What's happening here?

What's happening here?

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No but seriously if anyone knowledgeable could enlighten me.


coca-cola, TNT, airports and Olympics

Deserves its own general. Flame wars alone would keep it alive.

If only we had more Caucasian posters it would be great.
Half Russian flags with some azeris, georgians, and armenians going at each other's throats 24/7 would make my day.


churkas durkas killing each other in Karabakh and Dagestan


What do these countries think of Russia and viceversa?


A beautiful place filled with gyspies and durka durkas.

Niggers and opressors

Depends on the person. Some people hate Russia, some think that we must become allies

>he says while Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other in Donbas
Doesn't the video title say it's in Grozny, Chechnya?

Eh it mostly turns into some autistic flamewar when Armenians and Turks are both involved. There are few attempts but the results were always the same.
Even balkans can have some normal conversation at some point. Churkas always end up yelling to eachother.

No donbass is Ukrainians vs ukrainians

Unrecognised cunts, T*rks being overly butthurt (as usual) and terrorism

Balkans 2.0

Wars instigated by old Soviet policies.

Muslims and a few Christians.

Georgia is great ťbh, I was there last month

Lots of chilling, wine drinking, dancing and Russian hating

>georgians unironically belive that they are any better than other caucasians

Where did you visit ?

Armenians: pretty friendly. There are some problems cuz of the amount of people that left the country to go to Russia because of the collapse (fights, etc.). Afaik it was worse in the 90s and early 2000s when literally millions of people were moving around in the ex-USSR and everyone was poor, but apparently it's a lot better now.

m8 Azeris dont even know how to form a simple queue. I mean what the fug, it's almost 2017

Is that Gelati monastery? I was there. I also visited Tbilisi, Mtskheta and Khevsureti.

t. mamed

We are East Europeans getting called C*ucasians because of our locations

It's Gelati

>Georgian special snowflake syndrome
Pls... You guys got so much Armenian influence

lmao, you're as fucking bad as the others

half of all georgians are criminals

t. xaч


Laz the master race. Prove me wrong


Georgians looks like southern europeans not East


Ano. What did you think of Kutaisi generally ? We arrived there at night, it was deserted apart from the occasional passing car full of burly men staring at us, then turning back to stare at us again. Then when we got closer to the centre, mafia bydlo stopped to question us (in Russian), at least they were friendly. Then the next day the people we were staying with drove absolutely maggot shitfaced after polishing off a bottle of vodka to gelati.

Literally it is >this is me giving a fuck, the country

dat haircut tho.
why georgians are so obsessed with being european?

how do you travel to these unknown places

i cant even arrange a flight

>mafia bydlo stopped to question us (in Russian)

Because we are
end of the story

r8 me

Kutaisi was my first impression of Georgia, the centre is nice but there are not many things to see. I arrived at night too but the taxi drove me right to my hostel, so no problems. I also speak Russian (not fluently but OK), so I could talk to most shopkeepers, bus drivers, etc. with no problems.

WizzAir has quite cheap flights tu Kutaisi (at least from Budapest and Poland, dunno about the UK).

ნეანდერტალთა პირდაპირი შთამომავალი ბიძის მხრიდან


A chebureki po chem?

Georgians are lads

He looks like one of my uncles. Not kidding.


Armenia is so great with so much history, heritage and shit, but i havent seen any armenian poster. Only diaspora, which barely have something in common with homeland. Literally cigany

I was going to sign a petition in vilnius but then I saw all these immigrant Azeris (esp. women) deliberately pushing in front to sign it first, so then I thought fuck you im leaving. Like seriously, why cant you just wait in line like everyone else ? Have you ever heard of ordnung ? Also what's up with Azeri immigrants in lithuania overtly displaying their flag ? If you are in lithuania this is bad form, dont they realise that ?

I went with airbaltic but I'm sure it's even cheaper now that wizzair fly there from various points in Europe (which im assuming the slovakbro above took advantage of). Honestly it shouldn't be that expensive at all.

lot of crime

The only europeans that caucasusians had any contact with are greeks(thousands years ago) and russians.
Your culture is closer to the culture of Armenia and Dagestan than to culture of France or Germany, stop fooling yourself

Wtf i didn't even knew that there was any Azeris in Lithuania

>Your culture is closer to the culture of Dagestan subhumans (that we have zero similarity in culture)
>thinks Europe is only France and Germany

t. mamed

I was born in Armenia, left early but still have family and visit a lot.
Thing is, the ones that go to Russia are usually the poorest people and I admit that class has a lot of problems. The soviet collapse + war + earthquake + blockade from Turkey/Azerbaijan left their traces.

They looked Georgian though, Russian was our only common language since nobody speaks engrish.

Heh, when I arrived in Tbilisi the first time (early hours of the morning) the taxi driver was insisting i smoke one of his cigs, when I refused he said it must be because im a sportsman from Germany (wtf), then he stopped to get petrol and insisted I pay €20 for it, in addition to the taxi fare itself (he was more begging as opposed to being aggressive though). Because I was a little faggot I paid up no questions.

t."proud european"

I also didn't think there was till I went to the memorial of the khojaly massacre (fucking ar*enians)


>The Georgian mafia is regarded as one of the biggest, powerful and influential criminal networks in Europe, which has produced the biggest number of "thieves in law" in all former USSR countries and controls and regulates most of the Russian-speaking mafia groups.

>Georgia always had a disproportionately high number of crime bosses and still has a majority of the 700 or so still operating in the post-Soviet space.

Taxi drivers here are cancer desu.
most of them work individually. should've ordered from taxi company, they are cheaper with fixed tariffs. I think there are some company numbers at airports

You're fucked if you think Armenians didn't have contact with Europeans. And idk why you grouped us with Dagestan, completely different culture... But you're Azeri so lol

richest, here's shitton of rich armenians


Maybe, this was 2010 though. Mt lith friend studying on erasmus at TSU just told me not to pay more than x lari. I felt too ashamed to say I paid way more than that.

Also when I spoke to most people there I would always use Russian unless they were young in which case id use English. But my Russian is really basic ("is the beach that way ?"; "where can I find a restaurant" etc.), yet it seemed that people were noticeably unfriendly whenever I tried to use it. Is this normal ? I mean surely they could tell I was not at all a native speaker.

I already mentioned that caucasus had contacts with greeks and russians.
Also you should compare armenian traditional clothings/food with dagestani and you will see that they are not so different

>be hemshinli
>nobody likes you

This friend studying on erasmus was offered a shared flat for a nominal fee. The place was mostly ok but it had a coin operated elevator (which we got stuck in) and water only ran between 6hr00 and 22hr00. Is that normal ? Also why do you have a George W Bush Street in Tbilisi just like alboshit ?

well, taxi issue is problematic in every country desu, everyone had this experience.

Yeah, older Generation (>50) cant speak English in most cases, but younger generations do. Although it is the first time I've heard that someone was unfriendly because of that, tbqh. it's not an issue here. But most of the population is stressed because of the situation around here and rarely smile or express joy, perhaps it is the reason, why you thought about unfriendly altitude.

Pic related, guess who's the only one not smiling

no, thats not normal at all. but our university flat is disgusting desu.

And G.W. Bush is a thing because of Cuckashvili

Like this?
The pelt hat and sword looks Georgian/general Caucasian and the woman's wearing a headband cuz she's Muslim like Azeris
Also, no, Armenians that had enough money would often get educated in Europe so they had direct contact, not just through Russians and Greeks

I actually heard Hamshentsis don't wanna accept that they're Armenian and say they just adopted the language... Some actually went back to Armenia though, there's no hate

I see.
On that note, story time: my lith friends had their passports stolen while visiting Iran and just before they were about to cross back over into Armenia. The hungarian embassy representing Lithuania in the country did fuck all to help them but, in desperation, they tried the georgian embassy (for which their only relation was an erasmus exchange). Despite this, the georgian embassy helped them as much as they could as well as provided free of charge accommodation while they sorted the situation out. That, my friend, is unsurpassed hospitality.

>general Caucasian
That what i was talking about. There are less similarities between georgian/avar/avar/armenian culturess than european and caucasian ones.
Also thats not the type of contact that i was talking about.
I meant actual cultural trade and relations and not just few rich people getting european education

Why is georgian a sad russian man in his 40s? ;(

wtf how much do you travel you prick? I'm the guy who asked you for balkan tips

Clothing is widespread, because it was spread in Caucasus from Georgia, since it was a main center here. And so what? Australian aborigines also adapted English style clothing and English language, are they similar to Englishmen by other aspects? Hell no
Clothing is the only real tie that exists between Georgians, some extent Armenians and rest of the Caucasus.
Other than that (don't know about Armenians tough) Georgians have Culturally 0 similarity with North Caucasians nowadays (after Islamic degeneracy consumed them).
>"Oh look, similar clothes, they must be similar to eachother"
I bet you cant differ chocolate from Crap because both are brown

t. mamed education

A few rich people went back and opened European style schools, created political parties with European ideologies and started newspapers

I'd post more on /trv/ if they weren't such insufferable beard-sporting, dumpster-diving, left wing """world citizen""" twats. Seriously it's a board with so much potential but it makes me cringe everytime I go there.

Georgianbro knows what's up

I dunno, the population in hemshin were pretty mixed back in Ottoman or even old Armenian eras.
Ethnical speculations people point on hemshin are bit straightforward for me. The province is just a huge genetical mess.

Do laz and hemshin like each other?

So I'm about to live in Armenia for 2 and a half years starting in March (Peace Corps). What are some recommendations or tips by any Armenians, Georgians, and Azerbaijanis for living there?