republicans to be more powerful than ever.

Contrary of popular Sup Forums, it was in fact Clinton campaign bungling and frustration that led to Trump's win, not some cartoon frog on a Taiwanese 9/11-reenactment board.

>t. those who were too cowardly to fight

It was the liberals, their pets and their flamboyant and annoying social spews that helped the most and are continuing to do so.

Just like homos, it's always going to be the flaming loud mouthed faggots that keep their movement from being taken seriously, much less, respected.

>Meanwhile his country is about to have his third draft-dodging President


>Contrary of popular Sup Forums, it was in fact Clinton campaign bungling and frustration that led to Trump's win, not some cartoon frog on a Taiwanese 9/11-reenactment board.


Go back to your shitty island

>calling anyone else shitty

Makes me wonder if there is anyone in America who doesn't know who Obama is.

Also this

Most refugees go back after the wars in their countries end

what is obamacare?


every board on Sup Forums is boring
I don't know what to do


Should I become a namefag? I'm a grill btw.


well meme'd my friend

do pic related

It's when I slam my dick so hard in your boipuççi, you have to go to the doctors and get it fixed.

I thinking about self-immolation

>I'm a grill btw

I was watching this Trump speech and it got me thinking, how would the international community react if a German politician were to hold a speech similar to this?

I'm sure German media would lose its shit over a new era of hardcore Nazi rule because somebody dares to put the people of his own country first.

How do you as Americans feel when you listen to something this overly patriotic and cheesy.
It sounds almost sarcastic to me to be honest, but he has a point in what he is saying.

(starting at 36 minutes)

Start doing things that require an effort
Like going on Sup Forums, /3/ or /fit/ and learn and practise new skills or just go to /r/ or /wsr/ and answer all the requests

>things that require an effort
too much work

hey guys

I'm female btw

start browsing instagram for cute asian girlfeet and tumblr for amateur sex clips from china and korea

/girlcum/ when

girls rule the world

did you know that women have always been the primary victims of war

Go away hillary

This is Trump land

I don't think anybody seriously thinks Germans are still Nazis outside of banter. Only Germans seem to think we do.

i really really like beans t b h