Bill Clinton Swag

All-time favorites edition. Guess things about other people's personalities and tendencies.

Other urls found in this thread:

I suck at picking all-time favorites, so here and some albums I (re)listened lately and liked.

Is wearing a hoodie right now.

has trouble putting thoughts into words

Bill Clinton is a corrupt rapist responsible for the deaths of millions

You like to flex your muscles
I don't know, meme?




you wear glasses

Cool ass dude
Does not like rap after Madvillainy
Likes talking about their taste
You're a music major
Trying to rebuild yourself after a recent breakup

Day dreams

And he likes the Police Academy movies. Fuck that guy.

Delightfully quirky.

>You like to flex your muscles
All those muscles of mine...

good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightthere rightthere

is still subscribed to FrankJavCee

Thinks Bird Up is the worst show on television

Feels bad for Drake Bell

Has a meme folder on his desktop

Yeah I did do that once, as in one time in my entire life.

>You're a music major
that's Sup Forumscore...


You're a sociable guy in his mid twenties who is personable and cool.
Sometimes people will try to be friendly to you and you'll shock them with how bitter and condescending you are, validating their initial impression of you that they tried to put aside.
You like to stay at home with the shades drawn wearing slippers and a bathrobe, drinking coffee and listening to music all day.
You see yourself as an outcast.

>having albums everyone has heard of in your all time top 4
plebs, the lot of you

Mostly meme magic

You smell really good

Get ogre her, dude!

Tight n wet

Wow you're a chump. Go back to chumpville, chump.


still a virgin
likes to sleep on the floor
has a cool sense of humor
was never into sports
his breath smells like cum
plays the piano
takes a shower twice a day
extremely ugly
loves hotdogs
has 25+

zones out a lot

forgot mine

Listens to Spotify recommended music
You own only black shirts
How can you even listen to Xiu Xiu, I can't stand that album you posted,. anyway, a strange dude, asociable?
Longhaired skinny dude that probably smokes
Guy in his mid 30s
Lonely dude
Massive faggot
Stop searching for a gs scooter from the 60s
>talk talk
My boooy
emotional issues

You're a Show off
Wears old beaten up Converse
A Father


how can i into moz solo career


Take everything you like about the smiths and leave it behind, then Listen to Viva Hate then Vauxhall then you are the quarry

>Responds to everyone in the thread to get people to look at him.

>wears old beaten up Converse
The only 100% accurate thing about me

It worked
Weird sad boi

I have a friend who's going into jazz theory or something, those are almost verbatim his exact favorites. Doesn't browse Sup Forums either


Even worse than the last one

fuck off and come back when you are going to contribute

Don't be mean, It's not his fault he likes the worst Beatles album

>Does not like rap after Madvillainy
aight aight i may be a backpacker but im not that much of a loseur. idk how/why someone could/would do that to themselves

>How can you even listen to Xiu Xiu
tahts a good question

you're feminine
you're sad about something or other
you're a pretty cool guy yourself
you enjoy wearing black
you're a loser, what a joker
you think joy is found through heartbreak
you are a cool dude
poor meme attempt
this is my broTHER



You smoke cigarettes that taste like figs and golden raisins.
Sometimes you forget to shave under your ears and get patches.
Sticks it to the man.
You rest on the edge between aloofness and stoicism.
Swam in highschool.

mate you're supposed to say something about the others.

Surprisingly sincere for someone who browses Sup Forums
ya hooba stank
You think nobody cares, but I do. I wish I could save you.
You have an ambition but have no idea what to do with it. You drift through life.
wont make eye contact with strangers
Not unhappy but daydreams about living a different life.
Owns a "make America great again" hat even though you honestly don't give a shit about politics or expect anything to change.
love you

This is the most accurate guess about me right now

you like having a great time and also have nice taste in music.
you dont wear shorts.
you are based.
you just cant stand life
you dont like eating and everyone thinks you are weird
you are a very relaxed person. nice tase.

this guy likes hip hop and his bruhs
probably a girl
has decent taste, probably lives in oakland
wishes new pop was as good as the relics
needs a hobby around other people before shit goes too far
left the grid and never came back


>tfw no (You)s

Here you go user, you have one now :^)



wait so dis is de tread o shet

enjoys "my feet hurt" memes

10/10 would not get along with

cool dude

enjoys being alone as much as i do

uses social media to show the good times he/she's having

10/10 would go to emo nite with


Funny how the ones who don't contribute anything are the ones with the shittiest taste

Lie about the smallest things and confess to big things


a little angry, a little depressed

you posted "wait so dis is de tread o shet


not smart enough to contribute

Cool guy when you talk to him for awhile and get to know him
Chill laid back but bold when he speaks
Nice guy that enjoys the simple things in life
Makes decisions off impulse instead of thinking first
Good taste
Smokes cigarettes


just angsty and whiny





Hid A what?

You sad, boi?

Would probably get along with you really well

I've only faintly seen the black and white one

Bloom? Wow, I see it posted here all the time, lot of Beach House on Sup Forums. It's great if you like dream pop.

first day, hehe

you´re just rating image memes faggot its not contributing. fucking attentionwhore nobody cares what you listen to

Over half the posts are people just posting their albums and saying absolutely nothing waiting for people to give them a buzzfeed personality profile and you're mad about my post? Not sure if you're one of the faggots I was talking about and now you're all butthurt or you're just Sup Forumsposting for (You)s.

Parties all the fucking time

Not who you're replying to but I'm posting my personality profiles separately cause I'm on mobile and it's a cunt to reply to multiple people at one time, so not all of us are doing that




daddy issues

my ex liked all 4 of those albums

didn't know you were on Sup Forums

You're a deep thinking kinda like Leon from season two of Mr robot
Pretty chill
Proto sad boi
You're very lonely
You like psychedelics
Shit taste in music
Pretty rude desu
Ultra light meme
You're 17 and recently started using Sup Forums after being banned from reddit
Nigga you meme'in
You said you have daddy issues so I'm going say you're a girl in her late teen to early twenties, you also liked to be choked during sex and call the person daddy, then cry after.



haven't seen mr robot, good enough?

Not my all time favorites but my current favorites. I know I'm late to the party but it's helping me broaden my musical horizon a little bit.

Appreciates old hip-hop and obscure sample work. You're finally deciding to take charge of your life.

Jack of all trades, yet not too proficient at any of it. Just average. Discouraged by this constantly. Takes naps frequently to "cure" boredom.

>I'm just projecting desu.

Would actually help if I added the fucking image

And you're a huge faggot, but you don't hear me complain.

different guy, but yee. first season pretty cool, haven't seen all of second. Rami Malek is pretty great, as is Slater
hey thanks, people describe me as chill all the time

I wssvyo sleppy xude

prefers winter over summer

You love your dad

A man who wants to leave his mark on the world; forever chasing the impossible.


teen/early twenties, likes to ride the bus with bigass headphones on, thinking About Life in a way no one has ever done before


what do ya think?

sexually confused
trying to make your way in a big citay

>inb4 about to jump in front of a train



