Pls Sup Forums post the best noise related rock music you know

pls Sup Forums post the best noise related rock music you know.

this band live was amazing


I came here to post Charlie.




I've been jamming cows so much recently. Sorry in Pig Minor is such a great album

oh dang i actually haven't listened to Charlie yet, i'll check it out

also nice trips



Where can I find original animu of fuck?

Satan has good taste


New to the genre but these are my two favorites so far. Where do I go from hear?


>noise related rock music
As in noise rock?

Basically DFA1979 without the dance elements.

Underrated as fuck.

Fucking this.

What if the dance elements are why I likr DFA?


Then you probably won't like Girl Band. Check out their EP, The Early Years, to make a decision.

one of my favourite albums of all time
best track is 'Im Insane'

Sonic Youth - Sister





best boris album


yeahYeah! The best right here! underrated tho


Who's listened to this under the radar classic?

Seconding this, but pic related is also great.

justice is might is underrated

This is my favorite non Circle Jerked noise rock album.

This, so much.


better than any album under big black

This album is so good

What about the I.L.Y.'s


I love Atomizer but Songs About Fucking doesn't click for me, why? Even his Shellac work doesn't cut it for me, is Rapeman any better?

I love this album so much. Noisy industrial synthpop

Are there any other like it (aside from Crystal Castles)?

Black Dice




everybody wants to be my friend



ooooooh girl i love it when you make my asshole bleed


>mfw the screaming in the last track

Les Rallizes dénudés - '77 Live
Fushitsusha - Hisou / Pathétique
Ground-Zero - Consume Red
Harry Pussy - Harry Pussy
Laddio Bolocko - Strange Warmings of Laddio Bolocko
D!O!D!O!D! - Ghost Temple
Mainliner - Mellow Out
the list could go on...

>Les Rallizes dénudés - '77 Live

What does everyone see in this? I keep trying to dig it like you folks do but I can't. It's not terrible or bad. Just not that great.

Not even track 2 with the stolen Little Peggy March bassline?

Don't know who that is to be honest. I mean it's all good stuff but I dunno. I'll just keep listening I guess, it took me a while to love some of my favorite albums.

I mean I'm not sure what to tell you. Its not for everyone. I know I used to not like it either. The first several times I listened to it I feel like I was focusing too much on the 'content' of Mizutani's playing if that makes sense? Like I was really unimpressed by his soloing and the specific series of notes he played. But then I started focusing on the bass grooves and letting the feedback wash over me and it got much more enjoyable. Hes a lot more interesting for tones etc than more traditionally "good" guitar playing.

noise rock is not noise and is not related to noise you fucking dipshit high schoolers jfc

I'll try letting it wash over me. Thanks man.