Circle is objectively the best

Circle is objectively the best

Agree, but this is going to upset the triangle contrarians and you know it.

It pisses me off, the colors are wrong

geometr4ic shapes are subjective your pleb

So we can all agree that squarefags are worse than cancer, right?

This is a comfy thread

Goodness is not objective.

shapes are subjective you gaylord
triangle is the best though

why is the circle blue?

circle > square >>>> triangle

blue >>> red >>>>>>>> yellow

Circles aren't even real though


>my girlfriend only likes square


We all know that pentagons aren't on this chart since it would be no contest if they were, right?

who /pent/ here?


Nigga please

Possibly, but not quite.
It's actually cylinders. Long fat big round juicy cylinders,
with 2 spheres on the other end.

*holds up spork*

>mfw im in a board where people like this pleb shit
dodecagon master race

>Plebs arguing over two dimensional figures


this is you

lol so random xdd

Sup Forums was a mistake

>3 dimensions

nigga pls

you do realize these are just edgy circles, right? edgy for the sake of being edgy, wow so original

None of you have done this before I can tell.
What a bunch of autistic 5th graders.

turn that just a little in any direction and your genre has a gaping hole in it

just like your mom's pussy

>Not posting the superior four dimensional object

Found the embryo.

what is the 21 pilots of shapes?

fuck off back to you containment board

pentagon fans are fucking cancer

a red parallelogram

this shit right here

Trianglewave is better than squarewave and sinewave

who /minimalism/ here?

Its called sawtooth

avant teen pls go

I bet you gave a straight line a 5/5 on rateyourshape


Your mum's wot?

>"the more dimensions the better" meme XD

lines and dots are the truly patrician shit

why not? can you not see the point?


Fucking pretentious hipster garbage.


Objectively the best metal shape album

>not posting the ultimate representation of the universe

>Its called sawtooth
On sawtooth you go up in a diagonal way and then when its time to go decrease the volume you go all the way down, like a squarewave.

On trianglewave you go up and down in the same way.
There is also reverse sawtooth that is the reverse of the sawtooth thing I said

triangles are objectively the strongest shape

doesn't mean it's the best genre, faggot. not everyone here flexes their muscles

I agree :^)

>The fact that many still considers triangles

Fuck off newfag

That's shite m8, an you no it.
We all live in a waterpark ride.


I mean, that's basically a torus, so we're both torusbros user.

How about both of you go back to school. You aren't even old enough to be here.

Who /Kochsnowflakemasterrace/ here?

2D plebs and "muh three/four dimensions" avant-teens need not apply.

>literally a special snowflake

I would offer up some ice for that burn, but you're already a snowflake so

Let me put point you in the right direction.

anglecucks detected

on all levels except physical, I am a Yau Calabi Manifold

Name your shapes - Autistic SPAZ Grand Deluxe Edition

Newfags can't even triforce

step it up bitch boy

Does this /trigger/ you ?

>implying free improv is a real genre
learn to use a ruler you talentless faggot

avant garde fags gtfo

I love punk shapes

My favorite album is "Rulerless"

absolute pleb doesn't even fuck with hexaflexagons

>learn to use a ruler you talentless faggot

>shapes are subjective
>choses triangles
tell me this is a joke

Post talentless Shapemakers

this triggered me

u no how we get down

So the moral of the story is, all the baddie characters never existed. They were all holograms displayed by R2D2's projector.
And it took ONE piece of paper to reveal this conspiracy.


Why can't we just agree that the triangle and circle are both some of the most important and historically significant shapes of all time? Fuck squarefags tho

Quints / over 9000 / like a bawse
Conspiracy confirmed

Circle = Life
Everything in life is a circle. Take a look at sacred geometry, the shape of consciousness, the "flower of life". Circle is objectivley the best shape.



ur glued to a square right now tri-fag

best post in this thread

Heptagons are objectively the best, only people with real skill can do these


Triangle should be green, square should be blue, circle should be red

Wrong board. Take this shit here

it's a meta thread you utter dunce

stop posting

>not triangle

Triangle is always upright. You're objectively wrong

this makes me irrationally angry

fucking plebeians don't even know about lines


I know about crossing them, which is what you did with this post

All the shape = WIN
and Pizza
Cowabunga dudes

Love those ones, from "The Shape of Shapes to Come"



that shape's for druggie degenerates

back to

>not being into alternative shapes
circle used to be cool but its fucking boring now. oval is where its at.