How is a skinny, manlet so confident

how is a skinny, manlet so confident

big nigga like him bound ta make em run for it

im sorry for some reason i read your post like lyrics and i felt like continuing

cuz he's black

He doesn't care about surface reality or real life

Ever did cocaine ?

does he?

He's not that short. He walked past me when I was waiting in line for their seattle show back on 2015. Wearing the same shit as in the on GP video. He was like 5"11

he's black, so obviously he does

He's 6'3.
And if he is able to keep that thin he probably works out
could fuck shit up

he's 5'10 zach is 6'2

hes 5' 8" stupids

>black guy with (western occult) esoteric tattoos
>obviously confident and advanced

for fuck sake stop posting this mediocre nigger piece o shit

Zach is at least 7 feet tall. My mom is a real estate agent and she said she was doing an open house of an apartment place in Sacramento. At the time I was looking for cheap place to live and she offered for me to come along to see if I liked it.
It was a fairly shitty place but I stuck around because my current wealth didn't offer high standards. At the time Death Grips didn't exist (this was 2008) and none other than Zach Hill was among the small crowd interested in the vacant flat. He was wearing a black t shirt that had "YANK CRIME" crudely written on in white paint. He smelled a bit and had long greasy hair but he wasn't all that out of place for the Sacto area.
While my Mom was professionally showing the features of the open kitchen Zach kept wandering around the room tapping on things with his open palm. And would occasionally stop and take out his phone and record him tapping on the object.
I'm kind of a talkative person so I approached him and asked what he was up to and he looked down and just smirked. Then he asked if I was into the math scene. I thought he meant actually mathematics so I reluctantly told him I wasn't into math and that I was an artist. He laughed so hard than my Mom stuttered and looked over to us but then continued her presentation. He then kneeled down which made his head about the same height as mine and just whispered to me "19/6 time signatures". I had no idea what he was talking about but then he just yelled "SELF CHECKOUT IS A GOOD SONG TITLE" Then ran to the exit to the room but smashed his head on the top of the doorway. He let out a weird fake sounding growl then fell to his knees. He stood up after about 10 seconds and just to the room "Please tell me somebody sampled that hella fuckin' noise!". He didn't wait for a reply then ran away.
it was only until 2011 that I recognized him to be Zach Hill. Who I at the time had never heard of.

I'm 6 ft and he's shorter than me. He's probably around

He doesn't care about anything.

He's anywhere from 5'10-6ft.

Because he has some modicum of a life and therefore isn't hyper-concerned with meme characteristics

He got that crack strength

ride is 5'9"

>has sever social and general anxiety
>constantly depressed and thinking about suicide
>abuses drugs

what a joke, and you are a joke for mistaking his neuroticisms for anything remotely resembling confidence.

>he's never seen death grips live

it's ok user

Bitch it's called stage presence

You put all your shit and problems aside and perform

Because he's very attractive and slightly muscular

Even at almost forty

lmoa why are crack heads so strong?

he stays noided

Pattinson is 6'1"

Whys he got dots all-over his chest and bell?

Because they don't actually care about or fall insecure to retarded internet may mays xDDDD

thanks, just realized I need to go to sleep

>mr t lookalike


that description always gets me


Anyone have that pic where someone identified every tattoo he has and the meaning

because the person he is on stage isn't the person he is privately, any performer will tell you it's easier to find confidence in that setting than it is with actual humans

His presence flogs your confidence

he stays noided

He's 6'2 in black inches
