What's your favorite album to fall asleep to, Sup Forums?

what's your favorite album to fall asleep to, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


the fellowship of the ring audiobook




Deep house and old house music.

I know its supposed to be dance music but damn, it can give some pretty chill atmosphere.





The only album I have ever slept to was pic related. Not even memeing.


album by the byrds mr. tambourine men

i fell asleep on necrophobic

i was gonna post Ruins by her, thats my personal sleep album of choice


Robert Rich - Somnium

free jazz

the one i did
love to come home at 4.am, think about my life decisions/being self analytical and fall asleep while listening to it
egoistical af tho

None, I don't want to miss any of it.


Ágætis Byrjun
usually asleep by Ný Batterí


George Ezra's voice is so soothing


Solid cuddle comrade material. Let us sleep together

Came to post this.

it's so comfy


Anything Blockhead or Anitek. L'Orange is good too

Peter sotos - buyers market


anything be these guys relaxes me


My nigga.


Don't usually use music to sleep (most of the time I just use cartoons because they force me to keep track on what's happening without being too busy like live action shows)

But sometimes I fall asleep listening to vocalists I've grew up listening like Kiske
Or Jimi Hendrix



i usually succumb in the middle of bells

Only after I've taken enough rohypnol

Division Bell



some parts of it are great for falling asleep to


Aphex's chill stuff
and Brian Eno

The xx - xx



Do you put your thumb down there while you're listening?


then samurai sword comes on

nothing will ever beat this

Only tried a few times and it was very comfy



Was going to post this


Merzzow but played quietly is like a white noise machine but with more of a lulling affect

true story senpai

Only thing that I can fall asleep to.

these 2

This honestly.



For anyone who needs sleep music, look up Lotus Toybox.
He's also the guy who makes Salad Fingers, but his music is fantastic. He's also probably a Sup Forumstant, or used to be.
Stringland in general is /sleepcore/. He put the entire thing up on youtube, so check it out.
