The taco question

why are tacos so popular in australia despite the apparent lack of mexicans? i've unironically never seen a mexican in real life and so the existance of these """"people"""" for me is coming into scrutiny.
it begs the age old question: are mexicans even real people or just a meme the americans made up to make us buy their food?

but how can you be sure if something is real?

we know nothing about australia other than kangaroos

Yeah, the real world is kinda like Europe and North America friend, if anything is being faked is far off places in the southern hemisphere.

I've personally never met a Belgian. I'm still convinced it's just a ploy by dutch people to get me to buy chocolate and beer.

same with us cobber

When I went to Scandinavia, they have this "Taco Friday" thing. They use hard taco shells tho.

I think is the same case for the sushi, it's all over the world.

Are you saying you don't want your tacos?

I'm as real as that dildo you shove up your ass every night

He's onto us... I'll whistleblow - we even had them replace most of the Puerto Rican flags and people from California with this Tacophate of Mexico that we invented.

> i've unironically never seen a mexican in real life
there are literally no mexicans in australia yet we eat tacos anyway
what did the mexicans mean by this?

Arent those meat roll thingy from turk greek or middle east ?

It's the complete opposite here, never see a taco my entire life. If they are so good as 4chin claimed, why is that ?

>never see a taco in my life
Have you ever seen any food in your life?

Most restaurants in hk serves east asian food and se asia food, and occasionally italian foods and some american fast food franchise. I literally have not seen a mexican restaurant my entire life.

Mexi here. Post pic of your """"taco""""
Im under the suspicion that you eating american tacos and not the authentic Mexican tacos


Tell me... Have you ever SEEN a Finn? Can you prove that they're real?

They're not real, they were a russian invention time ago to make them look polite and smart while the secong world war

Because you're the most Americanized nation on earth outside of Canada, and you buy into all their stupid food fads.

This, also the eternal American is Jewish not even Anglo.

maybe you should learn more about Australia then, it seems relevant to where you live

>They use hard taco shells
we also use the soft ones, most people i know don't like the shells because they're just a messy way to eat, so we use a soft tortillas

We use both, but if it's in soft tortilla then it's a fajita, hard shell is a standard taco

>food fad
I've been eating tacos since the 90s

I'd say as far as foods go it's well past the stage of being a fad

GOOD post

Yes, I've met two Finns in my life actually, a man and a woman. Both extremely attractive, serious, reliable, smart individuals.

Its convenient, food wrapped in more food.
You can eat it with your hands, no need of utensils.
What's not to like?

are any of you able to provide any kind of proofs for your inconsistent conspiracy theorys or of the existance of a mexican nation full of ethnic mexicans

Of course we, the Mexican people, exist
It's not like we have proxies on all the time for the purpose of deceiving you phahaha don't make me laugh. Why would the American government fund this initiative in int and thr rest of the Internet yahahahaha Yo soy mexicano!!!

Y de uruguay :v

Aussies btfo

How often to Mexicans eat hard shell tacos? Are they covered in Dorito dust?


Our only hard shell tacos are round and fried.