First day of class

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "chiptune"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "OH YOU MEAN LIKE MARIO VIDEOGAME MUSIC???"
>can't bring up chiptunes without someone saying "XXDDDD VIDEOGAYME MUSIC"
why are people so dense?

Other urls found in this thread:



Chip tune is expressionism with shite textures


I went to an anamanaguchi show once with a friend and there was literally a guy playing on his ds in the corner

was this for the Miku concert or something?

I don't know what that means so I assume no. I remember Kero Kero Bonito was one of the support acts

Link your fav chiptunez

Dumb anime poster

here faggot, have another shitty song

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "Prog Rock"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "OH YOU MEAN LIKE RUSH???"
>can't bring up chiptunes without someone saying "XXDDDD VIDEOGAYME MUSIC"

>icebreaker about favorite music genre
>hmmm what should i say that will make me seem cool
>i can't say "experimental" because that's too general
>oh fuck i can't actually pronounce any composer names
>get asked what it means
>no idea how to explain
>mind goes blank
>reduced to babbling idiot


u guys have autism baka desu
just say u like edm or radiohead or whatever literally no one will care or be impressed

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "Jazz"
>Still no friends

Getting real fuckin tired of always being alone

not that user or op, but thanks kek


chiptunes are fucking video game music
and you will never have friends if you're writing this shit

ah, I see. They opened for that vocaloid tour and i heard the same about some people in the crowd just on their DS's waiting for a hologram.

Chiptune isn't a genre though. Good job.

what if you could have individual opinions while being socially charming?

that would be amazing

do u actually like spectralism user? what do u think of this? do u ever feel like most of the most "lauded" spectralism is just scelsi 2: electric boogaloo?

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "Art Pop"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "OH YOU MEAN LIKE LADY GAGA???"
>can't bring up Art Pop without someone saying "XXDDDD LADY GAGA"

The previous meme was regardless of the genre or the artist the last line still always ended in CHIP TUNE

They'll never understand us OP..

>This thread again

what are your thoughts on alex mauer

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "gachimuchi"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "Hey buddy! You got the wrong door, the leather club is two blocks down."
>can't bring up Gachimuchi without someone saying "I'll show you who's boss of this Gym"

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "medical recordings"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "OH YOU MEAN LIKE SPEECH AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE LARYNX???"
>can't bring up medical recordings without someone saying "XXDDDD PTKFDSMPVTXTZVGCHNBP"
why are people so dense?

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Respond with "minimalism"
>Someone asks what that is
>About to briefly explain it until i was interuppted by "OH YOU MEAN LIKE HANS ZIMMER'S SOUNDTRACK TO INTERSTELLAR???"
>can't bring up minimalism without someone saying "XXDDDD DUDE SPACE LMAO"
why are people so dense?

chiptune sucks unless it's literally video game music or directly imitative of video game music

i hate the "lol pop punk guitars with gameboy noises" meme

everyone who listens to chiptune smells bad

>nene has leaked into Sup Forums

Get the fuck out now

>First day of class
>Class does Icebreakers, and the topic of favorite music genre comes up
>Someone asks what my favorite genre is
>Tell him that "genres can only be useful for a limited mind who has been butchered by the decadent consumerism of our contemporary society ; deciphering the semiotics of sounds in the context of our finite understanding of the world without a priori suppositions is a much nobler task"
>Put Morton Feldman's second string quartet on my bluetooth speaker to illustrate my point
>Can't help but confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the mirror of atonality (as a mirror is not an empathic but a reflexive entity, alien to the space and time it reflects and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of human thought, comprehension and consciousness
>Reach rational ecstasy
>Someone gets up and says "what is this silent shit, user"
>Get angry at their rockist subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist white economies, but contain it
>Calm myself down by remembering quotes from Finnegan's Wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because I'm a spectator in the society of spectacle
>can't bring up a dash of intellectuality in the classroom without someone saying "XXDDDD DUDE SILENCE LMAO"
why are people so dense?

Thats not a meme


Just figh with my mother
feels really bad...