Are there GY!BE download files divided by actual songs and not by "movements"...

Are there GY!BE download files divided by actual songs and not by "movements"? I got myself Skinny Fists and F# A# from the Sup Forums archives but I hate the long ass song durations, on the wiki page the album is divided by songs.

>I hate the long ass song durations

Then don't even bother listening to Godspeed you stupid fucking idiot.

this desu

>stupid fuck
>baby's first post-rock

faggot please you don't even know who Bundy K brown or even who Directions are.

I was going to give GY!BE a chance but then I remember that it's shit-tier post-rock and that its fanbase is obnoxious and clueless.

Also, it's one thing have a minute 20 song in your album, but whole album being 3 30 minutes songs is just plain pretentiousness.

They're not even the same song with a long staccato, like "For Carl Sagan" from "Tarentel", they're just a bunch of random songs fused together into a long ass song and called a "movement" to sound even more pretentious.

Also this thread made me realize Sup Forums has been long dead, I reminisce about the times where I could argue about music with other anons, now everything is meme hop and k pop, you faggots from reddit and tumblr killed the board.

all three of you are stupid retards

well that gives you a good indication of the music

this may be the worst thread on Sup Forums right now

The long ass songs are songs, the short segments you are referring to as songs are movements, not the other way around.

They are meant to be listened to like that, why would you split them?

>Length = Pretentious
If you don't like long songs, that fine. I get that. But don't just say stupid shit like that.



i once changed the tracklist into the split up movements to see how it felt and it SUCKED

the tracks work perfectly as complete pieces

Get Audacity and cut them yourself

where did this gy!be songs being movements meme come from? i've seen it posted a few times in the last couple of days

>getting this upset about Godspeed You! Black Emperor, a literal fedora band.

the liner notes in F#A# and LYSF suggested as much, it even comes with a map the the structure of the song itself.

This thread is one of shittest threads. Fucking retarded.

i was under the impression that the smaller segments that make up each song are movements within it, not sure what you're suggesting. how are you using the word movement?



I agree with you OP
for my own music collection and listening purposes.

haters gonna hate.

> godspeed you! black emperor
> lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven
> she dreamt she was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty field
> """movements"""

Their band name, their album titles, AND their track titles are TOO FUCKING LONG. Their decision to go out of their way to call the sides of their album """movements""" is so pretentious that it makes Wagner look like AC/DC. This band is a cheap as fuck fedora band for pretentious faggots with no gf, a degree in engineering and a fuckton of autism. If you can't see this, you are sadly and simply an idiot. Sorry kids.


Your attention span is so short I'm worried you won't make it through this (You).

Fucking amen, dude.

Please kill yourself

Nah dude