/grimes general/

Discuss the splendid Canuck electronic artist Claire Boucher (aka Grimes).

Some cool stuff:
Flowcharts: imgur.com/a/iQk79
Documentary: vimeo.com/164942263
Rarities: reddit.com/r/Grimes/comments/4g84rl/grimes_downloads_various_rare_collaborations
Read this: genius.com/Grimes-i-dont-want-to-have-to-compromise-my-morals-in-order-to-make-a-living-annotated

Rule #1: be nice to Grimes. Rule #2: don't be an asshole. If you have a problem with this thread, please filter it.

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first for our almighty goddess-queen

cute music for cute people!

Some old (but afaik unreported in these quarters) somewhat combative Grimes interviews:

>The stylised, futuristic yet mythical creature she now resembles reflects her music perfectly, and also signals that, in tandem with the new album, Grimes has become the artist she intended to be. "I didn't have much control over my image in the past," she states, citing the video for "Vanessa" as an example. "It's pretty safe, but I mean, me dancing around in a pink dress? That's not exactly what I am, but it was a lot of fun to make." Perhaps her need to carve out her own niche derives from the constant comparisons to other female singers. "Every interviewer compares me to Kate Bush or Björk, like they don't know how to talk about an experimental female artist. I don't think I'm actually like them at all. I think I'm more contemporary, more relevant."

>When I sat down with Grimes, she was a lot more giggly than I would have expected, but she had a lot to say when I asked her about “not knowing any music theory” (a controversial rumor about her) and her witch house roots. Listen!

Cool. Post more rare interviews if you know.

she hasn't done many podcasts or radio interviews but it would be good to have them all listed and archived, along with the quality print interviews. i know fans of other artists have created interview archives, and this would be a good idea with her because of how often her words are taken out of context.

it's not like any interviews are truly "rare" if they've been transcribed in text online (the rare ones are only available as screenshots, or aren't even on the internet) but some have only been transcribed by fans and appeared on tumblr, and don't show up that well in google.

my fav is the happy reader.

thank you user

holy shit trashique is so
d e a d

I'm a dude but I tried to cut my bangs the other day but I cut them too short and ended up looking exactly like Grimes, especially in that picture. There goes the next two to four months. Too bad, Fall is my favorite time of the year and now I can only go out at night.

hey marcel

Jesus fuck you're right. It's time to kill myself.

I saw Grimes at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Grimes stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After the girl scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Grimes kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

wtf i hate grimes now

She's sick. She even canceled a recent show.

You should have changed it from Milky Wheys to jars of mayonnaise.

grimes is dead

I want to hug Grimey at least once in my life so that I could die happy.

Worth watching: vimeo.com/24793256

A short feature/interview named Big Small.

What makes you think she'd want that?

she's always sick. is it drugs??

probably, she looks really unhealthy.

It happens. Musicians - especially touring ones - are extremely susceptible to disease, after all. Fwiw to my knowledge this is only the first time she has outright cancelled a show all year.

Is her favorite song really "When Doves Cry"? "Little Red Corvette" is the far superior Prince song.

ewwww i didn't know she smoked cigs

little red corvette not even the best song on its album

When Doves Cry was an inspiration for Colour of Moonlight (Antiochus). WDC > LRC, IMO.

nothing ;_;
life is cruel

It's still better than When Doves Cry. 1999 is obviously the best Prince album.
Little Red Corvette is top five pop songs of all time for me personally

>(Not true, by the way.)

Daily reminder that Grimes studied a bit of neuroscience, so she knows how to make you to like her addictive music.

thats not sign o the times

i think my favorite prince song is Kiss tho

I like most of grimes' music but holy shit she is such an obnoxious feminist
Literally shoehorning it in anywhere she can to anybody that'll listen
also she looks like helga

she looks nothing like Helga. go away meanie

You don't see the resemblance?

You're mean. She's far from an obnoxious feminist. In fact she's a very tolerant feminist. She doesn't hate men or something.

>reading about her awful new song for suicide squad
>"people got the lyrics wrong because they're sexist, men always make things about them. Sexist!"

>be grimes
>make something
>the media always makes it out to be construed in a certain way
>anytime you bring it up, people get offended
who could blame grimes for growing detached from her fanbase? god knows at this point it's no better than sticking your dick in a hornets nest.


>Helga.. this is so fucking funny

Why do the people in these threads always talk like they're trying so fucking hard to be cute? You're just a bunch of ugly, scary men.


im a girl and im not scary

I'm a boy and I'm not ugly but yeah I'm scary lmfao


I'm a boy, I'm ugly, but I'm not scary lmfao


she cut off one of her friends for even publicizing that, which was just a mild observation about how shitty the press (written by women as well as men) is, not intended as some kind of epic feminist takedown.

meanwhile on Sup Forums today i saw three different people suggest grimes should be killed. reason: she's allegedly not fuckable.

let's see, who is more of an extremist, a message board populated by literal nazi incels who plot to rape and kill strangers, or a woman who calls twitter "too political," makes diss tracks against feminist journalists and throws shade at them in interviews and on instagram, attacked them on tumblr too back when she used that, lectured tumblrinas about how everything is inherently always going to be "problematic" and you can't censor art, and who, on the rare occasion she did make a clearly "feminist" statement, immediately deleted it- even attacking her own fans or friends if they tried to publicize it- because she didn't identify as a political person and intended that statement only as a thing for her friends to read, not to make a big statement against the industry.

and she was attacking pitchfork and spin (dominated by feminist writers) for falsely politicizing her words, long before she got involved with roc nation or went through media training. she didn't even have any manager when she deleted her tumblr for that reason in early 2013. it wasn't about not offending anyone and selling more, it was about the principle that music should not be politicized too much.

the first people on Sup Forums who politicize things are always the nazis. gtfo of the grimes thread bitches.


Oh. How old are you? Why do you still call people 'meanie' past elementary school?

bitch, i'm not that user but if you don't identify as "meanie" how about "cunt." just die already. we're never going away.

Holy shit, call the papers, the internet said something mean!
I literally get told to kill myself and get called a nigger (I'm white) on the daily and you don't see me whining

Neither I am the user who asked, but how old are u guys btw?
22 here

Cunt is better.


a million.

22 not really ha ha 19

whoa, wish I never get that older LOL. I much prefer die younger like at 30 maybe

so I've been listening to HANA lately and I got stuck to Clay. A very nice partner to Grimes don't u think?


i like her hair


nice comments


you shall have life eternal if you accept Her in your heart.

that's a shitty shrine

Be a Body



Know the Way

Kill V. Maim

its veganism. being skinny leaves you prone to virus's